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URL |[IA•Wcite•.today•MemWeb] |
Status | Offline |
Archiving status | Lost |
Archiving type | Unknown |
IRC channel | #archiveteam-bs (on hackint) | was a Hungarian youth portal and social network that operated from 2005-10-01 until 2017-05-14.
The site was lanuched, and until 2013, operated by Sanoma Media. It was aimed at young people, providing them a place to introduce themselves and find friends, by creating their profile page, uploading photos and videos, and writing "magazine" and blog entries. Other features, such as polling, chat, games were also available.
The site was continuously developed, the last deep redesign happened in 2012.
According to Wayback Machine snapshots, the member base peaked around half a million accounts in 2008–2009. Soon it went down and stayed around 200-300 thousand. However, number of active users probably further decreased, supposedly with the genesis of Facebook, that became popular at about this time in Hungary.
In 2013, Sanoma sold the website to Dynamo Online, a newly founded small Hungarian company. Sanoma told that they did not find suitable to be a member of the portfolio of a multinational company, as its popularity decreased and could not keep up the competition with, for example, Facebook.[1]
According to balance sheets, the new owner, Dynamo Online wasn't able to make profit from the website, and this might be the reason for the shutdown.
Late April 2017, announced that they were closing the website on May 14, 2017.[2][3]
Original Hungarian | English translation |
Búcsúzik a HotDog...
Kedves Doggerek, Biztos sokan emlékeztek még 2005. október elsejére, amikor elindul a Sok tagunk a kezdetek óta velünk van, ám 12 év hosszú idő egy honlap életében. Sosem jó egy búcsúzást megírni, de most eljött az idő. Sajnos szomorú hírt kell közölnünk veletek. A idén, 2017. május 14-én végleg bezárja kapuit. ... Köszönjük az elmúlt 12 évet! Minden kedves Doggernek köszönjük az elmúlt majdnem 12 évet. Sokatokkal személyesen is találkoztunk, szuper nyereményjátékokon vehettünk veletek együtt részt, rengeteg csodás és kreatív magazint olvashattunk tőletek, de a vicces és komoly blogposztokat is említhetnénk. Jó volt végignézni, hogy sokan itt találtatok barátokra, párra, sőt sok kapcsolat azóta is tart és a szerelmespárokból házaspárok lettek, és HotDog babák is születtek. Jó volt, hogy mi adhattuk az alapot ezeknek a kapcsolatoknak. Mindenkinek köszönjük a visszajelzéseket, az építő jellegű kritikákat, és a kedves szavakat éppúgy. Búcsúzunk most tőletek ezen a felületen, köszönjük a szép emlékeket. | says goodbye...
Dear Doggers, many of you surely remember October 1st, 2005, when was launched. Many of our members have been with us since the beginnings, but 12 years are a long time in the life of a website. Writing a farewell is never good, but now the time has come. Sadly, we must tell you sorrowful news. This year, on May 14, 2017, is closing its doors for good. ... Thank you for the last 12 years! We thank all dear Doggers the last nearly 12 years. We have met many of you even in person, we could take part in great sweepstakes together with you, we could read plenty of wonderful and creative magazines from you, but we could also mention the funny and the serious blog entries. It was good to see you find friends or couple here, many of the relationships are still alive and couples got married, even HotDog babies were born. Great that we could be the basis for these relationships. We thank everyone their feedback, the constructive criticism and the kind words alike. Now we are saying goodbye to you on this interface, thank you for the nice memories. |
The last Wayback Machine capture was taken on May 13, 2017.
The after-closure notice on suggests that there is a Facebook group for ex-hotdoggers.
No directed archiving effort was made. All what is left are Wayback Machine captures.