This page contains messy lists of URL shorteners that have not yet been checked or deduplicated. Please move them to the relevant section on URLTeam (commenting with at least the date) when you do check them.
swebb's list from his 2014 twitter crawl
shortenurl/wiki/URLShorteningServices and longurl.org/services
From: http://code.google.com/p/shortenurl/wiki/URLShorteningServices[IA•Wcite•.today•MemWeb] From http://longurl.org/services[IA•Wcite•.today•MemWeb]
(filtered out ones with no DNS, or a server that didn't respond with status code 200)
- go.9nl.com - claims this shorturl has been removed (?) as of 01:29, 21 June 2016 (EDT)
- good.ly - seems alive, looks like it shows ads when shortening, claims to donate some of the ad money to charity as of 01:29, 21 June 2016 (EDT)
- hiderefer.com / nullrefer.com -- blocked by browser as a "web forgery", seems up but unclear what it exactly does as of 01:11, 3 April 2016 (EDT)
- nbc.co - redirects to NBC TV site as of 01:29, 21 June 2016 (EDT)
- t.cn - redirect to weibo.com as of 01:08, 21 June 2016 (EDT)
From http://mashable.com/2008/01/08/url-shortening-services[IA•Wcite•.today•MemWeb]
As of 01:26, 15 February 2017 (EST)
- iscool.net - no longer appears to be a url shortening service
- linkslice.com
- paulding.net/bin/url.cgi - broken, "no more broken urls!"
- profile.to - cloudflare error, may come back
- shorterlink.com - blank page
- url.lotpatrol.com
- sitelutions.com/info/slredirection - domain forwarding service, doesn't really seem to be a url shortener
- starturl.com - "not available at this time", may come back
- ulimit.com - "Something broken. You're on default site.", may be fixed?
- urlao.com
- webalias.com - free domain redirection service, not really a url shortener
- c-o.in (redirects to http://hhhosting.com/?f)
- cuturls.com
- digipills.com/tinylink/introsafe.htm - redirects to main page
- dn.vc
- durl.us
- dwarfurl.com
- ezurl.eu
- faceto.us
- fhurl.com
- flingk.com - does not appear to be a url shortening service anymore
- fly2.ws
- get-shorty.com - clickbait articles now
- get-url.com
- hotredirect.com
- liteurl.net
- lnk.in
- memurl.com - redirects to admarketplace.com
- myurl.in - seems to be a domain/hosting reseller now
- nanoref.com
- netshortcut.com
- ne1.net - dns fail
- oboeyasui.com - does e-books now
- redirx.com - only redirx to godaddy domain squat page now
- rubyurl.com - dns fail
- shim.net - for sale
- shortenurl.com - redirects to pchardware.co.uk
- shortio.com - dns fail
- shortlinks.co.uk - dns fail
- shoturl.us - dns fail
- shrinkurl.us - connection refused
- shurl.net - for sale/squatter
- simurl.com - for sale/squatter
- traceurl.com
- truncurl.com - / is forbidden! (so is the error page!)
- turo.us - dns fail
- tweetl.com - squatter/sponsored links
- twittu.ms - dns fail
- urlbee.com - for sale/squatter
- url.co.uk - dns fail
- urlcutter.com - timed out
- urlhawk.com - for sale/squatter
- u76.org - dns fail
- vdirect.com - redirects to https://ftrsecureupgrade.com/trial/90DAY "This campaign has ended"
- x.se
- xil.in - redirects to http://www.hitmedia.in/ with an _"under construction"_ image
- zootit.com - for sale/squatter
- 6url.com - iis default page
Not copied in yet
From http://dig.do/about/url-shortener[IA•Wcite•.today•MemWeb]
Sorted by HTTP status returned as of 15:48, 15 May 2016 (EDT) All the ones that returned 200 already integrated.
000 hide4.me/ 000 iiiii.in/ 000 shrinkonce.com/ 301 4u2bn.com/ 301 adbooth.com/ 301 adbooth.net/ 301 b2s.me/ 301 cc.cr/ 301 cf6.co/ 301 ilikear.ch/ 301 magiclinker.com/ 301 multiurlscript.com/ 301 nicbit.com/ 301 shrt.in/ 301 ty.by/ 302 jetzt-hier-klicken.de/ 302 tab.bz/ 403 adfa.st/ 403 adurl.biz/ 403 bih.cc/ 403 gooplu.com/ 403 short2.in/ 403 tinyurl.ms/ 500 onelink.ir/
From http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/url-shortening-services-the-ultimate-list/[IA•Wcite•.today•MemWeb]
not copied in yet
English Wikipedia (deleted)
From https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Undelete&target=List+of+URL+shorteners×tamp=20130302152210[IA•Wcite•.today•MemWeb]
- abbrr.com
- beam.to
- big.at
- bitly.com
- BurnURL.com
- ctvr.us - redirects to cityvoter.com as of 03:09, 19 August 2016 (EDT)
- dai.ly - redirects to Daily Motion as of 03:09, 19 August 2016 (EDT)
- fbshare.me - a tool, related to awe.sm as of 00:29, 6 October 2016 (EDT)
- Fly.ws - official one for WestJet(?) 00:29, 6 October 2016 (EDT)
- ge.tt - file sharing site as of 00:29, 6 October 2016 (EDT)
- gocut.com - random business site as of 00:29, 6 October 2016 (EDT)
- go.ign.com
- go.me - redirects to godaddy; not clear if active or not 02:13, 4 December 2016 (EST)
- Just.as - seems alive, but not public shortening, as of 18:32, 4 December 2016 (EST)
- klck.me - redirects to kissmetrics.com ; probably still alive, but not public shortening as of 18:32, 4 December 2016 (EST)
- lat.ms - redirects to LA Times as of 18:32, 4 December 2016 (EST)
- liip.to - seems alive, public shortening shut down due to spam as of 18:32, 4 December 2016 (EST)
- lin.cr - DNS does not resolve as of 14:44, 4 February 2017 (EST)
- linkbee.com - now a Smart Home company as of 14:44, 4 February 2017 (EST)
- link.in - Server does not respond as of 14:44, 4 February 2017 (EST)
- lnk.in - Server does not respond as of 14:44, 4 February 2017 (EST)
- lns.net - For sale as of 14:44, 4 February 2017 (EST)
- make.my - Malware as of 14:44, 4 February 2017 (EST)
- moby.to - redirects to mobypicture.com ; seems like an official shortener as of 14:44, 4 February 2017 (EST)
- myurl.in - web hosting company as of 14:44, 4 February 2017 (EST)
- n.pr - NPR official shortener as of 14:44, 4 February 2017 (EST)
- nsfw.in - Parking page as of 14:44, 4 February 2017 (EST)
- ominusadvertisers.info - DNS does not resolve as of 14:44, 4 February 2017 (EST)
- on.cnn.com
- on.mktw.net
- politi.co
- poprl.com
- profile.to
- Profile.to
- QLNK.net
- qy.fi
- RedirX.com
- rt.nu
- rubyurl.com
- ru.ly
- shar.es
- sharetabs.com
- shink.de
- shorl.com
- short.ie
- Shrinkify.com
- shrinkr.com
- shrinkster.com
- shrt.fr
- shrunkin.com
- shurl.net
- shw.me
- SimURL.com
- slate.me
- starturl.com
- StartURL.com
- sturly.com
- sy.us
- tbd.ly
- tgr.ph
- TightURL.com
- tinyarro.ws
- tiny.com
- tinylink.in
- tiny.pl
- tinyvid.io
- tl.gd
- t.lh.com
- Tnij.org
- tnw.to
- tny.com
- togoto.us
- totc.us
- toysr.us
- TraceURL.com
- tra.kz
- TubeURL.com
- turo.us
- twhub.com
- twirl.at
- twitclicks.com
- ue.de
Seems to provide a centralized place to create shortcodes on multiple services. Provides sample shortlinks for each service, whether provider gives direct forwards, previews, ads or frames. Unfortunately it does not seem to have been updated for several years and the "state" column shows green for services that are down.
Not copied in yet
Medowar's work
url name example dataset google hits lengh existing not existing comment 1o2.ir http://1o2.ir/s55x5, http://1o2.ir/fiall asd123 4k hits 5 char existing: 200 - <script>window.self.location.href="http://www.medowar.de";</script> not existing: 200 - <script>window.self.location.href="index.php";</script> pretty slow, not incremental 2tag.nl seems dead -22:41, 200616 asso.in redirects all querrys to sh.dz24.info sh.dz24.info http://sh.dz24.info/ykxTo http://sh.dz24.info/UoRUF asdASD no hits 5 char existing: 200 - landing page: returns new URL: http://sh.dz24.info/?r=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkb3dhci5kZS8= existing 2: 301 - Location not existing: 404 canurl.com dead, no dns dead, no hits on google /contact is still accessable, does not forward any links. da.gd Actually has 4 and 5 character shortlinks. Wiki does not mention 4char links. Does not use 6char right now cl.ly not a url shorter. Files are hosted directly under the cl.ly domain cur.lv http://cur.lv/zvuk6 asd123 24k 5char existing: see comment not existing: redirects to vodlocker.com or http://turboblt dot ru redirects to http://cur.lv/redirect_curlv.php?code=shortcode, which redirects itself to http://cur.lv/ntop.php?s=SUPERLONGSETOFCHARACTERS which contains the link in plain html: <a href="https://www.medowar.de/" class="btn btn-inverse" target="_top" id="skip-ad" style="font-weight: bold; "onclick="open_url('https://www.medowar.de/', 'go'); return true;">Skip ad »</a> del.ly del.ly/6014B67di 601{1-9}asdASD123 8k 9, first 4 follow pattern. existing: 301 - location not existing: 301 - location: /error?url=shortcode All Shortcodes start with 601, then a number from 1-9, and then the real 5 char shortcode Only used by Dell decenturl.com southfull.decenturl.com/sinto-varghese (targetsubdomain.)targetdomain.decenturl.com/{1-3}targetkeyword alt: decenturl.com/targetdomain/{1-3}targetkeyword 300 ?! existing: 301 -location not existing: 404 closed for new links, existing work. Closed due spam. new shortener: hubs.ly - hubspot.com robots.txt disallows everyone
Mr_archive's work
These are URL shortners based on YOURLS and Polr. I found them using the following search queries.
List of queries
Powered by YOURLS Powered by YOURLS v1.5 YOURLS — Your Own URL Shortener title:YOURLS — Your Own URL Shortener title:"Your Own URL Shortener" "Your Own URL Shortener" inurl:sample-public-front-page.php YOURLS version 1.7.2 is available. Please update! "Optional custom short URL" "Enter a new URL to shorten" Did you know you can change the URL ending by clicking on "Link Options"? "Create an account to keep track of your links" Overall, tracking links, clicks, and counting! "Overall, tracking" links, "clicks, and counting!"
List of URL shortners based on common scripts
http://berlink.me/ http://brm.ac/ http://dim.la/ http://enloire.fr/admin/ http://evoc.in/s/admin/index.php http://f-e-n.net/admin/ http://fncll.org/go/ http://freifunk.me/ http://go.tssa.nsw.edu.au/ http://groves.link/ http://h0p.me/ http://haarmeyer.systems/ http://iclk.in/ http://icodetits.xyz/url/ http://kjvo.us/ http://luis.im/ http://migomobil.com/ http://monurl.ca/ http://monurl.ca/sample-public-front-page.php http://mtny.mobi/ http://nord.click/ http://pie.lv/ http://prettylinks.co/ http://pxl.co/admin/index.php http://quinnkeaveney.com/recondite/url/ http://shortener.travelwits.com/admin/index.php http://smarturl.co/ http://su.monitorlatino.com/ http://t-s.link/ http://t.im/ http://tropaadet.dk/ http://urls.la/ http://urlshortbot.com/ http://urlto.link/ http://v.vulavala.net/admin/index.php http://webhop.se http://www.bsync.me/ http://www.bumpli.com/ http://www.krati.me/ http://www.shorturly.com/ http://www.stpicks.com/ http://www.ww6.eu/ http://xl8.link/ http://yolo420.com/ http://youl.ink/ http://yourls.site/ http://zbij.net/ https://ayu.by/ https://bp7.org/ https://diglife.com/to/ https://e13.co/ https://foodsaid.com/go/ https://foss.ntua.gr/s/ https://frphn.co/ https://g8.nz/ https://gg.wtf/ https://gslink.me/ https://id2.us/ https://lil.ink/ https://lur.ch/ https://minor.li/ https://mx.tc/ https://orclr.com/ https://sylnt.us/ https://tesuto.io/ https://u.pomf.cat/ https://url.itunix.eu/ https://url.seth-phillips.com/ https://url.valteo.net/ https://www.attac.org/l/ https://www.goodweb.ge/url/ https://z0p.org/ https://zhmak.nu/ui.php
bit.ly aliases
Reverse DNS lookup for 67.199.248.{10,11,12,13}, e.g. http://ipv4info.com/ip-address/s854d78/, https://dnshistory.org/points-to/a/1/, and https://hackertarget.com/reverse-ip-lookup/
Via DomainTools reverse IP lookup (2021-04-04):
- 0-60.in
- 10tn.tips
- 112.wf
- cabel.as
- cstoneig.com
- curlme.cf
- dpam.co
- fotovs.com
- thenazteam.com
Via forward DNS search for hosts that directly resolve to 67.199.248.[10-13] (2021-04-04). Found with urlhero's chkalias tool using Project Sonar data (2021-03-27-1616871548-fdns_ns.json.gz):
- dgrevie.ws
- geostl.org
- mawx.us
- sfmoma.me
Via Hacker Target reverse IP lookup (2021-04-04):
- 0-60.in
- 0.env.sh
- 0.qrkx.net
- 000000.ws
- 007.tw
- 011.cz
- 01i.jp
- 01ze.it
- 02faq.com
- 030.video
- 030mag.de
- 0932.ws
- 0966111338.net
- 0am.co
- 0bar.de
- 0blu.com
- 0bytesolutions.net
- 0copter.com
- 0ef.de
- 0nk.net
- 0pen.me
- 0rbt.us
- 0s0.com
- 0wl.red
- 0y.at
- 1.agx.eu
- 1.bioe.mx
- 1.clix.co
- 1.kleinaber.de
- 1.lextogo.com
- 1.pokerpt.eu
- 1000cranes.me
- 1000globetrottersdirectors.net
- 1000isl.com
- 1000steps.info
- 1001.li
- 1001.ly
- 1001optical.co
- 100d.ca
- 100me.info
- 100pu.re
- 100xnurse.com
- 101.gg
- 1015sf.club
- 101fr.org
- 101goods.com
- 101lang.com
- 101sear.ch
- 1031.pictures
- 10be.st
- 10bet.co
- 10co.de
- 10fit.ch
- 10ng.co
- 10o3.com
- 10th.me
- 10thp.in
- 10tn.tips
- 10wp.de
- 10ws.co
- 10x.link
- 10x.wiki
- 10x24seven.com
- 10xd.link
- 10xd.me
- 10xg.link
- 1101.jp
- 112.wf
- 112zwein.de
- 115340-www1.odbf.co.uk
- 1199nw.org
- 119st.co
- 11degrees.co
- 11events.co
- 11f.me
- 11gam.es
- 11step-plan.com
- 11w.rs
- 120g.link
- 121cc.us
- 121e.co
- 121ecom.co
- 123growthagency.net
- 123hotel.me
- 123k.at
- 123t.nl
- 12and.us
- 12bsdwe.com
- 12f.us
- 12free.de
- 12m.rocks
- 12ma.co
- 12ne.ws
- 12s.ch
- 12two.co
- 135.im
- 13and.co
- 13newsnow.tv
- 14.fish
- 14f.co
- 15a20.mx
- 15naweb.com
- 15th.tv
- 164th.net
- 1716.link
- 1792peninsuladr.com
- 180.fit
- 1838.co
- 186494648935.com
- 188th.co
- 1904mcdougall.com
- 1906.hr
- 191game.net
- 19delta.ninja
- 19esports.me
- 19r.co
- 1abv.co
- 1ai.uk
- 1ak.in
- 1ba.la
- 1bst.pw
- 1bt.pw
- 1ci.company
- 1click.bz
- 1cs.ltd
- 1dayforiowa.org
- 1dbs.co
- 1decision.co
- 1dh.co
- 1do.co.za
- 1do.it
- 1drnrd.me
- 1e3.us
- 1epk.com
- 1f1000a.com
- 1fc.koeln
- 1fd.in
- 1fit.link
- 1gn.in
- 1go.pl
- 1ing.gift
- 1ing.me
- 1k.gleeze.com
- 1ko.pl
- 1koa.me
- 1life.co
- 1lifederes.com
- 1mno.de
- 1mof.me
- 1mpul.se
- 1mt.uk
- 1mu.se
- 1n0.uk
- 1nes.co
- 1nk.it
- 1nspi.re
- 1o1.gt
- 1off.me
- 1oz.us
- 1pct.it
- 1persen.link
- 1pic.us
- 1pj.ir
- 1qr.es
- 1rabb.it
- 1rish.tk
- 1s-k.com
- 1sc.us
- 1sd.co
- 1smi.co
- 1sq.me
- 1srdream.org
- 1statebank.org
- 1stbenton.info
- 1stcentral.co
- 1stoh.io
- 1stwavelab.com
- 1t.eu
- 1tag.us
- 1ter.net
- 1tj.ir
- 1tn.co
- 1ts.at
- 1tw.org
- 1up.es
- 1upsolar.us
- 1wy.biz
- 1xrun.co
- 2-stolicy.net
- 2.coubur.com
- 2.ht
- 2020.bible
- 2020auction.org
- 2020bdcroundtable.com
- 2020casasuperherorun.com
- 2020dp.ws
- 2020minds.com
- 2020s.ws
- 2020votedem.com
- 2021ismynew.com
- 202ranch.com
- 202zero.co
- 2030.tw
- 203f.org
- 20i.co
- 20s.mx
- 20ss.nyc
- 21.m1llion.club
- 21.pe
- 21.toys
- 212areaco.de
- 21daysofconfidence.tv
- 21dec.org
- 21go.ga
- 21st.click
- 21stcentnewdeal.com
- 21w.co
- 21y.in
- 222415-app1.www1.odbf.co.uk
- 223survey.org
- 22grp.biz
- 22ss.co
- 22tr.co
- 2314.at
- 23and.me
- 23fifteen.info
- 23h.us
- 247it.co
- 247nfl.co
- 247thisworks.com
- 249l.us
- 24bb.co
- 24fsq.com
- 24hourleap.tv
- 24hoursod.com
- 24hourspbl.org
- 24kilat.es
- 24mov.es
- 24online.at
- 24ora.news
- 24ora.tv
- 24sevenoffice.link
- 256.games
- 25pt4.me
- 262.ie
- 26yw.co
- 2700.ch
- 270h.io
- 280.gr
- 289corp.com
- 290caselaw.co
- 2911cr.tv
- 29a.in
- 29a.se
- 29q.co
- 29steps.co
- 2aero.com
- 2applyclick.me
- 2ba.by
- 2bc.in
- 2be.pub
- 2be.social
- 2beelieven.me
- 2big.org
- 2bird.ly
- 2bl.co
- 2bty.co
- 2c.al
- 2cc.co
- 2dayvendas.com
- 2di.me
- 2dope.bz
- 2dpx.co
- 2dud.es
- 2edu.de
- 2edu.eu
- 2fa.in
- 2gi.ch
- 2girls.media
- 2gr.co
- 2handshk.com
- 2inthe.pink
- 2kgam.es
- 2ks.co
- 2lr.com
- 2mf.in
- 2mre.net
- 2mycountry.net
- 2na.co
- 2nd.org
- 2ndbc.tv
- 2nu.gs
- 2palit.us
- 2pb.in
- 2pu5brwg2.com
- 2r8.eu
- 2rc.me
- 2rog.at
- 2sm.pl
- 2stnlion.com
- 2svh.nl
- 2tel.us
- 2tim2v15.uk
- 2tl.co
- 2ufrom.us
- 2url.me
- 2via.ws
- 2well.us
- 2wsb.tv
- 3-4.fr
- 3.treipentruvin.ro
- 300run.in
- 301.lt
- 301.me
- 303realtygrp.co
- 305fitness.info
- 30acr.es
- 30aescapes.net
- 30fram.es
- 310ei.biz
- 310ei.com
- 310ei.xyz
- 310shake.fit
- 3112.me
- 313pres.co
- 314.buzz
- 314a.co
- 31b.it
- 338bronx.com
- 33u.link
- 352.fm
- 3604.io
- 360explo.re
- 360fi.in
- 360mil.es
- 360myte.ch
- 360sc.co
- 360science.me
- 360tourview.eu
- 360view.co
- 365tcm.life
- 368rad.io
- 37.malforea.com
- 39dpi.com
- 3adv.us
- 3am.pub
- 3bih.k21.link
- 3bm.me
- 3brospros.com
- 3chi.info
- 3d.levar.co
- 3d360.cc
- 3d4med.com
- 3dcu.be
- 3deroti.ca
- 3dnews.cz
- 3dobhliadka.sk
- 3dpbiz.direct
- 3dpt.me
- 3drmedia.com
- 3dtc.us
- 3dv.io
- 3dv.me
- 3dvt.net
- 3etoil.es
- 3fifty.cc
- 3fm.nu
- 3fo.us
- 3gb.cc
- 3h.rs
- 3har.es
- 3ida.de
- 3iii.co
- 3in1deals.com
- 3ischn.de
- 3k8.in
- 3lift.co
- 3loons.me
- 3lregroup.info
- 3lyan15.com
- 3mal1gleich18.com
- 3mil.nu
- 3mz.lt
- 3ndy.info
- 3nr.de
- 3nt.co
- 3okfok.info
- 3oxg0.club
- 3ptechi.es
- 3r1c.me
- 3rd.gr
- 3rd1dr.co
- 3rin.tokyo
- 3ringcirc.us
- 3sgf.co
- 3sl.ru
- 3spot.us
- 3sr.me
- 3stories.net
- 3tsd.de
- 3turl.eu
- 3wb.tv
- 3wh.co
- 3will.com
- 3ws.me
- 3wx.us
- 3ym.es
- 4-2.co
- 4.gngf.com
- 4.srl
- 40.se
- 405improvement.net
- 413podcast.com
- 42.ie
- 4204lyf.co
- 425.ee
- 42courses.co
- 42h.it
- 42si.fr
- 43rec.com
- 45.is
- 45degre.es
- 45sp.in
- 45st.art
- 48f.de
- 49.ie
- 49mil.es
- 49rs.co
- 4a.io
- 4bbs.us
- 4bdigitalllc.com
- 4bet.poker
- 4br.co
- 4buyblack.com
- 4clsd.co
- 4corne.rs
- 4dg.us
- 4dm.in
- 4eq.me
- 4for4.co
- 4ga.me
- 4get.tv
- 4god.pro
- 4ho.me
- 4hss.org
- 4kg.pl
- 4kites.cc
- 4knines.me
- 4ktch.in
- 4lex.me
- 4mdiabetes.com
- 4mn.ca
- 4nd.de
- 4o1k.co
- 4o4.page
- 4part.net
- 4portrait.com
- 4ppl.co
- 4pr.se
- 4pt.in
- 4pwsstyle.com
- 4r1k.me
- 4rum.eu
- 4sh.nl
- 4sighteducation.com
- 4sightfir.st
- 4sq.com
- 4sv.stream
- 4the.link
- 4u.de
- 4u.sambila.net
- 4vu.ca
- 4wardl.ink
- 4wrd.ca
- 4wrd.eu
- 4y.de
- 4zone.pub
- 5-star.reviews
- 5.chotwork.com
- 500miles.us
- 504.la
- 5078poolaplace.com
- 50b.me
- 50nog.com
- 50p.eu
- 50res.to
- 511t.ac
- 521d.me
- 538.to
- 53eig.ht
- 53per.center
- 54don.me
- 55share.co
- 57edg.es
- 5able.me
- 5by.co
- 5cruffy.com
- 5degre.es
- 5eh.it
- 5emecomunicacao.com
- 5f.re
- 5gbenefits.biz
- 5gs.ec
- 5k.style
- 5ls.co
- 5mc.me
- 5ox.com
- 5provensteps.info
- 5pts.cc
- 5sgif.me
- 5stars.ink
- 5stars.tech
- 5tat.us
- 5thin.gs
- 5tran.co
- 5yn.co
- 603.be
- 605tv.link
- 60minut.es
- 610dig.it
- 6500.sk
- 662607015.com
- 66414a146c910060-4807-9a2c-7.co
- 685.jp
- 69d.sx
- 6abc.cm
- 6igwormctfu.com
- 6mm.uk
- 6pans.fr
- 6sm.link
- 7.hna.de
- 7.wspa.com
- 707.me
- 711.moe
- 711fashion.com
- 712ela.net
- 717cu.info
- 717cu.pub
- 723.li
- 72sold.info
- 74ignite.com
- 776.vc
- 77delish.com
- 789.is
- 7clib.cc
- 7docs.co
- 7dtv.link
- 7dvt.co
- 7ent.co
- 7flo.ws
- 7gee.se
- 7mz.vc
- 7news.link
- 7ny.tv
- 7rea.org
- 7sport.link
- 7vencity.com
- 7x7tiger.com
- 8.sgbike.com.sg
- 8.wfla.com
- 80dys.co
- 80ste.es
- 839iat.se
- 83m.co
- 848.bz
- 888.ryukyu
- 89265600880.ru
- 89pi.es
- 8bt.club
- 8d4.us
- 8dp.co
- 8legs.co
- 8percent.co
- 8tawzeef.net
- 8thwarddems.org
- 8to.me
- 8trx.com
- 8ubbl.es
- 9-b.it
- 9010.co
- 90min.football
- 90sxp.com
- 911memorial.io
- 957.be
- 95awe.com
- 95k.de
- 95pg.info
- 987.im
- 98st.us
- 99b.it
- 99bitcoin.com
- 99des.co
- 99jobs.cc
- 9f.to
- 9isas.us
- hsgk.in
- myepg.online
hook543210's pastes in #urlteam
Collection of shorteners mentioned by hook543210 in #urlteam:
- hnng.moe (has an API: http://www.hnng.moe/api)
- noela.moe
- https://s.ilp.moe/admin/
- s.tdr.moe
- helps.ms, msft.social, msft.it (Microsoft)
- tpt.io (numbered, e.g. http://tpt.io/.300307; "actually, that might not be a shortener")
- gates.ly
- ldsg.io (http://ldsg.io/admin/index.php)
- snic.co
- s76.co
- scur.cat
- dell.to
- bioweb.me
- x.xeu.com (found on https://twitter.com/eComStation)
Found by aarchi
- bfy.tw - Example: https://bfy.tw/PQkK
- easylinkref.com
- mtro.us - Metro Shrink
- rpb3r.app.goo.gl - NPR - Examples: https://rpb3r.app.goo.gl/storiesforleo, https://rpb3r.app.goo.gl/zfJc
- shorturl.me
Flashfire's dump
- https://😻🍕.ws aka https://emojilink.me/
- 🏹.to uses both emojis and regular characters
- Oi.gy
- v.ht
- iex.me
- aff.sc
- kbit.co
- zxc.lu
- zzb.bz
- https://za.gl/
- https://ffm.to
- https://fw.ax/
- http://ogo.gl/
- ftcvr.com
- hill.cm
- http://moby.to
- b1t.it
- lnk.moe (Unsure if still accepting short urls)
- srtfly.com
- https://smol.swiggle.moe/ (Requires Login)
- cnhv.co
- shortzon.com
- https://gram.im/
- https://tmearn.com/
- http://oke.io/
- https://lyonkim.net/
- http://zlshorte.net/
- https://adpop.me/
- http://pxlme.me Gives 405 with Curl
- abc13.co
- ubi.li
- rea.link
- cryp.li
- 2g.to
- lttr.ai
- deb.li
- tii.ai
- shrinkhere.xyz
- ownurl.site
- raboninco.com - Redirects to Adfly
- fiaharam.net
- maetrimal.com - Redirects to Adfly
- morebatet.com - Redirects to Adfly
- crefranek.com - Redirects to Adfly
- exe.io
- trendes.xyz
TheTrueBrot's Dump
http://shorten.me/ https://pgj.cc/ http://tyn.ee/ https://snipli.com/ http://wif.red/ https://www.livechatinc.com/url-shortener/ http://shortr.org/ https://4h.net/ https://www.vipskip.net/ https://www.bl.ink/ http://www.chürzer.ch/ https://clkim.com/ https://opn.im/ https://ai6.net/ https://lnk.tu-bs.de/ http://tw.gs/ https://chl.li/de
****PAID**** https://umuly.com/