Proposal: someone (ArchiveTeam!) should archive and preserve web-based art installations.
Increasingly, artists create works of art that live only on the web. While this provides many new opportunities and allows every internet user to see and experience art work, it comes with an important downside: web art can be very volatile. Web art is often self-hosted by the artist and may require a large backend database or a specific server-side language. When the initial hype wears off and the number of visitors goes down, the art work may disappear into the offline void.
From an archive perspective, it would be interesting to preserve these art projects. These are probably not the million-user terabyte-sized projects like Friendster, but they may be just as interesting.
Giving a definition of 'Art' is hard, but we could keep it as wide as possible. Anything that even remotely resembles art is interesting, especially if it generated any kind of hype on the web.
Here's a list of examples. (A bit too restricted examples: both use crowdsourcing, which should certainly not be a requirement — and how much art is there in giraffes anyway? — but I hope you get the idea.)
The Sheep Market (Archived)
"The Sheep Market, is a web-based artwork that appropriated the MTurk system to implicate thousands of workers in the creation of a massive database of drawings."
As one of the first web-based artworks that used crowdsourcing, I think this is worth keeping. Currently hosted by the artist.
One Million Giraffes (Archiving)
"A Norwegian man who made a bet with his friend that he could get a million giraffe pictures", well, you get the idea. I'm not sure if it's really art, but as it generated quite a hype it's worth archiving.
Hosted by the 'Norwegian man', who writes about problems with hosting costs on the blog.
The Million Dollar Homepage
Art? Well.... Anyway, it is an bit of web history. Saved in the Wayback Machine.
Do you know more?
There must be!