Template:Infobox project

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Infobox project
Status Unknown
Archiving status Unknown
Archiving type Unknown
IRC channel #archiveteam-bs (on hackint)


{{Infobox project
| title = 
| logo = 
| image = 
| description = 
| URL = 
| project_status = 
| archiving_status = 
| archiving_type = 
| source = 
| tracker = 
| irc = 
| irc_network = 
| irc_abandoned = 
| lead = 
| data = 
  • Title: name of the website/service/company/... (defaults to the page title)
  • Logo: a logo of the entity, if relevant; if specified, it must be the name of a file uploaded to the wiki, e.g. Dummy.png to use File:Dummy.png.
  • Image: screenshot of website, real photo... If specified, must be the name of a file uploaded to the wiki, like the logo.
  • Description: image caption (only shown if an image is specified)
  • URL: Internet URL if available
  • Project status: {{online}}, {{closing}}, {{endangered}}, {{specialcase}}, {{offline}}
  • Archiving status: {{upcoming}}, {{inprogress}}, {{saved}}, {{partiallysaved}}, {{selfsaved}}, {{nosavedyet}}, {{onhiatus}}, {{lost}}, {{unknown}}
  • Archiving type: DPoS for DPoS projects (adds the page to Category:DPoS projects and links to DPoS), ArchiveBot for things covered with ArchiveBot (Category:ArchiveBot projects), other for anything else (manual grabs, etc.); can be combined with commas and optional spaces; e.g. DPoS, ArchiveBot.
  • Source: a link to the respository holding the source code for the projects archiving scripts, GitHub or otherwise; only displayed when specified or if the archiving type includes DPoS.
  • Project tracker: For projects that use a tracking server for coordination, the url of the tracker's status page; only displayed when specified or if the archiving type includes DPoS.
  • IRC: IRC channel on hackint for coordination, if any (no # needed, for example: archiveteam or urlteam)
  • IRC network: IRC network, if not hackint. See {{IRC}} documentation for options
  • IRC channel abandoned: Set this to a non-empty value after decommissioning a project to direct people to the general discussion channel (#archiveteam-bs (on hackint)) instead.
  • Project lead: The person responsible for this project, to be contacted with, for instance, questions on dormant projects.
  • Data: link to the archived data, e.g. using {{IA id}} or {{Job}}