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URL https://osu.ppy.sh
Status Online!
Archiving status Not saved yet
Archiving type Unknown
IRC channel #archiveteam-bs (on hackint)

Osu! is a rhythm game created in 2007 where users download the game itself, create user accounts, download beatmaps, and submit scores.

In the website there are many elements to save:

  • Beatmaps
  • User accounts
  • Leaderboard Scores


Beatmaps can be downloaded as single ".osz" files, which contain all the difficulties.

Downloading through the website

Normally, you'd download a beatmap by going into the website, and (while being logged into an account) searching the beatmap you want (or going to its specific URL) and clicking the "download" button.

This method is also doable in the game itself (in the "osu!lazer" version, which is more cutting edge and contains many more features than the Stable version) via an integrated browser interface of the osu! website.

Automating the process

Beatmaps are numbered alphabetically, starting from 1; however, there are several holes in the numerical lists of beatmaps, so who knows how many have already been lost.

To download a Beatmap manually, you need to make an HTTP request like this:

GET /beatmapsets/<beatmap>/download HTTP/1.1
Host: osu.ppy.sh
Referer: https:/osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/<beatmap>
Cookie: <osu session token and other stuff>
Accept: */*

The server should return a 302 Found status code; if it returns something else, something went wrong.

To send requests yourself, you must insert your own osu! cookie in the request; to do so, follow these steps:

  1. Create an account for osu! (or log in into an existing one);
  2. Make any request to the osu! website while having the devtools open;
  3. Copy the "Cookie" header.

Please DO NOT share your Cookie header with anyone alse, as your account will get hacked.

401 Unauthorized

As said before, you need to use a valid Cookie header corresponding to your own osu! account; if not, the server will respond with a 401 Unauthorized and a page asking you to log in.

404 Not Found

If you get this error code, either the beatmap is lost (unfortunately) or the beatmap doesn't exist (yet).

Graveyarded beatmaps

If a beatmap hasn't been updated for 4 weeks (and is not approved/ranked/qualified/etc.), it automatically enters the graveyard state.

In 2010, Peppy (the creator of osu!) made many old graveyarded maps unavailable to download[1].

Fortunately, they are still stored in a separate server (a.k.a archived), and players could ask peppy to make them available again, although today, because the maximum time period peppy was willing to temporainly make those beatmaps available for was 2 years (and 13 years have passed), as far as I know non of teh archived beatmaps are downloadable anymore.


I tried running a simple Python script which would download all the beatmaps sequentially, and I started to get ratelimited at about 190 requests. Then, it took around 30 minutes to let me download again. Please note that this ratelimit only affects downloading beatmaps, and not the rest of the Osu! API.