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Borsodvolan bus.jpg

Volán companies were Hungarian public bus transport companies. Each Hungarian county had its own local Volán company (some counties more than one). They operated in that form between 1985 and 2015.

Centralization, round 1

In 2015, 6 regional companies replaced the 23 local companies. At that time, websites of the original companies with quite a lot of information (news, timetables, public procurement documents, photo and video galleries) would be discontinued. User:bzc6p archived some of them.

Successor Volán company Archiving status
DAKK Bács Lost1
Körös Lost1
Kunság Lost1
Tisza Lost1
DDKK Gemenc Lost1
Kapos Lost1
Pannon Lost1
ÉMKK Borsod Sa ved
Hajdú Saved
Szabolcs Saved
ÉNYKK Bakony Saved and Restored!
Balaton Saved and Restored!
Kisalföld Saved
Somló Saved and Restored!
Vasi Saved
Zala Saved
KMKK Jászkun Partially saved1 2
Agria Saved
Hatvani Partially saved1 2
Mátra Saved
Nógrád Partially saved1 2
KNYKK Alba Lost1
Vértes Lost1

1 Fragments can be found in the Wayback Machine.

2 Partial archive, as most of the content had already been (re)moved.

Centralization, round 2

In 2019, all regional companies merged into one single company, Volánbusz Zrt. Websites of the preceding regional companies are available as archives as of August 2020.

Website Archiving status

Centralization, round 3

At the end of 2024, Volánbusz, MÁV-Start and MÁV-HÉV merge. Therefore, their websites are due for archival at the end of 2024.

Website Archiving status
volanbusz.hu Saved (archives link TBA)
mavcsoport.hu Saved (archives link TBA)
mav-hev.hu Saved (archives link TBA)

Related websites

Website Description Status Archiving status
volanegyesules.hu Organization of bus transport and related companies. Seems to be active. Online Not saved yet
volan.hu Was linked from old Volán companies, now it seems to be losing its role of center of countrywide applicable information. For the other parts of the site, volanegyesules.hu seems to be its successor. Maybe the whole site will be useless one day. Especially that it is obsolete (both style and information) and broken. What's more, it utilizes robots.txt. Seems unupdated since 2014.
Update: Main page redirected to volanegyesules.hu as of 2016-10-12. As of 2016-12-26, subpages still in place, however. As of 2020-08-18, it redirects to menetrendek.hu timetable search site.
Discontinued Partially saved

     Hungarian websites     
Red entries indicate websites which don't have an article on this wiki yet. Striked-through entries indicate websites that have already been shut down.
Archives & Digital Libraries mek.oszk.hu  · epa.oszk.hu  · dka.oszk.hu  · webarchivum.oszk.hu  · NAVA  · Fortepan  · fentrol.hu
Blogging Blog.hu  · Blogter  · Freeblog  · Blogger.hu  · reblog.hu  · xfree.hu  · cafeblog.hu
Social networks iWiW  · myVIP  · hotdog.hu  · Baratikor.com  · network.hu  · Mommo  · privi.hu
Webhosting Extra  · tar.hu  · ATW  · Ingyenweb  · Freeweb  · Ultraweb  · x3.hu  · ini.hu  · ininet.hu  · G-Portál  · uCoz  · eOldal  · ewk  · 5mp.eu  · mindenkilapja  · Webnode
Forums, message boards* Index  · SG  · Nők Lapja Cafe  · Hoxa
Video hosting Indavideó  · Videa  · videoplayer.hu  · xfree.hu  · videok.hu
Image hosting Kepfeltoltes.hu  · Fotoalbum.hu  · Indafotó  · Kephost.com  · pics.coldline.hu  · kep.tar.hu  · noob.hu  · PSharing (a.k.a. ivPicture)  · Kephost.hu  · kepfeltoltes.eu  · kephost.net  · kepkuldes.com  · xfree.hu  · GTF Képhost  · fotozz.hu  · Kepkezelo.com  · keptarad.hu  · darkweb.hu  · fos.hu
Questions and Answers gyakorikerdesek.hu  · tudjatok.hu
File sharing data.hu  · toldacuccot.hu  · hellshare.hu  · addat.hu  · fileposta.hu
Document sharing doksi.hu  · Docplayer
Fun Demotiváló  · keptelenseg.hu  · csubakka.hu  · funpic.hu  · nemkutya.com  · legalja.hu  · szanalmas.hu  · trollfesz.cc  · gumicsizma.hu
Trash napiszar.com  · napiszar.hu  · netszar.com  · napiszar.org
Other .hu domains seed  · News+C  · moly.hu  · gyertyalang.hu  · Volán websites  · Szuperinfó