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Ultraweb hu screenshot.png
URL http://ultraweb.hu[IAWcite.todayMemWeb]
Status Online!
Archiving status Not saved yet
Archiving type Unknown
IRC channel #archiveteam-bs (on hackint)

Ultraweb.hu is a Hungarian free webhosting service provider that was launched in 2002. Besides free webhosting, they also provide some paid services.

Site reconnaissance

Freely hosted websites are available under ultraweb.hu and uw.hu subdomains.

There is a per-category (subcategory) browser on ultraweb.hu that lists all websites registered. There are tens of thousands of websites listed.

Ultraweb's rules state that website owners are sent an activation email every three months, and unless they reactivate their account, their content gets deleted. However, based on the number of registered websites, this rule may not actually be imposed.

Takover and disabling registration

According to a main page announcement, from 2020-03-01, Ultraweb is operated by Comnica Kft., and based on the decision of the previous owner, no new websites can be registered.

Parts of the main page, however, have not been updated to reflect the changes (i.e. removing links to services not available any more). So it's worth keeping an eye on it.

By the way, Comnica is an IT company and seems to be financially stable.

     Hungarian websites     
Red entries indicate websites which don't have an article on this wiki yet. Striked-through entries indicate websites that have already been shut down.
Archives & Digital Libraries mek.oszk.hu  · epa.oszk.hu  · dka.oszk.hu  · webarchivum.oszk.hu  · NAVA  · Fortepan  · fentrol.hu
Blogging Blog.hu  · Blogter  · Freeblog  · Blogger.hu  · reblog.hu  · xfree.hu  · cafeblog.hu
Social networks iWiW  · myVIP  · hotdog.hu  · Baratikor.com  · network.hu  · Mommo  · privi.hu
Webhosting Extra  · tar.hu  · ATW  · Ingyenweb  · Freeweb  · Ultraweb  · x3.hu  · ini.hu  · ininet.hu  · G-Portál  · uCoz  · eOldal  · ewk  · 5mp.eu  · mindenkilapja  · Webnode
Forums, message boards* Index  · SG  · Nők Lapja Cafe  · Hoxa
Video hosting Indavideó  · Videa  · videoplayer.hu  · xfree.hu  · videok.hu
Image hosting Kepfeltoltes.hu  · Fotoalbum.hu  · Indafotó  · Kephost.com  · pics.coldline.hu  · kep.tar.hu  · noob.hu  · PSharing (a.k.a. ivPicture)  · Kephost.hu  · kepfeltoltes.eu  · kephost.net  · kepkuldes.com  · xfree.hu  · GTF Képhost  · fotozz.hu  · Kepkezelo.com  · keptarad.hu  · darkweb.hu  · fos.hu
Questions and Answers gyakorikerdesek.hu  · tudjatok.hu
File sharing data.hu  · toldacuccot.hu  · hellshare.hu  · addat.hu  · fileposta.hu
Document sharing doksi.hu  · Docplayer
Fun Demotiváló  · keptelenseg.hu  · csubakka.hu  · funpic.hu  · nemkutya.com  · legalja.hu  · szanalmas.hu  · trollfesz.cc  · gumicsizma.hu
Trash napiszar.com  · napiszar.hu  · netszar.com  · napiszar.org
Other .hu domains seed  · News+C  · moly.hu  · gyertyalang.hu  · Volán websites  · Szuperinfó