Hong Kong media

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The first half of 2021 has seen increased pressure from the Chinese government on Hong Kong journalism and politics, including asset seizures and arrests of key figures. Multiple outlets and parties have been targeted directly, some being forced to shut down; others have deleted large portions of their output, presumably under pressure. ArchiveTeam is therefore making a general effort to preserve this endangered media.

Type Name URL(s) ArchiveBot? YouTube channel(s)? YouTube archive? Comments
News Apple Daily See main page
News Stand News (立場新聞) https://thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:17rh8v1zlqhwn6dchvr34b370 UCGe96mv2FcdfQXmtSXYF_fA (0 videos) 601 videos in stash Shut down after police raid on 29 December 2021. Main site replaced with notice of closure; social media profiles deleted.

Stand News sitemaps + urls, plus House News Bloggers' sitemaps + urls, sent to URLs (once in June, once in December just before shutdown). Also had Facebook videos.

YouTube metadata on archive.org.
https://2021color.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:3adqmu9ih2mxfk22h9ymzesxj
https://64.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:8xxn3fiov7e1epjvxe6nk3sq7
https://928.thestandnews.com/ Partially saved job:2nh5ojtgwnh2fu2xyj2do0s2j
https://admin.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:hasne17c1l9xuwcwb0yxep2w
https://assets.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:3o74z6qmb2mbg963g4bmflfiy
https://api-standby.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:ajbjfpxofb3d6bz5asmt9x98k
https://atv.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:9rdryovhbujffawst0o1r5kx9
https://beta.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:2u9meo8tvfxvu4mhfnn8up6ku
https://dce2015.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:bmb3lxz5v82d7xru6qhavm5fv
https://dce2019.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:euegnrcdtmiylh38x49r6eboc
https://interactive.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:3umd8dc5wf9e4u0jhz3xwxn4u
https://kwest2018.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:3jiuoelo0gwf1f61rjk4q7vxe
https://legcobe2016.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:bhm1t9l2mc6ghbdtcng4gm46d
https://legcobe2018.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:4i1ii6lip9jwczabkkmaxubrh
https://live.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:374r2ae57w4o0klrr18jjb01d
https://mystand.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:2y1okyooitd4wgwgtp7ppdgab
https://polyu.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:c0wok54k61baqj4uia496l2c4
https://standby.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:h0c6vfd0twui1ukv26u0181h
https://web-standby.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:9ajk61hsh9xvvd8qd8z8zmu8y
https://www.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:17rh8v1zlqhwn6dchvr34b370
http://yuchengchung.thestandnews.com/ Saved! job:3cm096sprsb1p1ekkwc9h6m76
https://thehousenewsbloggers.net/ Saved! job:9h3vwmhp4ayvq0znnyqu0fbbk
https://twitter.com/standnewshk Saved! job:1pzlmuacmgtgl5ipygf5fh4uo
https://t.me/thestandnews In progress... job:ahls5rst2c1l6getnqtqzx8jq
News Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK, 香港電台) https://www.rthk.hk/
News Citizen News / hkcnews (眾新聞) https://hkcnews.com/
In progress... job:lf75t76girnio9enwa3ib8mm
In progress... job:cw0qc7ek13i6xoenbt4sj7bit
In progress... job:5w4rt3ob1caj1w7v2vxnarfjs
UC7K4DBOzdITZFOjGkea_CCA (3196 videos) 3229 videos in stash On Twitter.
News inmediahk (獨立媒體) https://www.inmediahk.net/ Partially saved job:9zrudhrz6et587660j5on397z (Behind Cloudflare as of shortly after job start; requires JS) UCZpf3t79EhVe83Z76FZipCw (888 videos) 136 videos in stash On Facebook, Instagram, and MeWe.
https://twitter.com/inmediahk In progress... job:1k0wutshqw4426ktdfm0iofrb
https://t.me/inmediahknet In progress... job:4n2bfpup6jf3no7kzqlq6n5co
News Now TV https://news.now.com/ In progress... job:edj9w0y4du8spu2blp69npgdl UCbNvkqzg5HRhlPfptjh6hjA (5619 videos) 5422 videos in stash
News i-cable news (有線電視 CABLE TV & 有線新聞 CABLE) https://cablenews.i-cable.com/ Saved! job:e3uw2mq9ewhp3jnsajodw5oi UC_q7e5XYJB0JDGagcF0KW0w (19999 videos) 2857 videos in stash Seems to be mass-deleting YouTube videos. On Twitter.
News Initium Media (端傳媒) https://theinitium.com/ Saved! job:1pt6iab7b6mq5elxem0yyhp0f UCavaX73lVLIMjzw3AkFm3Tw (191 videos) 221 videos in stash On Twitter.
News FactWire https://www.factwire.org/ Not saved yet (Behind Cloudflare; requires JS) UC5JpcU7ZNpkvYEw8VGF08_A (286 videos) 281 videos in stash On Twitter.
News Hong Kong Free Press https://hongkongfp.com/ Saved! job:6jjdqkhzsu9fg4numcnqt9efk UC36umLEHbPUS-lpucrXPcGQ (1215 videos) 1213 videos in stash Sitemaps + urls sent to URLs. On Facebook and Twitter.
News TVMost (毛記電視) / 100Most (100毛) https://tvmost.com.hk/ Saved! job:3b2v1ur8no00n97x5gnuuamna UCiJnCs2K5gP-DXnMxlstC9A (566 videos) 595 videos in stash Seems to be mass-deleting YouTube videos. On Twitter.
News am730 https://www.am730.com.hk/ In progress... job:dgf8c8f28vp7pz9x03wz1akrb UCr_L9cZdbBU_XDsKDHBBlew (4066 videos) 4034 videos in stash
News D100 https://d100.net/ Saved! job:4jd0xzmknpiw8yruriyz2z0us UCbmZSNWyEoM2xtWhbHRPo3w (14882 videos)
UCImzhO6oVNH47MhwMeRmZlQ (1263 videos)
21558 videos in stash
0 videos in stash
Seems to be mass-deleting YouTube videos from its main channel. On Facebook and Twitter.
News MyRadio Hong Kong https://myradio.hk/ Saved! job:7s5dezrffnv88wxt4wbmlngnj UCSJ7F-9d351iCvla2IzAQoQ (15979 videos) 15915 videos in stash Sitemaps + urls sent to URLs. On Facebook.
News PassionTimes hk https://www.passiontimes.hk/ In progress... job:47175ms1wchfu5fk9esz5gtdb (Firefox user-agent) UCoAf_IAZKhnUb0AajE5VSyA (10115 videos) 10022 videos in stash On Facebook and Twitter.
News localpresshk (本土新聞) https://www.localpresshk.com/ Saved! job:8ipsepjmos601016v1km1ecbc (Firefox user-agent) UCLMXAY3NBmFVW6AGWDBsWbg (old?; 106 videos) 106 videos in stash On Twitter.
News SocREC社會記錄頻道 https://www.socrec.org/ Saved! job:83k65h50p29cai8mhytej8tw5 UCg1-HnZBBnpB82g6saKc5FQ (@CHING; 2886 videos)
UCkeHs2r2D5dvM2HZ3gm8VfA (@Peter; 2380 videos)
UC8-eurGqHA2fIv1YCXGwuzw (@Tham; 1242 videos)
UCvhP7d6pkdGJPJJPD3IF6uw (@NicolasLo; 10 videos)
UCYdfPUiDoPoNmHtVHj3qMQQ (@梁日明; 559 videos)
UC6n42Le4OwQ0DivYiL6LJ7A (@danielwan; 859 videos)
UCA5RqLdwqlfkCOjzgVcPNAQ (@PeterLau; 133 videos)
UC7IdJqAsr7BjtM_ez0Q3Pag (@Carmen; 3 videos)
UCgCEzlvK1GOZdN2gc23hr_Q (@Jason Leung; 1 video)
UCt3aJ0SfeC5Gwq0mmVRCTWg (@Lung; 25 videos)
UCirwJtcoPr-Z2O2VEo6e3GA (@William; 3 videos)
UCy0iSefzhZU2g8Jmb14kiag (@Rio Kwan; 32 videos)
UCXme29YCz34M5IpNuWlK-3Q (@白影; 15 videos)
UCYtvmeGwhM3Nj6kirQQgVTw (@Ava Chan; 65 videos)
2827 videos in stash
18 videos in stash
1235 videos in stash
10 videos in stash
560 videos in stash
13 videos in stash
133 videos in stash
3 videos in stash
1 video in stash
25 videos in stash
3 videos in stash
32 videos in stash
15 videos in stash
65 videos in stash
Main site inactive since August 2020 (some videos are newer). On Facebook.
News IBHK (網絡媒體) https://ibhk.hk/ Saved! job:k23ku89hsmtomz2i1kr6ns6n UCM6X6LnkBbM1OEItu5_yiEg (737 videos) 5 videos in stash On Facebook.
News VJ Media (輔仁媒體) https://www.vjmedia.com.hk/ In progress... job:t3a18mcd5ettg3pyinxwgv03 UCWnqOoU4bv7uxieldp7nwiQ (15 videos) 15 videos in stash On Facebook and Twitter.
News The Encyclopedia of Virtual Communities in Hong Kong https://evchk.wikia.org/zh/ In progress... job:9e6c85g7zoyb9igrh1k1uuj3u On Facebook.
News HK01 (香港01) https://www.hk01.com/ In progress... job:bdxpxl40m0slg9g6ua9zm6djr UCTxyBu9VWUq5LXezXwy_SGg (11491 videos) 11301 videos in stash On Facebook and Twitter.
News Truth Media Hong Kong https://tmhk.org/ Saved! job:aa3zn62baaal0c5p5oe41p142 UCPJGOTbtle2zjkziXLBkmHA (5065 videos) 228 videos in stash On Facebook and Twitter.
News hkpeanut (香港花生) https://hkpeanuts.com/ Not saved yet (Lost?) UCsaaqRi_Y0a1-MmdHG7FypQ (14038 videos) 13568 videos in stash Currently offline. On Facebook.
News memehongkong https://memehk.com/ Not saved yet (Lost?) UCu_YquoQYKR3GpP82TO-zRw (20000 videos) 33069 videos in stash Currently offline, but was online as of 27 June. Related: Founder Stephen Shiu Yeuk Yuen on Twitter. On Facebook.
News Mingpao (明報) https://www.mingpao.com/ Not saved yet UCk8a6ogkkg1EcVysur1Wb9A (8344 videos) 7914 videos in stash
News Polymer https://polymerhk.com/ Not saved yet (Partially saved?) UC-lVeL_4vOoRDCzpOWkB-Cw (old; 5 videos) 5 videos in stash Currently "under maintenance", but was online as of 23 June. Sitemaps + urls sent to URLs. On Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
News House News (主場新聞) http://thehousenews.com/ Lost Predecessor of Stand News. On Facebook.
News DB Channel (加山傳播) https://www.dbchannel.hk/ Not saved yet (Lost?) Currently offline. On Facebook.
News Campus TV, Hong Kong University Student Union https://campustv.hkusu.hku.hk/ Saved! job:3mlqxldpfvwexyu8tblh1bwgh UCyJgKokTRquvxDtTXCDvPvg (1053 videos) 1025 videos in stash On Facebook and Twitter.
News Undergrad, Hong Kong University Student Union https://www.undergrad.hk/
Not saved yet
Not saved yet
Not saved yet
Not saved yet
Sitemaps + urls sent to URLs. On Facebook (twice) and Instagram.
Org Chinese University Student Union http://www.cusu.hk/ Not saved yet (Lost?) Currently offline. On Facebook.
News U-Beat Magazine, Chinese University https://ubeat.com.cuhk.edu.hk/ In progress... job:15ade6ggkvt4n37v1kck8lpa8
News Chinese University Student Press http://cusp.hk/
In progress... job:4f6ge2nixqhfs23nvefobnnwj
Not saved yet
On Facebook.
Org City University Student Union Editorial Board On Facebook (twice).
Org Baptist University Student Union Editorial Board On Facebook.
News Catholic Hong Kong Diocese Weekly Newspaper https://kkp.org.hk/
Not saved yet (Lost?)
Not saved yet
HTTPS currently offline, but HTTP working.
News October Review https://october-review.org/ Not saved yet Product of the Revolutionary Communist Party of China.
Party Neo Democrats (新民主同盟) http://www.neodemocrats.hk/ Not saved yet (Lost?) Currently offline; disbanded 26 June.
Party Demosisto (香港眾志) https://demosisto.hk/ Lost Currently offline; disbanded 30 June 2020. On Facebook and Twitter.
Party Power for Democracy (民主動力) http://www.pfd.org.hk/ Not saved yet (Redirects to Facebook) Inactive; disbanded 27 February. On Facebook.
Party People Power (人民力量) http://www.peoplepower.hk/ Not saved yet (Redirects to Facebook) UC5tqhizKIdEiv0Qw_AAah0Q (2,232 videos) 10 videos in stash Some members detained. On Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. YouTube.
Party League of Social Democrats (社會民主連線) https://www.lsd.org.hk/ Saved! job:bhbxo9hdhqz10vabj006ef9zy Two vice-chairmen arrested. On Facebook and Telegram.
Party HK First (香港本土) Co-founder Claudia Mo detained. On Facebook.
Party Team Chu Hoi-Dick of New Territories West (朱凱廸新西團隊) UCiW1RTpk47axQCf99MNjV4A (55 videos) 0 videos in stash Inactive; disbanded 20 May after founder Eddie Chu (on Twitter) arrested. On Facebook (behind login wall).
Party Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood (香港民主民生協進會) http://adpl.org.hk/ Saved! job:4n3us31311m1gr0b4l8na1res Chairman Sze Tak-loy arrested. On Facebook and Twitter (no posts).
Party Community Sha Tin (沙田區政) Inactive; disbanded 25 June. On Facebook.
Party Victoria Social Association (維多利亞社區協會) Inactive; disbanded 30 June. On Facebook (behind login wall).
Party Community March (社區前進) https://medium.com/community-march Not saved yet Main site inactive since September 2019. On Facebook.
Party Community Alliance (區政聯盟) On Facebook (twice).
Party Tai Po Democratic Alliance (大埔民主聯盟) On Facebook.
Party Tin Shui Wai Connection (天水連線) https://www.tswconnection.com/ Saved! job:a1n3r585v5xl80lv1jhpgqj40 On Facebook.
Party Neighbourhood and Worker's Service Centre (街坊工友服務處) http://www.nwsc.org.hk/ Saved! job:76d2aqhrfiaitnzrdrpuefffk UCwpBgmECkIqUcFA2mlryM6g (32 videos) 0 videos in stash On Facebook (and as a public group).
Party Concern Group for Tseung Kwan O People's Livelihood (將軍澳民生關注組) On Facebook.
Party Shau Kei Wan East Future (灣東願景) On Facebook.
Party Quarry Bay Waterfront Concern Group On Facebook.
Party HTTH Environment Concern Group On Facebook.
Party Democratic Alliance (元朗天水圍民主陣綫) http://www.hk-makwongdco.org/ Not saved yet (Lost?) UCg9fM4SFNnf_GGe4VCxfCrQ (3 videos) 3 videos in stash Currently offline. On Facebook.
Party Professional Commons (公共專業聯盟) http://www.procommons.org.hk/ Not saved yet On Facebook.
Party Tuen Mun Community Network (屯門社區網絡) On Facebook.
Party Deliberation Tsuen Wan (荃民議政) https://www.deliberationtw.org/ Not saved yet On Facebook.
Party Civic Passion (熱血公民) https://civicpassion.hk/ Not saved yet UCs5ZWVQxw-2z8tSPzU9MynQ (1098 videos) 3 videos in stash Last remaining opposition party in the Legislative Council. On Facebook and Twitter.
Party Labour Party (工黨) http://www.labour.org.hk/ Saved! job:8ufomebmjhv6mqbr4m5qchbhy UCMVN89M0j0eqted3rkImZVA (192 videos) 0 videos in stash Larger pro-democracy party. On Facebook and Twitter.
Party Civic Party (公民黨) http://www.civicparty.hk/ Saved! job:1uhep34dvidkuymuw24cioi65 UCrTVyXyVf5FkTCo9O34-9Cg (380 videos) 398 videos in stash Larger pro-democracy party. On Facebook and Twitter.
Party Democratic Party (民主黨) http://www.dphk.org/ Saved! job:2liicu446kajktsh8x0jsz1rl UCCACUWGZMdVWnZOUWRFHwCA (358 videos) 0 videos in stash Larger pro-democracy party. On Facebook and Twitter.
Org Civil Human Rights Front (民間人權陣線) https://www.civilhrfront.org/ Not saved yet Inactive; considering disbanding. On Facebook and Twitter.
Org Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China (香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會) http://www.alliance.org.hk/ (redirects to https://hka8964.wordpress.com/)
Partially saved job:3smv9t9hrvi8ok7zu5hptsa5w (run 3 June)
Saved! job:1pnaagz7vip91yerfh5zelecu
UCstMy7VEhd-bpwenVyTSTWA (1036 videos) 966 videos in stash Vice-chairman arrested; June 4th museum closed. On Facebook (twice), Instagram, Telegram, and Twitter.
Org Wallfare (石牆花) https://wallfarehk.com/ Not saved yet UC5hwstQ21pO3IuQhSCgbgCg (387 videos) 0 videos in stash (job in progress) On Facebook and Instagram.
Org 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund (612人道支援基金) https://612fund.hk/ Saved! job:afy8w4dk8e8a161lb0mni7sdr On Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (no posts).
Org April Fifth Action Group (四五行動) https://april5action.blogspot.com/ Not saved yet Inactive; co-founder detained.
Org Information Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (中国人权民运信息中心) http://hkhkhk.com/ Not saved yet (Lost?) Majority of site deleted 17 June, but some content remains.
Org Hong Kong Democratic Foundation http://www.hkdf.org/ Not saved yet Inactive since September 2020.
Org Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute https://www.pori.hk/ Saved! job:2mg7n862ov6bza6yje2m5hl4m
Org Asia Monitor Resource Centre (亞洲專訊資料研究中心) http://www.amrc.org.hk/ In progress... job:c575i868d9icjqk4x12yxp1cb UC2iYknn-AQpdh1XyKidiMPA (38 videos) 0 videos in stash On Facebook and Twitter.

This project is currently moving quickly; see IRC and the etherpad for more.