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I'm downloading every single album. You can see the progress in my userpage. I think that Spirit downloaded most of albums too. Emijrp 21:30, 20 December 2010 (UTC)
- I'm going to start seeding album packs. I hope they are successful. The first pack is here: Emijrp 17:39, 21 December 2010 (UTC)
Internet Archive
Jamendo is being uploaded into Internet Archive. Emijrp 16:04, 12 December 2011 (UTC)
15:48:09 <emijrp> 336426 tracks. 15:48:28 <emijrp> 53843 albums. 15:48:41 <emijrp> IDs have gaps, that why last one is over 100,000. 15:48:57 <emijrp> (gaps = deleted albums) 15:49:20 <emijrp> 26738 artists. 15:49:36 <emijrp> ~2 albums/artist 15:52:03 <emijrp> Artists from 141 countries. 15:52:17 <emijrp> ['EST', 'ATA', 'USA', 'FRA', 'BEL', 'RUS', 'DEU', 'ESP', 'DNK', 'ITA', 'POL', 'PER', 'SVK', 'GBR', 'UKR', 'HUN', 'ZAF', 'JPN', 'ISR', 'CAN', 'HND', 'ARG', 'ROU', 'SRB', 'PRT', 'BLR', 'GRC', 'SWE', 'VEN', 'PRY', 'MEX', 'CHE', 'BRA', 'NLD', 'BGR', 'CZE', 'KAZ', 'SGP', 'LUX', 'MDA', 'COL', 'ISL', 'AUT', 'ECU', 'MKD', 'IDN', 'CHL', 'BOL', 'AND', 'IRL', 'SEN', 'CRI', 'LTU', 'MAR', 'TUN', 'AUS', 'SYR', 'FXX', 'COG', 'DZA', 'NZL', 'URY', 15:52:17 <emijrp> 'THA', 'FIN', 'IND', 'MTQ', 'GTM', 'SPM', 'CYP', 'TUR', 'NIC', 'LVA', 'MYT', 'NOR', 'BTN', 'KGZ', 'AZE', 'SVN', 'GEO', 'HRV', 'TLS', 'JAM', 'SAU', 'KOR', 'LBN', 'ALB', 'GLP', 'CHN', 'PYF', 'GAB', 'CUB', 'NGA', 'PRI', 'PHL', 'EGY', 'GUF', 'GRL', 'VAT', 'PAN', 'SMR', 'TWN', 'IRN', 'MYS', 'NCL', 'BMU', 'DOM', 'VNM', 'CXR', 'ATF', 'BIH', 'AFG', 'GNQ', 'DJI', 'CIV', 'REU', 'MLI', 'MCO', 'ETH', 'SLV', 'HKG', 'TTO', 'MNG', 'ARM', 'ATG', 15:52:17 <emijrp> 'NPL', 'LKA', 'MUS', 'ESH', 'CCK', 'BFA', 'CMR', 'ARE', 'PAK', 'MSR', 'BGD', 'VGB', 'GMB', 'MLT', 'GIB', 'SLE', 'TUV'] 141 15:54:17 <emijrp> Top 25 countries by artists 15:54:27 <emijrp> [[4360, 'FRA'], [1874, 'ITA'], [1539, 'DEU'], [1440, 'ESP'], [1234, 'USA'], [818, 'RUS'], [544, 'POL'], [464, 'GBR'], [270, 'BRA'], [249, 'BEL'], [244, 'CAN'], [225, 'ARG'], [187, 'UKR'], [162, 'MEX'], [149, 'CHE'], [139, 'SWE'], [129, 'NLD'], [99, 'CHL'], [94, 'JPN'], [92, 'AUT'], [90, 'PRT'], [87, 'COL'], [80, 'GRC'], [76, 'FIN'], [74, 'AUS']] 15:56:14 <emijrp> Most used license 15:58:59 <emijrp> And... 15:59:07 <emijrp> 971.575752315 days of music.
Used this on 2011-12-10. Emijrp 16:04, 12 December 2011 (UTC)