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Revision as of 19:41, 14 December 2016 by Bzc6p (talk | contribs) (fixes)
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USA Government
USA-Gov logo
Usa gov screenshot.png
Status Endangered
Archiving status Upcoming...
Archiving type Unknown
Project source usa-gov-grab
Project tracker cheetoflee
IRC channel #cheetoflee (on hackint) is the official website of the United States of America Government. It is unlikely to go down soon, but given the upcoming presidental change in 2017 it is a good idea to create an archive before it all changes.

Site Areas

The following sites / areas have been identified at this time and are in the process of being discovered and jobs created.

Index offers an index of more than 10,000 links to official government information. The index is categorized by services and common topics, and can be accessed through five audience gateways: Businesses and Nonprofits, Citizens, Federal Employees, Government to Government (for state, local, and tribal governments), and Visitors to the U.S.

Frequently Asked Questions's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) database contains thousands of answers to the questions the public asks most via or the contact center at 1 (800) FED-INFO. For more than 30 years, the contact center has been a source for answers to questions about consumer problems and government services.

URL Shortening

A URL shortening service,, is available to users that have a .gov email address (only .gov URLs may be submitted for shortening through this service). The service will generate a random following which redirects the user to the longer .gov URL stored in the system.


A part of, pulls together all of the U.S. government’s Spanish-language websites and makes them easily accessible to the public in one central location. features more than 900 external links and provides access to more than 125,000 Government pages in Spanish. Although most of the resources are federal, the site also links to Spanish-language content provided by 42 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and local government websites.


It is still to be decided what is in and out of scope.

How can I help?

At this time no script has been completed, For now come into the IRC channel #cheetoflee and be the first to know how you can get involved!

Running a Warrior

You can start up a Warrior and there select ArchiveTeam's Choice for now, Until the scripts are written (this is going to be our highest priority so you will run them as soon as they are released!).

Running the script manually

If you use Linux and you're a bit familiar with it, you can try running the script directly.

The instructions can be found at

Some additional information
Don't forget to replace YOURNICKHERE with your nickname.

The number after --concurrent determines how many threads run at the same time. You can increase this number if your resources (RAM, CPU, bandwidth) are sufficient. However, if you constantly see messages about rate limiting, there is no need to increase the concurrency.

If you want to stop the script, please do it gracefully if possible. To do so, create an empty file named STOP in the folder of the script (terminal command: touch STOP). The script finishes the current item(s) and stops only after that. (If you kill the script immediately, the items get broken, and they will need to be reassigned to another user.) – Before starting the script again, don't forget to remove the STOP file.

If you see "Project code is out of date", kill the script, go to its folder (cd usa-gov-grab) and issue git pull After the updating has finished, re-launch the script.

Donating to the Internet Archive

Content downloaded by the ArchiveTeam will be uploaded to the Internet Archive, where it will be stored and be available – hopefully – forever. However, storing it costs thousands of dollars in the long run. So, if you can afford, please consider donating to the Internet Archive, so that this piece of history can be kept for us all.

Do you like our cause?

If you want to help in other projects, want to learn more about ArchiveTeam, or even help in development in general, navigate to the Main Page of this wiki, from there you can reach a lot of information. The Team consists of volunteers working on the projects in their free time, so helping hands (and resources) are always welcome.