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Revision as of 01:19, 27 January 2014 by SadDM (talk | contribs) (Ugh... the more I think about it the more worried I get.)
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SadDM is a table-top role player and digital pack rat. Too many times he's tried to follow a link to a defunct blog or closed forum, and that's what makes him sad.

Sad d20.jpg

My main areas of current concern are a few sites that are basically hubs for the RPG community. While none of them seem particularly at risk, at least one of them has had a major security incident which took it offline for a time, and at least one other runs custom forum software that doesn't have a complete post index that is exposed to the web.

Stuff I Care About

Paizo Publishing

Why it's important: Paizo publishes the Pathfinder RPG. Depending on how you measure such things, it is the most popular RPG on the market. There are currently over half a million forum thread (some thread have hundreds or even thousands of posts). Additionally, they run a web store selling a variety of products (35k+ at the moment). Each store item may have its own discussion thread and reviews. All in all, this is a mountain of information stretching back 10 years.

Vital signs: Paizo is at the top of its industry, and there is no indication that I've seen that it is in danger of going away. That said, the forum and web store are a single piece of bespoke software that has evolved over the years, and will likely continue to do so. Of particular concern is the fact that there is no complete index of threads exposed to the public (merely a list of the last n threads posted to in each forum section). This means that it's unlikely that has been able to properly crawl the site.

EN World

Why it's important:

Vital signs:

Wizards of the Coast

Why it's important:

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Why it's important:

Vital signs:

Why it's important:

Vital signs:

Obsidian Portal

Why it's important:

Vital signs:

1000 Monkeys, 1000 Typewriters (1km1kt)

Why it's important:

Vital signs:


RPG Geek (and Board Game Geek)


The Piazza


Tome of Treasures

other companies with forums (Green Ronin, Kobold Publishing... doubtlessly there are others)