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Gportal hu screenshot.png
URL http://g-portal.hu[IAWcite.todayMemWeb] and http://gportal.hu[IAWcite.todayMemWeb]
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G-Portál is the oldest and probably the most popular Hungarian free web hosting service with a built-in content management system. This enables users to build their website, with no web designing and programming knowledge, under a gportal.hu subdomain. The service seems to have been offered since 2003,[1] and seems to be still popular as of 2020 (but not as much as in the pre-Facebook era).

Site reconnaissance

According the website's own statistics, there are more than 170,000 websites ("portals") and 3 million users registered, with more than 140,000 unique visitors and 2 million page downloads daily.[2] However, this is a static page, and the number of visitors has probably dropped since then.

Note: Registered users can use certain features on G-Portál websites, that's why there are more registered users than portals.)

gportal.hu has a #432 Hungary rank according to Alexa as of 2020-10-16. In 2018, G-Portál was not present in the top 100 Hungarian websites, according to ITE.[3]

G-Portál has a full index of hosted portals.[4] The average number of daily visitors per portal is also shown there. The numbers aren't quite impressive, there are few websites that have more than 100 daily visitors. For contrast, in 2011, it wasn't uncommon that a portal had thousands of visitors a day.[5]


Since 2005, the service was operated by T-Online, then by Origo Zrt., which are big brands in Hungary. Since 2016, and as of 2020, however, it is operated by some Egonet Kft., which seems to be financially stable.


     Hungarian websites     
Red entries indicate websites which don't have an article on this wiki yet. Striked-through entries indicate websites that have already been shut down.
Archives & Digital Libraries mek.oszk.hu  · epa.oszk.hu  · dka.oszk.hu  · webarchivum.oszk.hu  · NAVA  · Fortepan  · fentrol.hu
Blogging Blog.hu  · Blogter  · Freeblog  · Blogger.hu  · reblog.hu  · xfree.hu  · cafeblog.hu
Social networks iWiW  · myVIP  · hotdog.hu  · Baratikor.com  · network.hu  · Mommo  · privi.hu
Webhosting Extra  · tar.hu  · ATW  · Ingyenweb  · Freeweb  · Ultraweb  · x3.hu  · ini.hu  · ininet.hu  · G-Portál  · uCoz  · eOldal  · ewk  · 5mp.eu  · mindenkilapja  · Webnode
Forums, message boards* Index  · SG  · Nők Lapja Cafe  · Hoxa
Video hosting Indavideó  · Videa  · videoplayer.hu  · xfree.hu  · videok.hu
Image hosting Kepfeltoltes.hu  · Fotoalbum.hu  · Indafotó  · Kephost.com  · pics.coldline.hu  · kep.tar.hu  · noob.hu  · PSharing (a.k.a. ivPicture)  · Kephost.hu  · kepfeltoltes.eu  · kephost.net  · kepkuldes.com  · xfree.hu  · GTF Képhost  · fotozz.hu  · Kepkezelo.com  · keptarad.hu  · darkweb.hu  · fos.hu
Questions and Answers gyakorikerdesek.hu  · tudjatok.hu
File sharing data.hu  · toldacuccot.hu  · hellshare.hu  · addat.hu  · fileposta.hu
Document sharing doksi.hu  · Docplayer
Fun Demotiváló  · keptelenseg.hu  · csubakka.hu  · funpic.hu  · nemkutya.com  · legalja.hu  · szanalmas.hu  · trollfesz.cc  · gumicsizma.hu
Trash napiszar.com  · napiszar.hu  · netszar.com  · napiszar.org
Other .hu domains seed  · News+C  · moly.hu  · gyertyalang.hu  · Volán websites  · Szuperinfó