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Czech portal for current and past classmates
Czech portal for current and past classmates
URL spoluzaci.cz
Status Offline
Archiving status Partially saved (public pages)
Archiving type Unknown
IRC channel #archiveteam-bs (on hackint)
Project lead User:Sanqui

Spolužáci.cz is a Czech portal providing spaces for school class groups. Among the features it gives a class is a list of classmates and teachers, a forum, and a place to upload photographs and documents. Most classes are password protected or invite-only.

Spolužáci.cz was started in 1999. In 2004 Seznam took over it. Prime years ensured up until Facebook took over all its usage. On 2018-04-05, shutdown was announced due to the new GDPR law as well as a decline in users. [1]

From 2018-05-24, it was no longer be possible to create new groups or register, but current users will be able to download documents and photographs.

On 2018-08-31, Spolužáci.cz has ceased to function.

URLs to scrape

URL Permission Description
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/ Guest List of districts
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/?folderId=\d+ Guest List of municipalities per district, or list of schools per municipality
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/schoolScreen?schoolId=\d+ Guest Basic school info, list of classrooms
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/classroomScreen?classroomId=\d+ User Redirects to noteboard if a memeber, otherwise the join page for classroom (with surnames and hint)
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/nastenka/trida/\d+ Classmate Class noteboard
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/noteboardInterfaceScreen.html?method=contrib-list Classmate Class noteboard XHR request. POST data:
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/listClassmatesScreen?classroomId=\d+ Classmate List of classmates
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/classmateScreen?classroomId=\d+&classmateId=\d+&pageNumber=\d+ Classmate Classmate personal details, pagination for comments
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/listTeachersScreen?classroomId=\d+ Classmate List of teachers
??? Classmate Teacher details
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/fotogalerie/trida/\d+ Classmate Photo gallery
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/fotogalerie/trida/\d+/album/\d+?pageNumber=\d+ Classmate Photo gallery album
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/fotogalerie/trida/\d+?classmateId=\d+ Classmate Classmate's personal photo gallery
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/videogalerie/trida?classroomId=\d+ Classmate Video gallery
??? Classmate Video
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/dokumenty/trida/\d+ Classmate Class documents. TODO Pagination? Folders?
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/dokumenty/trida/\d+/detail/\d+ Classmate Class document details
http://spoluzaci.cz/dokumenty/stazeni?docId=\d+&path=\base64 Classmate Direct document download
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/dokumenty/trida/\d+/stazeni-diskuze/classroom Classmate Direct school discussion backup download (feature removed in 2011)
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/schoolScreen?schoolId=\d+&page=teacher&classroomId=\d+ Schoolmate List of school teachers (must have valid classroomId for other links to work)
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/teacherScreen?teacherId=\d+&classroomId=\d+ Schoolmate School teacher details (must have valid classroomId)
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/schoolScreen?schoolId=\d+&classroomId=\d+&page=noteboard Schoolmate School noteboard
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/nastaveni/spravce/trida/\d+ Class admin Class settings
https://www.spoluzaci.cz/nastaveni/spravce/trida/\d+?page=access Class admin Settings for class access


On 2018-08-29, Sanqui archived spoluzaci.cz (job:1nfcress8a27s2kjga5a4dedd). This only captures the public portion of the website.

     Czech and Slovak websites     
Webhosting WebzdarmaInternet CentrumEStránky.czwebnode.cz

Sweb.czblog.czhostuju.czszm.comwebgarden.cz (jex.cz)


Social media Spolužáci.czLidé
Photo and file hosting uloz.torajce.net
Message boards okoun.cznyx.cznyx.czHOFYLAND.CZLopuch.cz
Fandoms Pikachu.czPJZ.czHOCZBronies.czfurry.czFurrici.info