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Archiving status In progress... (manual)
Archiving type Unknown
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IRC channel #archiveteam-bs (on hackint)
Data[how to use] bilibili_videos

Bilibili (哔哩哔哩), affectionately known as the B-site (B站), is a Chinese video hosting website, originally catering to the otaku community. It has also expanded into other ventures, such as hosting anime (番剧) and livestreams (直播).

Videos have danmaku-style comments (弹幕) in the style of Niconico, as well as "normal" video discussion (评论).

Videos IDs formerly were numeric and began with "av" (aid, avid). In 2020, they were replaced by a "BV" (bvid) identifier that was swiftly identified as an obfuscated base58 system. Videos up to av99999999 were sequential, and videos IDs after that (if converted to av-format) are random.[1]

Videos can have multiple "staffs" attached alongside the uploader(owner), as well as the role of each author, such as 【洛天依原创曲】夏虫【2021官方生贺曲】 which has 7 authors (uploader; composer; lyricist; tuner; animator; planner; planner). [2]

Some videos appear to be region-limited (China only), such as 洛天依&方锦龙《茉莉花》破次元合作【bilibili晚会单品】 which appears in the suggested column of but behaves as a deleted video for this writer.

Videos may belong by default to playlists, such as 【洛天依原创曲】月华舞【2023官方生贺曲】 which belongs to "洛天依11周年生日会" as shown on the right-hand side.

Some videos have multi-P (sub-videos/episode/chapter, 多P) functionality enabled. such as 中国音乐地图之听见广西 侗族大歌 which contains 25 videos for a total length of 01:12:28 as advertised in the thumbnail. Each individual video has a unique cid (content_id). They can be individually danmakued on, but cannot be individually discussed. For the most videos that don't have multi-P enabled, they default to P1 (e.g. or is

Another type of video collection appears as one item in an uploader's homepage, but is actually a collection of individual videos, for example at

Videos can belong to "festivals" or other features, in which case the default URL will be redirected to a special URL, such as or

Users can issue posts (动态)[3], similar to YouTube community posts.

Users can also post videos as a 动态, which will only appear in the 动态 posts timeline, and not as part of one's uploads. For example, [1] from [2].

Users can also post audio (音频) and 2 types of articles (图文 and 专栏).

See also

  1. (Note: This algorithm cannot handle avid >= 29460791296, see also:
  2. curl | jq .data.View.staff and jq .data.View.owner
  3. The naming of /dynamic is an funny legacy programming naming typology, because both "feed" and "dynamic" could be translated as "动态" even though their meanings in the context have absolutely nothing to do with each other.