Lulu Poetry

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Lulu Poetry or, announced on May 1, 2011 that they would close four days later on May 4, deleting all 14 million poems. Archive Team members instantly amassed to find out how to help and aim their LOIC's at it. (By the way, I actually mean their crawlers, not DDoS cannons.)

For everyone who left wget running last night, we noticed that the site would go out periodically, serving pages that told of "site maintenance" instead of the poem page that wget was looking for. So we're having to find those files, delete them, then re-download them. See Tools for more info.

Site Structure

The urls appear to be flexible and sequential:
(12:13:09 AM) closure: , heh, look at that, you can just put in any number you like I think
(12:15:16 AM) closure: same for the users
There are apparently over 14 million poems. The numbers go up to, though interspersed are urls without poems (author deletions?).


  1. Claim a range of numbers below.
  2. Generate a hotlist of urls for wget to download by running this, editing in your start and end number: perl -le 'print "$_/" for 1000000..2000000' > hotlist
  3. Split the hotlist into 100 sublists: split hotlist
  4. Run wget on each sublist: wget -x i xaa
  5. To avoid getting too many files in one directory, which some filesystems will choke on, recommend moving into a new subdirectory before running each wget on the sublist.
  6. For the daring, here's how to run all wgets on all the sublists in parallel, in subdirs: for x in ???; do mkdir $x.dir; cd $x.dir; wget -x -i ../$x &; cd ..; done

Important note: Everyone's getting a lot of 500 errors, probably because we're whacking their server. Because of this, make sure you keep all your log files. Then you can search them later to generate a list of urls to retry. Suggested ways to do this:

  • run the command grep -h -B1 "ERROR 500" *.log | grep ^http | sed 's/:$//'
  • use a perl script to search your download directory for missing folders in the sequence

Recommended wget command: wget -E -k -T 8 -o logfile.log -nv -nc -x -i urls.txt

  • experimental: using --max-redirect=0 may solve the "site maintenance" problem. Not fully tested yet.
wget Options Translation
short long version meaning
-E --adjust-extension adds ".html" to files that are html but didn't originally end in .html
-k --convert-links change links in html files to point to the local versions of the resources
-T --timeout= if it gets hung for this long (in seconds), it'll retry instead of sitting waiting
-o --output-file use the following filename as a log file instead of printing to screen
-nv --no-verbose don't write every little thing to the log file
-nc --no-clobber if a file is already present on disk, skip it instead of re-downloading it
-x --force-directories force it to create a hierarchy of directories mirroring the hierarchy in the url structure
-i --input-file use the following filename as a source of urls to download


Who is handling which chunks of urls?
IRC name starting number ending number Progress
closure 0 200,000 complete
closure 200,000 999,999 in progress
jag 1,000,000 2,000,000 in progress
notakp 2,000,000 3,000,000 in progress
no2pencil 3,000,000 3,999,999 in progress
d8uv 4,000,000 4,499,999 in progress
Qwerty01 4,500,000 4,999,999 getting started
Awsm ??? ??? in progress?
underscor ??? ??? in progress?
BlueMax ??? ??? in progress?
SketchCow ??? ??? in progress?
alard 9,000,000 9,999,999 in progress
[yourusernamehere] x,000,000 x,999,999 in progress
[seriouslyeditme] x,000,000 x,999,999 in progress


When the site is under "site maintenance," instead of the poem page, it gives wget a page that says "site maintenance." So worse than a complete failure, it gives a complete html file that's incorrect. You can find them using this command: find [yourdirname] -type f -print0 | xargs --null grep -l "performing site maintenance"

For detecting server maintenance issues, I created the following correction script:

flist=`grep "currently performing site maintenance" *.html | cut -d: -f1`

for file in ${flist};
 if [ -f ${file} ];
    echo correcting ${file}
    html=`echo ${file} | cut -c5-11`
    wget -E${html}/ -O poem${html}.html 2>/dev/null
    echo done...
    x=`expr ${x} + 1`

if [ ${x} -eq 0 ]; 
  echo Directory clean
  echo ${x} files corrected