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Endomondo logo
URL https://www.endomondo.com/
Status Offline except for REST API
Archiving status Partially saved (only ~212k profile IDs scanned due to low rate limit)
Archiving type Unknown
Project source endomondo-grab
Project tracker endomondo
IRC channel #archiveteam-bs (on hackint)
(formerly #findelmundo (on hackint))
Data[how to use] archiveteam_endomondo_20210110143700_aaaaaaaa

Endomondo is a GPS workout tracker with optional social networking features.

It launched around September 2008[1], and was acquired by Under Armour in February 2015[2].

On October 30, 2020, Under Armour announced that Endomondo would be shut down on December 31, 2020, with users being able to contact support to request a copy or portability of their data until March 31, 2021[3][4]. Users were encouraged to transfer their data to Under Armour's MapMyFitness platform using an automated migration feature[5].

Site Structure

User profile: https://www.endomondo.com/profile/9927165

User workouts list: https://www.endomondo.com/users/9927165/workouts/latest

Direct workout link: https://www.endomondo.com/users/9927165/workouts/1582417745

User training plan: https://www.endomondo.com/training/plan/9927165

Team: https://www.endomondo.com/teams/14970924

Team members: https://www.endomondo.com/teams/14970924/members

Team leaderboard: https://www.endomondo.com/teams/14970924/leaderboard

It appears that teams were discontinued in 2015[6].

Challenges listing: https://www.endomondo.com/challenges

Challenge example (makes XHR requests to /?x=): https://www.endomondo.com/challenges/35790072

Authentication Required

User stats link: https://www.endomondo.com/stats/9927165 (seems to always require authentication to access)

User history: https://www.endomondo.com/users/9927165/history (seems to always require authentication to access)

Routes listing: https://www.endomondo.com/routes/ (seems to always require authentication to access)

Sample route: https://www.endomondo.com/routes/400681995 (seems to always require authentication to access, however the route embed widget is publicly accessible)

Embed Widgets

Workout: https://www.endomondo.com/embed/workouts?w=n4ngxsBuen0&width=680&height=600 (width and height parameters are optional)

Challenge: https://www.endomondo.com/embed/challenge?id=24246208

Challenge (page 2 of above page): https://www.endomondo.com/embed/challenge?x=7DMfKdOSZKK7eUPbbVAKyg8*tfrFJUATbJZh5ACCv1kAHROhPL6BWptmSTr4EwxWJiVAJMMRlnTD*0RY6lfrUPOXVWTIseTj1JS1QX6PIug

Route: https://www.endomondo.com/embed/routes?id=313743565&width=900&height=600

Route (XHR request made by above widget): https://www.endomondo.com/?x=bh3ebj1IPkwvkjIcqgKxmsmIkJOiH*SH4xytTeUsvFhUKBsd4xZDZP*ifv1uMkYaMuJ5NTAZ1ygIi03fsUc89Oha6P56JImRKHsAdYoXMmzczySyJCst4qlrK-fX*KNb-iV532lnnjpE*FA5QZtmqqWgyPa0Ex9-xV2MxRRUUOg2UuiUxpueCQ&swLat=56.472290167274856&swLng=8.025839549560567&neLat=56.54749904084606&neLng=8.212950450439473&zoom=12&random=0.7136566329842371

Team Summary: https://www.endomondo.com/embed/team/summary?id=14998340&measure=0&width=450&height=343

Team Summary (another example): https://www.endomondo.com/embed/team/summary?id=j1361x3gyP4&width=240&height=247

User Summary: https://www.endomondo.com/embed/user/summary?id=9927165

Additional parameters for above URL: &sport=18&from=20201201&to=20201231&measure=1&zone=Gm0500_EST&width=680&height=217

User Workouts: https://www.endomondo.com/embed/user/workouts?id=9927165

User Workouts (page 2 of above page): https://www.endomondo.com/embed/user/workouts?x=uDQhOmGj*5Us6sYrUFXdHtAgChJ5speUJ0RB3Uv5cg*Ru8V6*x72LJ6Qg*AXQpmLAjH6dKYm7Bo2nKzzPv6iY6hBYg1wlAWhW3GWsWzUpW8

It appears that an event embed widget also existed at some point[7].

XHR API Used by Profile Page

Sample request: https://www.endomondo.com/?x=[some lengthy token]&random=[some value between 0 and 1, likely for caching prevention]

These requests are used when clicking on "2 People Like This" to list who liked a workout when more than one person liked a workout (also used when closing this list). This API is also used when rolling over the "Show More" button at the bottom of a profile to load more workouts. This API returns responses containing XML and HTML code to be added to the existing webpage.


This API returns a JSON response.

Used by Workout Page

List workouts in date range: https://www.endomondo.com/rest/v1/users/9927165/workouts?before=2020-08-13T03%3A59%3A59.999Z&after=2020-06-26T04%3A00%3A00.000Z

Workout information: https://www.endomondo.com/users/9927165/workouts/1582417745

User workout feed (retrieved with workout): https://www.endomondo.com/rest/v1/users/9927165/feeds/281476616676861

Planned workouts: https://www.endomondo.com/rest/v1/users/9927165/planned?before=2020-07-16T03%3A59%3A59.999Z&after=2020-05-29T04%3A00%3A00.000Z

Additional API Endpoints

User info REST endpoint: https://www.endomondo.com/rest/v1/users/9927165

Export workout (TCX): https://www.endomondo.com/rest/v1/users/9927165/workouts/1571269570/export?format=TCX (requires authentication)[8]

Export workout (GPX): https://www.endomondo.com/rest/v1/users/9927165/workouts/1571269570/export?format=GPX (requires authentication)[9]

Mobile API

There is another JSON-based API which is used by the mobile app located at https://api.mobile.endomondo.com/mobile/api/. This API requires an authToken parameter for all endpoints.

https://api.endomondo.com also seems to be an active domain.

Static Files

There are a number of static files hosted on the files.endomondo.com domain, though content does not seem to have been updated since late 2013. This content includes BlackBerry application JAD files, an Android application APK file, detailed user manuals with screenshots for BlackBerry, Symbian, and Android, job listings, screenshots, promotional campaign information, newsletters and featured challenges from 2012-2013, press releases, employee photographs, documentation for a discontinued live events feature, and office information. A collection of archived pages and resources is available at http://web.archive.org/*/files.endomondo.com/*.

Some newsletter-related files appear to be hosted at newsletter.endomondo.com. A collection of archived pages and resources is available at http://web.archive.org/*/newsletter.endomondo.com/*.