Stack Exchange

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Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange logo
StackExchange - 1-23-21.png
URL and many more
Status Online!
Archiving status Saved by itself
Archiving type Unknown
IRC channel #stackunderflow (on hackint)

StackExchange is the biggest Q&A network of the 2010s. The software is proprietary (although there are ports like AskBot), and the content is freely licensed (CC-BY-SA).

  • Dumps were published every few months at
    • These dumps were briefly discontinued some time after 2023-03[1][2][3], but were resumed after pressure from various sources on 2023-06-14[4].
    • On 2024-07-12, it was announced[5] that these dumps would no longer be publicly accessible on Instead, they will now be available for download on the settings page after logging in. Additionally, users must agree to new terms before being permitted to download the dumps:

      "I understand that this file is being provided to me for my own use and for projects that do not include training a large language model (LLM), and that should I distribute this file for the purpose of LLM training, Stack Overflow reserves the right to decline to allow me access to future downloads of this data dump."

  • archives deleted questions

ZIM format:
