Title |
Topic |
Website |
Status |
Archive details
Tool |
Domain |
Job |
Date |
Size |
.tv (TV channel) |
television channel |
http://www.tvchannel.co.uk |
Not saved yet
11/5 |
musical group |
https://myspace.com/tgunna415 |
Not saved yet
ALM Antillean Airlines |
airline |
http://www.airalm.com |
Not saved yet
AOM French Airlines |
airline |
http://www.flyaom.com |
Not saved yet
Abbey of Notre-Dame des Dombes |
abbey |
http://www.chemin-neuf.fr/annuaire/france/centre-est/abbaye-notre-dame-des-dombes |
Not saved yet
AccessAir |
airline |
http://www.accessair.com |
Not saved yet
Air Nova |
airline |
http://www.airnova.ca/ |
Not saved yet
Alberta Independence Party |
political party |
https://albertaindependence.ca/ |
Not saved yet
Alcotomic |
http://www.alcotomic.com/ |
Not saved yet
Alisha's Attic |
musical group |
http://www.alishasatticofficial.com |
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All Saints (group) |
all-female band |
http://www.allsaintsofficial.co.uk/ |
Not saved yet
American Classic Voyages |
business |
http://www.amcv.com |
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American Hypnosis Society |
http://www.hypnosis.edu |
Not saved yet
Amiga Survivor |
magazine |
http://www.amiga-survivor.uklinux.net/ |
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Anal Cunt |
musical group |
http://www.sethputnam.com |
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Ann & Hope |
business |
http://www.curtainandbathoutlet.com/ |
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Aqua (band) |
musical group |
http://www.aquaofficial.com/ |
Not saved yet
At the Drive-In |
musical group |
http://atdimusic.com |
Not saved yet
Attic Entertainment Software |
video game developer |
http://www.attic.de/ |
Not saved yet
Australian Journal of Physics |
scientific journal |
http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/78.htm |
Not saved yet
Babes in Toyland (band) |
rock band |
http://www.myspace.com/babesintoylandmusic |
Not saved yet
Banca Commerciale Italiana |
business |
http://www.bci.it/ |
Not saved yet
Banco Banespa |
business |
http://www.banespa.com.br |
Not saved yet
Banco Nacional Ultramarino |
business |
http://www.bnu.com.mo/ |
Not saved yet
Bank United of Texas |
business |
http://www.bankunited.com/ |
Not saved yet
Be Inc. |
business |
http://www.beincorporated.com/ |
Not saved yet
Beenz.com |
website |
http://www.beenz.com |
Not saved yet
Ben Wa (band) |
musical group |
http://www.benwa.net/ |
Not saved yet
Bert is Evil |
website |
http://bertisevil.tv/ |
Not saved yet
Bhoja Air |
airline |
http://www.bhojaair.com.pk/home/ |
Not saved yet
Blake Babies |
musical group |
https://blakebabies.com/ |
Not saved yet
Blast (American band) |
musical group |
http://Blastofficial.com |
Not saved yet
Budapesti VSC |
association football club |
http://www.bvsc.eu/ |
Not saved yet
Bullfrog Productions |
video game developer |
http://www.bullfrog.com |
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Burn It Down (band) |
musical group |
http://www.burnitdown.com |
Not saved yet
Canada 3000 |
airline |
http://www.canada3000.ca |
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Carpenter Body Company |
business |
http://crownbycarpenter.com/ |
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Cast (band) |
musical group |
http://www.castband.co.uk/ |
Not saved yet
Channel V Philippines |
http://www.channelvph.webs.com |
Not saved yet
CityBird |
airline |
http://www.citybird.com |
Not saved yet
College of Insurance |
academic institution |
http://www.stjohns.edu |
Not saved yet
Colorado Springs Ascent |
association football club |
http://www.csascent.com/ |
Not saved yet
Commodore Cruise Line |
business |
http://www.commodorecruise.com/ |
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Compaq |
business |
http://www.compaq.com/ |
ArchiveBot (!a) |
www.compaq.com |
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2015-07-27 |
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CompuBank |
business |
http://www.compubank.com/ |
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Continental Basketball Association |
sports league |
http://www.cbaworldhoops.com/ |
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Control Denied |
rock band |
http://www.emptywords.org/ |
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Cryogenic (band) |
musical group |
http://www.myspace.com/cryogenic |
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Crypt of Cthulhu |
magazine |
http://crypt-of-cthulhu.com/ |
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D.b.s. |
musical group |
http://members.tripod.com/d_b_s_/ |
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video game developer |
http://www.db-soft.co.jp/ |
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Death (metal band) |
heavy metal band |
http://www.emptywords.org |
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Deep Blue Something |
rock band |
http://www.myspace.com/deepbluesomething |
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Democratic Choice of Russia |
Category:Political parties in Russia |
http://www.dvr.ru/ |
Not saved yet
Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania |
political party |
http://lsdp.lt/apie-partija |
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Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs |
government agency |
http://www.detya.gov.au/ |
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Department of Health and Aged Care |
health ministry |
http://www.health.gov.au/ |
ArchiveBot (!ao) |
www.health.gov.au |
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2015-11-27 |
897 KiB |
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Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (1996–2001) |
government agency |
http://www.immi.gov.au/ |
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Department of Industry, Science and Resources |
government agency |
http://www.disr.gov.au/ |
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Dinamic Multimedia |
business |
http://www.dinamic.com |
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Discordance Axis |
musical group |
http://www.studio-grey.com/da/ |
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DisneyQuest |
amusement park |
http://disneyworld.disney.go.com/wdw/entertainment/entertainmentDetail?id=DisneyQuestIndoorInteractiveThemeParkEntertainmentPage |
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Dorsal Atlântica |
musical group |
http://www.dorsalatlantica.com.br/ |
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Duotang (band) |
musical group |
http://www.mintrecs.com/index.php?component=artists&action=profile&tag=duotang/ |
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Duple Metsec |
business |
http://www.duplemetsec.co.uk/ |
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Dynamix |
video game developer |
http://www.sierra.com/ |
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Earth (Japanese band) |
musical group |
http://www.avexnet.or.jp/earth/ |
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Ebony Tears |
musical group |
http://hem.passagen.se/tears/main2.html |
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Econoline Crush |
musical group |
http://econolinecrush.us |
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Electric Light Orchestra |
musical group |
https://jefflynneselo.com/ |
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Ellinikon International Airport |
international airport |
http://www.hcaa-eleng.gr/ath.htm |
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Emery Worldwide |
airline |
http://www.emeryworld.com/eww/emeryweb/ |
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Emperor (band) |
musical group |
http://www.emperorhorde.com |
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Estline |
business |
http://www.estline.ee |
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Eternal Tears of Sorrow |
musical group |
http://eternaltears.fi |
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Extreme Championship Wrestling |
business |
http://www.wwe.com/shows/ecw |
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business |
http://www.fasagames.com/ |
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Faktor Eiendom |
business |
http://www.faktoreiendom.no |
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Family Computing |
magazine |
http://www.destinationsoho.com |
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Fenix (magazine) |
periodical literature |
http://fenix-antologia.pl/ |
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First Union |
business |
http://www.firstunion.com/ |
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Five (group) |
musical group |
http://www.WorldofFive.com |
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Flamatt–Laupen–Gümmenen railway |
railway company |
http://www.stb-bus.ch/ |
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Flight West Airlines |
airline |
http://www.flightwest.com.au/ |
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Floyd S. Chalmers Canadian Play Award |
award |
http://www.arts.on.ca/Page143.aspx |
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Fondle 'Em Records |
record label |
http://www.sandboxautomatic.com/fondle/ |
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Giant Records (Warner) |
record label |
http://giantrecords.se/ |
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Gill Airways |
airline |
http://www.gill-airways.com |
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Goatsnake |
musical group |
http://goatsnake.tripod.com/frames.htm |
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Goblini |
musical group |
http://www.goblini.com/ |
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Goodwill Games |
recurring sporting event |
http://www.goodwillgames.com/ |
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Gramercy Pictures |
film distributor |
http://www.gramercypictures.com |
Not saved yet
Guggenheim Museum SoHo |
museum |
http://www.guggenheim.org/guggenheim-foundation/history/guggenheim-museum-soho |
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H.O.T. (band) |
boy band |
http://hot.smtown.com/ |
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Hanna-Barbera |
business |
http://www.hanna-barbera.com |
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Harvey Danger |
musical group |
http://www.harveydanger.com |
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Hemne Orkladal Billag |
business |
http://www.hob.as/ |
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Howard Smith Limited |
business |
http://www.howardsmith.com.au/ |
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Hyder (defunct company) |
business |
http://www.hyderconsulting.com/ |
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Independence Evening Post |
newspaper |
http://www.idn.com.tw |
Not saved yet
Infoseek |
website |
http://www.infoseek.com |
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James (band) |
rock band |
http://wearejames.com |
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Johnie's Broiler |
architectural structure |
http://www.bobsbigboybroiler.com/ |
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Jouef |
business |
http://www.hornbyinternational.com/fr/8-jouef |
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Judy and Mary |
rock band |
http://www.sonymusic.co.jp/Music/Arch/ES/JudyAndMary/ |
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Jughead's Revenge |
punk band |
http://www.juggsrevenge.com/ |
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Kannivalism |
musical group |
http://www.kannivalism.com/ |
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Kohllapse |
musical group |
http://geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Club/5200/ |
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Kozmo.com |
business |
http://kozmo.com/ |
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L7 (band) |
musical group |
http://l7theband.com |
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Lingua Franca (magazine) |
magazine |
http://linguafranca.mirror.theinfo.org/ |
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Love Like Blood (band) |
musical group |
http://www.love-like-blood.de/ |
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MH-18 (magazine) |
magazine |
http://www.mh-18.com |
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Malice Mizer |
musical group |
http://www.malice-mizer.co.jp/ |
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MetroJet (American airline) |
airline |
http://www.flymetrojet.com |
Not saved yet
Micrografx |
business |
http://www.igrafx.com |
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Millennium Village |
amusement ride |
http://www.wdwmagic.com/attractions/millennium-village.htm |
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Ministry of Construction (Japan) |
ministry of Japan |
http://www.moc.go.jp/ |
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Ministry of Transport (Japan) |
transport ministry |
http://www.motnet.go.jp/ |
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Moist (band) |
musical group |
http://moistonline.com/ |
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Montgomery Ward |
business |
http://www.wards.com |
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Moskovskaya Komsomolka |
periodical literature |
http://www.newlookmedia.ru/ |
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Murry the Hump |
musical group |
http://www.murrythehump.co.uk |
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Mythos Games |
video game developer |
http://mythosgames.com |
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Napster |
software |
https://www.napster.com |
Not saved yet
National Patient Safety Agency |
NHS special health authority |
http://www.npsa.nhs.uk |
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NetObjects |
business |
http://www.netobjects.com/ |
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Neve (American band) |
musical group |
http://www.neve.com |
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New Way (Israel) |
political party |
http://www.knesset.gov.il/faction/eng/FactionPage_eng.asp?PG=121 |
Not saved yet
News.nl |
newspaper |
http://www.news.nl/ |
Not saved yet
Nitocris (band) |
musical group |
http://www.nitocris.com/ |
Not saved yet
Not Enough Rope |
musical group |
http://www.allthingsweb.com.au/ner/welcome.html |
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Notes on Linguistics |
scientific journal |
http://www.sil.org/linguistics/nol.htm |
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Noticias ECO |
television channel |
http://www.eco.com.mx/ |
Not saved yet
Nude Records |
record label |
http://www.nuderecords.com/ |
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NutriMag (magazine) |
magazine |
http://www.nutrimag.com |
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Oblivion Dust |
musical group |
http://www.obliviondust.net/ |
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Orbit (band) |
musical group |
http://orbitband.com/ |
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Pacific Broadband Communications |
business |
http://www.juniper.net |
ArchiveBot (!ao) |
forums.juniper.net |
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2015-12-17 |
5 MiB |
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ArchiveBot (!ao) |
kb.juniper.net |
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2018-10-11 |
2 MiB |
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Perrier |
trademark |
http://www.perrier.com |
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Phantom Blue |
musical group |
http://www.phantomblue.com/ |
Not saved yet
Physik Journal |
scientific journal |
http://www.physik-journal.de |
Not saved yet
Pillsbury Company |
business |
http://www.pillsbury.com |
Not saved yet
Pist.On |
musical group |
http://www.pistonline.com |
Not saved yet
Pizzicato Five |
musical group |
http://columbia.jp/~pizzicato/ |
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Platero y Tú |
musical group |
http://www.plateroytu.com/ |
Not saved yet
Popol Vuh (band) |
musical group |
http://www.myspace.com/popolvuh |
Not saved yet
Printers Inc. Bookstore |
independent bookstore |
http://www.pibooks.com/ |
Not saved yet
Privatbanen Sønderjylland |
business |
http://www.eurorail.dk/ |
Not saved yet
Radio Corporation of Singapore |
business |
http://www.mediacorp.sg |
Not saved yet
Ralston Purina |
trademark |
http://www.purina.com |
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Raphael (band) |
musical group |
http://www.forlife.co.jp/raphael/index.html#navitop |
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Rawlins Cross |
musical group |
http://www.rawlinscross.com/ |
Not saved yet
Red Orb Entertainment |
business |
http://www.redorb.com |
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Republica |
musical group |
http://www.republicamusic.co.uk |
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Revue Noire (magazine) |
magazine |
http://www.revuenoire.com/ |
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Ride (band) |
rock band |
http://www.rideox4.net |
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Rockwell International |
concern |
http://www.rockwellautomation.com/ |
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Rogue Entertainment |
business |
http://www.rogue-ent.com/ |
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Royal Air Cambodge |
airline |
http://www.royal-air-cambodge.net |
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Royal Trux |
rock band |
https://royal-trux.com/ |
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Royal Ulster Constabulary |
police |
http://www.royalulsterconstabulary.org |
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S2 (TV channel) |
http://www.stv.tv |
ArchiveBot (!ao) |
news.stv.tv |
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ArchiveBot (!ao) |
stv.tv |
ex86x |
2017-06-15 |
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Sabena |
airline |
http://www.sabena.com |
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Sackville (band) |
musical group |
http://www.sackville.org/ |
Not saved yet
Sammarinese Democratic Progressive Party |
political party |
http://www.ppds.sm |
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Sanwa Group |
business |
http://www.midorikai.co.jp/ |
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Savage Garden |
musical group |
http://www.savagegarden.com |
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SceneOne |
website |
http://www.sceneone.co.uk |
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Screeching Weasel |
musical group |
http://www.screechingweasel.com/ |
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Seaforth, Ontario |
human settlement |
http://www.huroneast.com/ |
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Shirokiya |
business |
http://www.shirokiya.com/ |
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Silencer (band) |
musical group |
http://www.nattramn.com/ |
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Simcoe, Ontario |
town |
http://www.norfolkcounty.ca |
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SixDegrees.com |
website |
http://www.sixdegrees.com |
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Skunk Anansie |
musical group |
http://SkunkAnansie.net |
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Star Utsav |
http://www.starutsav.in |
Not saved yet
Steps (pop group) |
musical group |
http://www.stepsofficial.co.uk/ |
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Steyr-Daimler-Puch |
business |
http://www.steyr-motors.com/ |
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Sulk (Canadian band) |
musical group |
http://www.smpmusicproductions.com |
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Sun Country Airlines |
airline |
http://www.suncountry.com/ |
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Sunny Day Real Estate |
musical group |
http://www.sunnydayrealestate.fm/ |
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Swedish State Railways |
Swedish government agency |
http://www.sj.se/ |
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Sweet Velvet |
musical group |
http://www.giza.co.jp/sweetvelvet/ |
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Sydney Steel Corporation |
business |
http://sysco.ns.ca |
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business |
http://www.tohgo.co.jp/ |
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Technosoft |
video game developer |
http://www.tecnosoft.com/ |
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Telenorte |
television channel |
http://www.telenorte.cl |
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Terror Tomb |
http://www.chessington.com/explore/forbidden-kingdom.aspx |
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The Afghan Whigs |
musical group |
http://www.theafghanwhigs.com |
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The Jerky Boys |
duo |
http://www.thejerkyboys.com |
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The Mavis's |
rock band |
http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/21668/20010831-0000/www.mavis-s.com/mavisframes2.htm |
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The Raphaels |
musical group |
http://www.mindspring.com/~blueheel/raphaels.html |
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The Sakura Bank |
business |
http://www.sakura.co.jp/bank/(すでに閉鎖) |
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The Sciences |
magazine |
http://www.nyas.org/Publications/TheSciences.aspx |
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The Sumitomo Bank |
business |
http://www.sumitomobank.co.jp/ |
Not saved yet
Toadies |
musical group |
http://www.thetoadies.com/ |
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Tolowa language |
language |
http://www.tolowa-nsn.gov/ |
Not saved yet
Trans World Airlines |
airline |
http://www.twa.com |
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Transeast Airlines |
airline |
http://www.junik.lv/~tea/ |
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Troll (Norwegian band) |
musical group |
http://www.myspace.com/troll |
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Tsotso (magazine) |
magazine |
http://www.chimurengalibrary.co.za/periodicals.php?id=18 |
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Twisted Sister |
rock band |
http://www.twistedsister.com |
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Uganda Airlines (1976–2001) |
airline |
http://www.swiftuganda.com/~uac/quhom.htm |
Not saved yet
Ultra (British band) |
musical group |
http://www.officialultra.co.uk/ |
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Ultra Bra |
musical group |
http://www.musicfinland.com/ultrabra |
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UnCommonCon |
science fiction convention |
http://www.uncommoncon.com/ |
Not saved yet
Union of Iranian Communists (Sarbedaran) |
political party |
http://cpimlm.com/ |
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Unity (Russian political party) |
political party |
http://www.edin.ru/ |
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Urban Bank |
business |
http://www.urbanbank.info/urbanweb/index.htm |
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V*Enna |
musical group |
http://www.v-enna.com/ |
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Vaakevandring |
musical group |
http://www.antestor.com/ |
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Van Zant |
musical group |
http://vanzantband.com |
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Walls of Jericho (band) |
rock band |
http://www.wallsofjericho.tv |
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Warning (UK band) |
musical group |
http://members.aol.com/htmf1989/warning/ |
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Webvan |
Online grocer |
http://www.webvan.com |
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Wellbeing (TV channel) |
television channel |
http://www.wellbeing.com/ |
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Westclox |
business |
http://nylholdings.com |
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Wetlands Preserve |
http://www.wetlands-preserve.org |
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Wild Blue Yokohama |
pool |
http://www.dkers.com/wb/wby/ |
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Windows on the World |
restaurant |
http://www.windowsontheworld.com/ |
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XFL (2001) |
sports league |
https://www.xfl.com |
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Xscape (group) |
girl group |
http://www.thegreatxscapetour.com/ |
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Yahoo! Indonesia |
website |
https://id.yahoo.com/ |
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Zany Brainy |
business |
http://www.zanybrainy.com/ |
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