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Dead or Broken

  • 1click.im - 404 as of 2019-04-18
  • 1dl.us - Displays a static image of Element 120 Unobtanium
  • 1drv.ms - 404 as of 2018-12-31
  • 1link.in - Website dead
  • 1url.com - redirects to http://www.weirdlyodd.com/ as of 2019-04-19
  • 1y.lt - For Sale as of 2018-12-27
  • 2big.at - Redirects to http://www.2big.at/ which is now a shoe shop as of 2019-04-19
  • 2su.de - domain for sale as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • 2tag.nl - generated QR codes for the short URLs for use on social media; domain sold sometime between 2016-06-19 and 2016-08-02; old links broken as of 2017-08-21
  • 301.to - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • 301url.com - DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN as of 2019-04-18
  • 307.to - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • 41z.com - Unrelated website as of 2019-05-29 - 04:40 UTC
  • 4ks.net - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • 4ms.me - redirects to twoo.com as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • 4zip.in - For sale as of 21:05, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • 6url.com - HTML redirect, Error 500 ; Windows IIS blank page as of 02:13, 2015-12-26 (EST)
  • 7rz.de -- "Under Construction" page as of 02:13, 2015-12-26 (EST)
  • 7vd.cn -- Server not responding as of 04:04, 2016-01-01 (EST) ; was Baidu Short URL service. Example: http://7vd.cn/rjtS
  • 9en.us - Hijacked as of 2023-05-16. appears to charge for creating short URLs; called a scam on various websites; ad-heavy with obfuscated JavaScript; seems alive as of 2017-08-21 19:30 UTC. Example: http://9en.us/gjde
  • a.gd - redirects to eg.gg which is a (somewhat entertaining) parking page as of 02:13, 2015-12-26 (EST)
  • a.nF - seems to allow public shortening; has list of recent short URLs, and totals (9279 total); appears alive as 02:12, 2015-12-26 (EST) ; server not responding as of 23:38, 2016-02-26 (EST)
  • a2n.eu - For Sale as of 2018-12-28
  • aa.cx - Redirects to a non-English VPS site as of 00:58, 2016-06-15 (EDT)
  • abcurl.net - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • abra.me - server down as of 21:52, 2015-11-21 (EST)
  • ad.ag - White screen as of 2018-12-31
  • ad.vu - mirror of adjix.com, application not found; DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • ad4.us - For sale as of 21:05, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • adcraft.co - parking page as of 19:43, 2016-01-09 (EST)
  • adcrun.ch - parking page as of 18:06, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • adfro.gs - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • adlock.in - Redirect Garbage as of 2019-01-04
  • adnld.com - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • adshor.tk - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • adspl.us - parking page as of 21:05, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • adzip.us - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • aff.sc - Dead as of 2022-05-07 (UTC)
  • afx.cc - Just the letters "afx" in a giant, bright green font as of 02:13, 2015-12-26 (EST)
  • ah.pe (adhy.pe) - Domain parking page as of 2023-05-16. No login required to create URL's. Creates URL's sequentially. Returns 200 for a existing URL and 302 for a non-existing one. The successful 200 is a redirect to a captcha. Example: http://ah.pe/bpSD
  • aka.gr -- "This account has been suspended" as of 03:57, 2016-01-01 (EST) It was a Greek url shortener, written by Konstantinos Botonakis, with sponsored ads. Ex: http://aka.gr/bit
  • ar.gy - GitHub holding page as of 01:35, 2016-02-10 (EST)
  • arm.in - domain for sale as of 21:44, 2015-11-21 (EST)
  • arst.ch - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • articleshrine.com - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • asso.in - seems dead (parking page?) as of 2017-08-21 21:20 UTC
  • at.cmt.com - No response as of 2023-05-16. Country Music Television - Appears to be a vanity domain hosted on ow.ly infrastructure.
  • at5.us - No response as of 2023-05-16. 302 redirect on success, 404 on error; requires an account for creating short URLs.
  • aurls.info - DNS not responding as of 01:26, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • azon.biz - No response as of 2023-05-16. Gives 200 on error. Gives 301 on success. Starts at Single character. Doesn't appear to be accepting new short urls.
  • azqq.com - For Sale as of 2019-04-05
  • b2l.me - For Sale as of 2018-12-28
  • b54.in - Domain parking page as of 2023-05-16. Gives 301 for valid URLs and 307 for invalid URLs. It is possible to enter keywords to create personalized URLs. Seems to be non-sequential. Example: b54.in/9me4
  • b65.us - For Sale as of 2019-01-02
  • bacn.me
  • bcool.bz - ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT as of 2018-12-28
  • bdu.me - For sale as of 2018-12-31
  • be.vc
  • biglnk.com - dead, replaced with unrelated blog
  • biturl.in - ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED as of 2018-12-29
  • biturl.net - for sale as of 01:01, 2016-06-06 (EDT)
  • bizz.cc - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • bloat.me - parking page as of 15:05, 2016-01-02 (EST)
  • bombch.us - Site is dead as of 2023-11-19T10:20:23Z (no response from server). Site was still available, and still allowing creation of new URLs, as of 2023-11-10T18:29:13Z. URLs were sequentially generated base64 numbers (using - and _ for non-alphanumeric characters) and had reached 4 characters at the time of the site's death. Example (likely created 2022-11): http://bombch.us/DXm6
  • BTC.ms - Domain parking page as of 2023-05-16. No Login required to create links. The links seem to be non-sequential. 7,287,276 links already created. Returns 200 with existing link. Non-existing return 404. Example: http://btc.ms/72i4y1N4udHgK40FF0
  • Buk.me - DNS not responding as of 01:26, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • buraga.org - seems to be a social network, not a url shortener as of 01:01, 2016-06-06 (EDT)
  • bwtm.co - DNS fails to resolve.
  • calyp.co - Server error. 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.
  • canurl.com - Website dead
  • catchylink.com - Advertising a mutual fund as of 01:31, 2015-12-13 (EST)
  • catchyurl.co
  • cf.ly (CashFly.com) -- redirects to happydaydeals4you.com as of 02:04, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • chod.sk - Appears non-incremental, not resolving
  • cl.lk - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • cli.gs - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST); Appears non-incremental
  • cliccami.info - Apache default page as of 15:33, 2016-01-02 (EST)
  • clk.my - DNS not responding as of 01:26, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • clop.in -- domain parked as of 21:52, 2015-11-21 (EST)
  • coge.la -- just a logo as of 22:00, 2015-11-21 (EST)
  • come.to - (wayback of homepage) Related to various .to shorteners. Started in 1997, killed in 2013 after parent company died.
  • Crum.pl - DNS not responding as of 01:26, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • cu.tl - Called "Cut Link". Probably owned by the same people as shrink.im, based on the reused graphics / design; does not resolve as of 2019-04-02
  • curio.us - ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED as of 2019-01-06
  • cut.io - Parked domain as of 2019-05-29 - 04:29 UTC
  • da.co - Parked as of 01:35, 2016-02-10 (EST)
  • dag.gy - Used to be a bit.ly alias; parking page as of 2018-12-13, 16:55 UTC.
  • dai3.net - Offers a URL shorting service, but it doesn't seem to work; unclear if existing links work; as of 01:46, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
  • decenturl.com - Redirects to namecheap.com/market as of 2023-05-16. Makes human-readable URLs from page titles; not at all easy to scrape. Requires one-time payment and registration to create URLs as of 01:35, 2016-02-10 (EST)
  • dfl.me - For sale as of 03:09, 2016-08-19 (EDT)
  • dfl8.me - For sale as of 2018-12-30 previously had an archive of created URLs apparently
  • dft.ba - Server gone as of 01:11, 2015-11-17 (EST) ; site had shutdown message (claiming links would continue to work), from 2015-07 through 2015-09. "Don't forget to be awesome - custom shortened name", by DFTBA Records. Examples: http://dft.ba/-aWOr ; http://dft.ba/-bitdo ; http://dft.ba/-urlshortener
  • digbig.com - Offline as of 2023-05-16. no longer accepting new users as of 2014-03-01
  • digg.com - discontinued - [1]
  • do.my - Blank page as of 01:35, 2016-02-10 (EST)
  • dollarfalls.info - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • domainonair.com - appears to just offer DNS services as of 01:46, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
  • donotlink.it Domain parking page as of 2023-05-16. appears random, ex: https://donotlink.it/Z2KP https://donotlink.it/AKbJ https://donotlink.it/qbpb, valid: 200 OK, invalid: 404 Not Found. "Most donotlink.it URLs are 4-6 characters, only include letters and numbers (and are case sensitive) (e.g. https://donotlink.it/zxwL) or have another URL appended (e.g. https://donotlink.it/http://example.com)" (from page that appears for invalid links)
  • dopen.us - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • dri.pr - Undrip.com shortener, dead since 2013, archive
  • dropmylinks.com - For Sale as of 2018-12-27
  • dwarfurl.com - Numeric, appears incremental: http://dwarfurl.com/08041 ; domain for sale as of 01:35, 2016-02-10 (EST)
  • easy.tc - DNS not resolving.
  • easyuri.com - Appears hex incremental with last digit random/checksum: http://easyuri.com/1339f , http://easyuri.com/133a3 ; blank page as of 01:35, 2016-02-10 (EST); doesn't respond as of 23:34, 2016-09-18 (EDT)
  • eqent.me - Improper redirect to bitly.
  • esyURL.com - Russian error page saying the site is temporarily suspended as of 23:34, 2016-09-18 (EDT)
  • evrsh.in - evrsh.in’s server IP address could not be found. as of 2019-04-15
  • eweri.com - doesn't respond as of 23:34, 2016-09-18 (EDT)
  • fa.by - Shut down on Apr 8, 2012 (according to Wayback). Last checked 01:22, 2016-02-17 (EST)
  • feedzil.la - Domain parked; server doesn't respond as of 01:22, 2016-02-17 (EST)
  • femto.pw - Domain parked as of 2023-05-20. Last alive check was 05/01/2021.
  • fff.to - Parking page as of 01:22, 2016-02-17 (EST)
  • filoops.info - Domain parked as of 2023-05-20. Last alive check was 29/01/2016.
  • fire.to - Server doesn't respond as of 01:22, 2016-02-17 (EST)
  • flpbd.it - Flipboard -- Appears down as of 02:45, 2016-05-19 (EDT)
  • fly2.ws - Empty page as of 01:22, 2016-02-17 (EST)
  • flyt.it - Microsoft Azure Web App 404 page as of 2023-05-20. Last alive check was 03/04/2019.
  • fon.gs - server down as of 22:00, 2015-11-21 (EST); DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • freak.to - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • fur.ly - claims to allow you to "Shorten multiple urls into one", died between 2016-08-22 and 2016-09-28.
  • fuseurl.com - Account Suspended as of 00:29, 2016-10-06 (EDT)
  • fuzzy.to - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • fwd4.me - redirects to a site about traffic cameras as of 22:00, 2015-11-21 (EST)
  • fwib.net - parking page as of 01:22, 2016-02-17 (EST)
  • g.ro.lt - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • gca.sh - Dead website, broken links as of 2017-08-17 (CEST). According to archive.org: it was working on 2016-04-26, but not on 2016-10-01. Owned by GCash.com, which has a working website at the moment.
  • gl.am - Empty as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT)
  • go.to - sold its domains on Sedo apparently.
  • go2.me - everything 404s
  • go2.vg - Parked domain as of 2019-05-29 - 04:41 UTC
  • go2cut.com - Website dead
  • gob.li - Golbin Ridge Limited. Timed out
  • gonext.org - not resolving
  • goshrink.com - not resolving as of 02:13, 2016-12-04 (EST)
  • gurl.es - Server not responding as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT)
  • gx.si
  • gyar.eu - Server gone as of 01:07, 2015-11-17 (EST) (examples: http://gyar.eu/c8 ; http:// gyar.eu/agB)
  • hao.jp - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • hashonomy.com - Timed out
  • hex.io - Gandi parking page as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT)
  • hii.fyi - 404 page as of 2023-05-20. Last alive check was 05/04/2019.
  • hj.to -- server requests HTTP Basic auth as of 22:05, 2015-11-21 (EST)
  • hmm.li -- "dead for some time" and likely unrelated to hmm.ph according to hmmm_ on IRC as of 2017-08-14 20:40 UTC
  • hmm.ph -- Domain for sale as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT)
  • ho.io - 500 as of 2019-05-29 - 04:27 UTC
  • hoot.to - Dead as of 06:08, 2022-10-10 (UTC)
  • hop.im -- a personal homepage as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT)
  • href.hu
  • href.in - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • hsblinks.com - app login page as of 02:13, 2016-12-04 (EST)
  • htcdev.net - DNS not resolving.
  • htxt.it - redirects to spam as of 02:13, 2016-12-04 (EST)
  • Hurl.it - does not seem to be a shortener as of 02:13, 2016-12-04 (EST)
  • hurl.me - doesn't resolve as of 02:13, 2016-12-04 (EST)
  • hurl.no - Shut down sometime between 2011-03-05 and 2011-05-29 due to an influx of spam. As of 02:24, 2015-12-03 (EST), the domain appears to be owned by someone else.
  • hurl.ws - spam blog as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • iawtp.me - DNS not resolving
  • icanhaz.com - Contains a "closed as of June 2010" message as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT)
  • icymi.me - DNS not resolving
  • idek.net DNS not resolving as of 00:04, 2016-10-06 (EDT) ; seemed alive, allowed public shortening as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT) ; idek.net/CDN, idek.net/CND ; alphabet: asdASD123 ; 600 ghits ; 3, some 4 char length; existing: 301 - location ; not existing: http://new.idek.net/SHORTCODE ; new.idek.net broken, can't create new links. seems incremental
  • ik.my - Domain for sale as of 01:46, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
  • iKr.me - Asian-script spam site as of 02:24, 2015-12-03 (EST)
  • ilix.in - domain parked
  • imfy.us - requires a recaptcha to get to the linked site, and avast goes nuts. DNS fails to resolve.
  • imtiny.com - Redirects to unreleated website as of 2019-05-29 - 04:49 UTC
  • infovak.com - redirects to some marketing site as of 01:46, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
  • inspr.in - Inspired Beta. Can't find server
  • ir.pe - server times out as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • irt.me - DNS not resolving as of 02:24, 2015-12-03 (EST)
  • its.my - Just an advert as of 04:07, 2016-01-01 (EST)
  • ity.im - Host error as of 2023-05-20, shows adverts, not clear if it still works as of 23:40, 2* 015-12-19 (EST). Last alive check was 19/12/2015.
  • itz.bz - domain parked as of 01:46, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
  • ix.it - Not resolving
  • ix.lt - website about a "Music Without Walls" project (?) as of 02:13, 2016-12-04 (EST)
  • j2j.de - empty blog as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • jijr.com - Doesn't appear to be a shortener, now parked as of 04:07, 2016-01-01 (EST)
  • jnl.io - No response as of 2023-05-20. Based on the YOURLS software. Returns 301 on success and 302 on error. The 302 error redirects back to the home page.. Last alive check was 16/04/2019.
  • joomlagyar.hu/usb - DNS not resolving
  • jump.to - dead as of 2013-02-01
  • just.as - dead as of 2019-04
  • k.vu - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • kaaf.com - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • keTKP.in - DNS not responding as of 01:26, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • kisa.ch - Domain for sale as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT)
  • kissa.be - "Kissa.be url shortener service is shutdown"
  • kl.am - "kl.am Closes its Shell" (server not available as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT))
  • kly.so - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • Kots.Nu - DNS not responding as of 01:26, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • krunchd.com - redirects to a real estate site as of 00:58, 2016-06-15 (EDT)
  • krz.ch - redirects to idealizer.ch (SEO company) as of 02:24, 2015-12-03 (EST)
  • kuijt.nu - replaced with unrelated site
  • kurl.us - Parked.
  • l.gg - server not responding as of 01:31, 2015-12-13 (EST)
  • l.pr - LinksPreadeR (review from TechCrunch[IAWcite.todayMemWeb]) - DNS not resolving as of 01:09, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • l1nks.org - redirects to Asian porn site as of 01:46, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
  • l9k.net - Empty page as of 2023-05-20, seems alive, allows public shortening as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT). Last alive check was 13/03/2016.
  • lien2.com - Domain parked as of 2023-05-20, http://lien2 . com/go/a6cx ; seems-non-incremental, only 583 shortened urls (as of 02:27, 2015-11-29 (EST) ). Last alive check was 29/11/2015.
  • lil.ink - Domain parked as of 2023-05-20. Based on the YOURLS software. Returns 301 on success and 302 on error. The 302 error redirects back to the home page.. Last alive check was 16/04/2019.
  • liltext.com - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • lin.io - Site dead as of 2023-05-20. uses frame/toolbar (site is alive as of 01:09, 2015-12-07 (EST)). Last alive check was 07/12/2015.
  • lingid.eu - Dead as of 2020-03-26 13:15 (EET). It redirected to lingid.ee what allowed to shorten URLs for this domain. The domain is registered, but does not resolve any more. Was hosted and managed by Virtuaal OÜ
  • linkbun.ch - Cloudflare Workers placeholder as of 2023-05-20. combines multiple URLs into one short URL, probably requires custom code -- 00:53, 2016-03-14 (EDT). Last alive check was 14/03/2016.
  • linkee.com - shut down with a notice on 2014-07-23
  • liurl.cn - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • lk.to
  • lmo.ee - Dead as of 2020-03-26 13:15 (EET). It redirected to lingid.ee what allowed to shorten URLs for this domain. The domain expired and is now available again. Was hosted and managed by Virtuaal OÜ
  • ln-s.net - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • ln-s.ru - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • LNK.by - Cyrillic domain parking page as of 01:09, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • lnk.gd - "This account has been suspended. Either the domain has been overused, or the reseller ran out of resources." as of 17:51, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • lnk.ly - DNS not resolving as of 01:09, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • lnk.ms - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • lnk.nu - parking page as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
  • lnkurl.com - Website empty as of 00:53, 2016-03-14 (EDT)
  • lru.jp - Just shows a login form as of 00:53, 2016-03-14 (EDT)
  • lst.bz - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • lt.tl - Domain parked as of 2023-05-20. site is up, says "Service will be back soon..." as of 01:31, 2015-12-09 (EST). Last alive check was 09/12/2015.
  • lu.mu - Appears to no longer be a URL shortening service 2018-12-31
  • lurl.no - Server doesn't respond as of 00:53, 2016-03-14 (EDT)
  • m112.hu - Link creation (and website) appears to be broken as of 22:28, 2016-05-28 (EDT)
  • macte.ch - 403 as of 2023-05-20. seems alive, allows public shortening as of 00:53, 2016-03-14 (EDT). Last alive check was 14/03/2016.
  • mangk.us - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • marv.ly - DNS fails to resolve.
  • mash.to - Cannot connect ; Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • mcaf.ee - Site down as of 2023-05-20. Last alive check was 29/04/2016.
  • me.lt - Connection refused.
  • me2.hu - DNS error as of 22:28, 2016-05-28 (EDT)
  • memurl.com - Pronounceable. Broken.
  • mens.hm - Not responding (timeout)
  • micURL.com - parking page as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
  • miklos.dk - Doesn't appear guessable: http://miklos.dk/!z7bA6a - "Vi arbejder på sagen..."
  • min2.me - now a CDN called bit2me (?) as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
  • mindless.co
  • minilien.com - Doesn't appear guessable: http://minilien.com/?9nyvwnA0gh - Website dead
  • minilink.org - parking page as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
  • minim.in - Times out
  • miniurl.com - Just an ad page as of 00:53, 2016-03-14 (EDT)
  • miniurl.hu - Times out as of 22:28, 2016-05-28 (EDT)
  • minurl.org - Presently in ERROR 404
  • minyurl.net - Parked domain as of 2019-05-29 - 04:25 UTC
  • mke.me - Service Temporarily Unavailable as of 00:58, 2016-06-15 (EDT)
  • mmmm.ee - Dead as of 2020-03-26 13:15 (EET). It redirected to lingid.ee what allowed to shorten URLs for this domain. The domain is registered, but does not resolve. Was hosted and managed by Virtuaal OÜ
  • ms.me - Parked.
  • msplinks.com - Used by Myspace[2]
  • mtw.tl - everything 403s
  • muhlink.com - Not resolving
  • multiurl.com - Redirected to zapped.to as of 2023-05-20. Claims to let you share multiple URLs at once. Last alive check was 13/07/2016.
  • my7b.com - Server IP address could not be found as of 2019-05-29 - 04:47 UTC
  • myloc.me - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • MySp.in - parking page as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
  • mytinyurl.com - redirects to an unrelated image
  • mytinyurl.net - Redirects to unrelated website as of 2019-05-29 - 04:49 UTC
  • MyURL.in - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • myurl.us - cpanel frontend
  • myurlz.com - Parked domain as of 2019-05-29 - 04:26 UTC
  • myv.bz - Not resolving
  • nao.usem.xyz - completely dead as of 2021-03-30, last seen alive in 2017 May, then went up for sale, now empty
  • nazr.in - DNS not responding as of 2020-11-01; seen alive as recently as 2020-04-16
  • nblo.gs - Dead as of 2022-05-07 (UTC) with the message "Error: Page not found" and "The requested URL was not found on this server." on the main page.
  • nbx.ch - Domain parked as of 2023-05-20 private shortener; appears up as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST). Last alive check was 09/12/2015.
  • ndurl.com - redirects to site offering "Minecraft for Free" as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
  • news.me - no obvious way to create URLs from the home page as of 20:08, 2015-11-07 (EST); domain doesn't resolve as of 04:52, 2016-04-06 (UTC)
  • nm.ly - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • nn.nf - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • not.my - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • nsyed.com - Just contains a short equation as of 02:00, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
  • nutshellurl.com - 403/404 as of 2023-05-20. Appears incremental. 301s to a redirector script, which then 301s you to the destination. Seems alive as of 14:59, 2016-03-20 (EDT). Last alive check was 20/03/2016.
  • nxy.in - Just displays "HNY 2016!" as of 15:00, 2016-03-20 (EDT)
  • nyturl.com - NY Times (bonus points for being longer than nyt.com, which they own). Taken by squatters
  • o-x.fr - Non-loading adverts as of 01:11, 2016-04-03 (EDT)
  • oc1.us - parking page as of 17:51, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • om.ly - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • omani.ac - redirects to a journalism website as of 2021-03-30, last seen alive in 2018 May
  • omf.gd - DNS not responding as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST) ; Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • omoikane.net - ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT as of 2019-01-02
  • onvzi.com - DNS fails to resolve.
  • ooqx.com - domain for sale as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • ooze.us - domain for sale as of 02:00, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
  • orz.se - domain registrar as of 01:11, 2016-04-03 (EDT)
  • otf.me - Empty WordPress site
  • ozn.st - Site down as of 2023-05-20. Claims to be for personal use only. Last alive check was 13/07/2016.
  • p.pw - 404 as of 2023-05-20. sells interstitial ads before showing the full URL; likely to be harder to scrape (as of 20:08, 2015-11-07 (EST)). Last alive check was 07/11/2015.
  • p2p.gop - Site down as of 2023-05-20. Link shortener used by some Republican politicians. Example: http://p2p.gop/4l2p http://p2p.gop redirects to tinyurl.com. Short codes appear to be random and not in tinyurl space. Valid: * 302 Found (and redirects to intended link target, not a tinyurl intermediary link) Invalid: 200 OK. Last alive check was 28/01/2021.
  • para.pt - parking page as of 01:31, 2015-12-13 (EST)
  • Pendek.in - parking page as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
  • Pic.gd - appears to be an image sharing site as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
  • Piko.me - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • ping.fm - Fails to resolve.
  • PiURL.com - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • pli.gs - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • pln.so - Not working.
  • Plo.cc - parking page as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
  • plzretwt.me - Fails to resolve.
  • pnut.co - see nutshellurl.com Ex: http://pnut.co/3a (returns 200 on a HEAD request; will need to use GET requests) -- Connection times out (nutshellurl.com still working, see Alive) as of 03:45, 2016-06-10 (EDT)
  • po.st - Domain parked as of 2023-05-20 "social sharing platform"; no obvious way to create URLs from the home page (as of 20:08, 2015-11-07 (EST)). Last alive check was 07/11/2015.
  • pops.ci - pops.ci/Q0dFvW ; all 6 Character ; uppercase, lowercase & digits ; ~2500 Results(according to google) ; existing: 301, Location: ; not existing: 404, 302(redirs to popsci main page); DNS doesn't resolve as of 00:27, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • pp.gg - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • pqn.pw - http://www.pqn.pw/en - www.pqn.pw’s server IP address could not be found as of 2019-04-15
  • prsm.tc - Site down as of 2023-05-20. getprismatic.com ; ex: http://prsm.tc/GB2HP2 -> http://getprismatic.com/story/1428656915049?share=MzY4MjEx.MTQyODY1NjkxNTA0OQ.gH9aD6dy4y7zDFgIYQcLrW9KaeE -> (via some convoluted mess) http://scvincent.com/2015/04/10/when-reviews-really-matter/ ; non-redirects still get redirected to http://getprismatic.com/404 -- getprismatic.com no longer resolves, prsm.tc resolves but returns 503 with "Back-end server is at capacity" reason as of 03:31, 2016-06-10 (EDT). Last alive check was 10/06/2016.
  • pt2.me - default server page as of 02:09, 2015-12-09 (EST)
  • Puke.It - parking page as of 02:09, 2015-12-09 (EST)
  • pulsene.ws - Expired. Parked by GoDaddy.
  • qlnk.net - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • qps.ru - Dead as of 2022-05-07 (UTC)
  • qte.me - rediects to mcdev.com which times out as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • qu.tc - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • qurlyq.com - Javascript redirect. Appears sequential: http://qurlyq.com/5nf. Domain parked.
  • qux.in - Parking page as of 01:04, 2015-12-10 (EST)
  • r.im - page is blank (but contains title) as of 01:04, 2015-12-10 (EST)
  • rb6.me - redirects to "coming soon" page as of 17:51, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • RDE.me - GoDaddy parking page as of 01:04, 2015-12-10 (EST)
  • re.ad - Fails to resolve.
  • readthis.ca - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • reallytinyurl.com - A non-English blog of some kind as of 15:00, 2016-03-20 (EDT)
  • redir.ec - 403 Forbidden as of 17:51, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • redirx.com - Lowercase alpha only, appears sequential or guessable - Ex: http://redirx.com/?wyok. Website still online but does not resolve existing URLs nor does it allow creating new ones (responds with the message: blame the spammers)
  • reducelnk.com - redirects to a web directory as of 03:08, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • rehttp.com - Redirects to unrelated website after a long time waiting as of 2019-05-29 - 04:46 UTC
  • retwt.me - Server fails to respond as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • rickroll.it - page with just ads as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • riz.gd - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • RT.nu - parking page as of 01:11, 2016-04-03 (EDT)
  • RubyURL.com - DNS not responding as of 02:24, 2015-12-12 (EST) ; Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • rurl.org - Service Temporarily Unavailable as of 00:58, 2016-06-15 (EDT)
  • rww.tw - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • s.me - Domain parked.
  • s3nt.com - Probably sequential. http://s3nt.com/aa goes somewhere different from /ab . Domain parked.
  • s4c.in - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • s7y.us - empty page as of 2021-03-30, last seen alive in 2016 April
  • Sai.ly - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • sameurl.com - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • say.ly - redirects to unrelated site
  • scriptzon.com - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • scrnch.me - DNS not responding as of 01:15, 2016-01-29 (EST)
  • sdai.ly - Allows custom shorturl -- DNS does not resolve as of 03:45, 2016-06-10 (EDT)
  • sdut.us - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • see.sc - Fails to resolve.
  • sfu.ca - server times out as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • Short.ie - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • short.im - domain parked, last seen alive 2018-12-03.
  • short.nr - DNS not responding as of 01:31, 2015-12-13 (EST)
  • short.to - Domain is parked - Probably sequential/loweralpha: http://short.to/msmp ; DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • Short.Url - DNS not responding as of 01:26, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • shortlinks.co.uk - Working again. Maybe not. ; DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • shortme.info - "Origin DNS error" from Cloudflare as of 2019-05-29 - 04:43 UTC
  • shortxlink.com - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • shout.to - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • show.my - Likely dead (Folder listing) (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • shr.tn - 403 from CloudFlare as of 02:00, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
  • shrinkify.com - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • shrinklink.co.uk - Doesn't appear sequential: http://www.shrinklink.co.uk/45bmx , www.shrinklink.co.uk/npk6xp . Domain parked.
  • shrinkr.com - formerly did link shortening has now been bought by another company that does something else (2018-12-27)
  • shrinkurl.us -- Still resolves, but does not allow creating new URLs ("The URL you entered was not valid or did not exist.") - Connection refused as of 03:45, 2016-06-10 (EDT)
  • shrt.st - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • shrt.ws - personal homepage as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • shrtb.us - Parked domain as of 2019-05-29 - 04:34 UTC
  • shrten.com - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • Shrtn.com - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • shrtn.us - myshorturls.appspot.com. 404, does not resolve
  • Shw.me - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • simurl.com - Doesn't appear guessable - Ex: http://simurl.com/panpes. Website is blank; does not resolve URLs ("This SimURL is now inactive") ; parking page as of 17:51, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • siteo.us - returns "521 Origin Down" as of 17:51, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • sitereview.me - page with no visible content as of 02:00, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
  • sk.gy - under construction as of 02:00, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
  • sl.ly - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • slki.ru - Not a shortener, not sure if it integrates one. (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • smallr.com - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • smallurl.in - Parked domain as of 2019-05-29 - 04:27 UTC
  • smf.is - DNS not resolving.
  • smfu.in - Currently not working, site exists. (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • smsh.me - Dead: Cannot connect to database. (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • snipie.com - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • snipurl.com - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • snpurl.biz - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • sns.mx - SNS Analytics, domain parked
  • snurl.com - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • socialcampaign.com - Times out as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • song.ly - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • spedr.com - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • sq.com - Now redirects to Singapore Airlines.
  • srnk.net - redirects to tiny-url.info as of 02:37, 2016-05-14 (EDT)
  • srs.li - Not a shortener (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • starturl.com - Suspended as of 2019-05-29 - 04:42 UTC
  • su.pr - StumbleUpon Died presumably when StumbleUpon did. Not responsive as of 2019-04-12
  • surl.hu – Last contact on 2014-07-16, nearly 2M sURLs gone. Domain taken but idle now ; DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • SwU.me - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • swyze.com - swyze.com’s server IP address could not be found. 2019-04-15
  • tcp3.com - Unrelated website as of 2019-05-29 - 04:39 UTC
  • tei.ai - Content replaced as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2022-07-18. Another mystery spammy URL shortener with no clear indicator of how to create new ones and multiple hoops to jump through to get to the final url
  • tgi.link - Content replaced as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2019-04-16. Based on the YOURLS software. Returns 301 on success and 302 on error. The 302 error redirects back to the home page.
  • tgr.me - Dead (403) (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • theminiurl.com - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
  • TimesURL.at - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • tin.bz - Redirects to unrelated website as of 2019-05-29 - 04:34 UTC
  • tini.us - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • tiniuri.com - Account suspended as of 00:58, 2016-06-15 (EDT)
  • tiny.ly - was alive as of 2016-01-01, timing out as of 2020-06-15 14:00 UTC, probably died in late February 2016 per Wayback Machine
  • tinylord.com - tinylord.com’s server IP address could not be found. 2019-04-15
  • TinyPl.us - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • tinyuri.ca - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • tllg.net - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • tm.to - Twtmore has "flown away"
  • tmsurl.com ‐ Server IP address could not be found as of 2019-05-29 - 04:31 UTC
  • tnij.org - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • to.gg - Global Giving, everything 503s
  • to.je - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • to.vg - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • totesz.hu/x - Does not resolve as of 02:53, 2016-08-19 (EDT)
  • tpal.us - Server IP address could not be found as of 2019-05-29 - 04:37 UTC
  • tpl.ee - Site unreachable as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2020-03-26. LSTU Hosted and used by Jtagcat. LSTU instances by default list all shortened URLs at /stats and give you a json file of all URLs at /cookie. Logging in as admin allows you to delete any shortened URLs.
  • tpm.ly - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • traceurl.com - DNS fails to resolve.
  • trumpink.lt - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • trunc.it - Content replaced as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2015-12-12. closed, but still resolving existing URLs as of 17:43, 2015-12-12 (EST); http://trunc.it/pssga ; returns 301 for existing and non-existing shortcodes
  • tsort.us - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • turl.no - Database error: "Incorrect DB config, or could not connect to DB" (2019-04-16 20:39 UTC)
  • tw6.us - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • tweet.me - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • tweetburner.com / twurl.nl - Appears incremental, everything 404s
  • tweez.me - redirects to vurl.com (which 404s) as of 04:04, 2016-01-01 (EST) ; was described as a "Free Premium URL Shortening Service"
  • Twip.us - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • twitpwr.com - Domain parked.
  • twitt.hu
  • twitterurl.net - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • twitterurl.org - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • twitthis.com - Content replaced as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2015-11-07. requires a Twitter account to create shortURLs (as of 20:08, 2015-11-07 (EST))
  • twiturl.de - Site unreachable as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2016-04-12. Custom URLs only?, goes via two redirects, Valid: 302 (Location ends with '&loc=LINK', LINK is the original URL), Invalid: 302 (Location ends with '&loc=http://www.twiturl.de'), ex.:http://twiturl.de/gudet (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • twixar.com - "Estamos fora do ar por algum tempo, mas estamos trabalhando para voltar a oferecer o serviço para encurtar URLs longa em breve!"
  • twthpr.co - DNS not resolving.
  • twtr.us - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • twurl.cc - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
  • twurl.nl - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • tzd.me - Content replaced as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2016-10-31. Has an export function built for easy import: http://api.tzd.me/export.php?meta returns a JSON object with meta-information, and http://api.tzd.me/export.php?page=0 will export the list in BEACON format, with headers to indicate pagination status.
  • u.bb - No DNS as of 01:15, 2016-01-29 (EST)
  • u.fail - replaced with something else, other aliases: forum.fail (SERVFAIL, DNSSEC fail?), share.fail (domain on marketplace), social.fo (firefox errors with SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP), checked on 2023-09-02
  • u.mavrev.com - Stopped accepting new urls. Now times out. Shows a shared webhosting notice as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • u.nu - "The shortest URLs. period." Website dead since at least 2010-10-01 (http://web.archive.org/web/20100104023208/http://u.nu/) ; Now it is "an East-West informed pan-cultural wellness community based in NYC" as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • u76.org - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • ub0.cc - redirects to software site http://www.shareitforpca.com/ as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • uiop.me - just lists an email address as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • ulu.lu - Gandi domain parking page as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • unfaker.it - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • updating.me - not a URL shortening service as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • ur.ly - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • urizy.com - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • url-press.com - Suspended by web host.
  • URL.AG - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • url.co.uk - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • url.com - Redirects to a lyric search site as of 21:06, 2016-11-21 (EST)
  • url360.me - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • url4.eu - Site for sale as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • url9.com - Sequential, alphanumeric. Leading 0s are significant. "The site is working correctly."
  • urlborg.com - 404 Not Found.
  • urlBorg.com - 404s as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • URLCorta.es - For sale as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • urlcover.com - Domain parked.
  • urlenco.de - server times out as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • urlG.info - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • urlhawk.com - Domain parked as of 21:06, 2016-11-21 (EST)
  • urli.nl - Forbidden HTTP code as of 21:06, 2016-11-21 (EST)
  • urloo.com - domain for sale as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • urlot.com - DNS not responding as of 21:06, 2016-11-21 (EST)
  • urls.im - redirects to a marketer's home page as of 21:06, 2016-11-21 (EST)
  • urlshort.me - Redirects to unrelated website as of 2019-05-29 - 04:22 UTC
  • urlshorteningservicefortwitter.com - random non-English baseball cap spam blog as of 21:06, 2016-11-21 (EST)
  • urlsinn.com - DNS not resolving.
  • urlsmash.com - DNS not resolving.
  • urltea.com - Dreamhost's coming soon page.
  • urlu.ms - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • urlvi.be - Domain parked.
  • urlx.ie - Redirects to software site as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • urlx.org - Owner has agreed to share his database
  • URLZ.at - Redirects to a clothing store as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • urlzen.com - For sale as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • usav.us - Parked domain as of 2019-05-29 - 04:46 UTC
  • use.my - DNS not responding as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • usite.hu/link.php - Content replaced as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2016-08-18. Numeric incremental, public database - [0-9]{1,5}, starts at 1 (see http://usite.hu/link.php?k=16000 for full list of links) ex: http://usite.hu/x/18084 http://usite.hu/x/18085 valid requests return 302 Redirect to target link, invalid requests return 302 to /link.php (GET/HEAD)
  • uxp.in - still resolves URLs, but site just shows blank page. Domain parked.
  • vaime.org - Server IP address could not be found as of 2019-05-29 - 04:44 UTC
  • vb.ly - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST) (but see above)
  • vi.ly - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
  • vibemag.co - Vibe Magazine. Times out
  • viralurl.com - (alias vur.me, viralurl.biz, vurl.bz, virl.ws ) connection refused as of 02:53, 2016-08-19 (EDT)
  • virl.co - "Have fun with interesting lists" as of 02:44, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • vk-cc.com - Domain parked as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2017-06-25. (not the same as vk.cc) Russian url shortener for any url, not only from VK. You can shorten without registration. Valid: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", does not return Location. Invalid: "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found". As of 2017-06-25 the homepage says the total number of shorten links are 12144.(Does this include password protected, or only the public ones?) Example: https://vk-cc.com/1txW I shortened 6 URLs, resulted with 4 to 6 characters, 0-1A-Za-z, with similar/same characters next to each other (XX, 0O), able to start with numbers. Also able to create custom short urls (with the field with the A - placeholder="Свой адрес короткой ссылки" with maxlength="50" (!)) Potencial issue: on the default, not registered shortening setting it has a 5-second contdown (intermediate page) and a clickable link after the countdown. Solvable by view-source:https://vk-cc.com/1txW, link on the 151th line (always at the same place with the default settings). TODO: explore short url options (timer, password, multiple urls...) creation with registration.
  • vkvi.net - Content replaced as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2019-04-16. Based on the YOURLS software. Returns 301 on success and 302 on error. The 302 error redirects back to the home page.
  • vl.am - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • vm.lc - Just the words "Short is cool..." as of 02:44, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • voizle.com - redirects to lovesharma as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
  • vsb.li / links.visibli.com/links/ - The latter uses truncated md5 hex string. See sharedby.co.
  • VTC.es - For sale as of 02:44, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • vtny.org - Homepage loads, but all shortcodes give 404 as of 2021-04-02. Built with YOURLS; announcement blog post
  • w3t.org - 403 Forbidden; construction page as of 02:44, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • w55.de - Just the domain name on the page as of 02:44, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • wa.la - For sale as of 02:44, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
  • wipi.es - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • wl.tl - DNS not resolving.
  • wlink.us - Domain parked.
  • wt.org - Seems to be unrelated personal homepage as of 22:21, 2016-09-18 (EDT)
  • wwy.me - Server not responding as of 04:04, 2016-01-01 (EST)
  • x.se - Cannot resolve, but www.x.se works.
  • xaddr.com - Domain parked.
  • XeeURL.com - server not responding as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT) ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED as of 2024-01-26
  • xil.in - Under construction.
  • XiY.net - Attempts to resolve existing shortlinks return "Account Suspended". Does not appear to allow creation of new shortlinks. Seems to have issued 4 characters using [a-zA-Z0-9?] - http://xiy . net/9Hw3 http://xiy . net/?vfk (as of 17:39, 2016-05-15 (EDT))
  • xr.com - Doesn't resolve as of 02:37, 2016-05-14 (EDT)
  • xrl.in - Domain for sale as of 02:37, 2016-05-14 (EDT)
  • xrt.me - Spam blog as of 02:37, 2016-05-14 (EDT)
  • xurl.jp - Server not responding as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT)
  • xxsURL.de - Domain parked as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2016-04-14.
  • xym.kr - Gibberish (?) Korean text blog.
  • y.ahoo.it - Yahoo
  • ya.com - Error message in Spanish as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT)
  • ye.pe - Running an empty instance of OwnCloud as of 02:50, 2016-05-14 (EDT)
  • yep.it - Domain parked as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2016-06-14. allows custom shortcodes; validates provided URL; example: http://yep.it/bgnhpu ; seems non-incremental, only lowercase letters; appears to make the whole database available via: http://yep.it/stat.php?page=5719 (as of 20:08, 2015-11-07 (EST)); claims 36,383 URLs as of 00:58, 2016-06-15 (EDT)
  • yi.tl - Server not responding as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT)
  • yiyd.com - Directory listing for a spam site as of 02:50, 2016-05-14 (EDT)
  • yweb.com - Suspicious iframe with long url and fake loading gif image.
  • z.pe - ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED as of 2018-12-27
  • z0p.de - Domain for sale as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT)
  • zi.mu - Server not responding as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT) ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED as of 2024-01-26
  • zi.pe - 404s as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT). Domain for sale as of 2024-01-06
  • zip.li - parking page as of 17:51, 2015-12-12 (EST)
  • zip.sm - was a redirect to joturl.com. Now times out
  • ZipMyURL.com - Server not responding as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT)
  • zud.me - Allows creation of new shortlinks, but throws 404 when resolving. May be fixed at some point. Currently issuing 3 character shortlink (lowercase a-z so far), appears sequential. http://zud.me/xxd http://zud.me/xxe No custom shortlinks. Returns 404 error when resolving a shortlink (as of 01:39, 2016-05-15 (EDT)). ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED as of 2024-01-26
  • zz.gd - Was shut down due to spam sometime around 2010. Existing URLs do not seem to resolve as of 02:50, 2016-05-14 (EDT) (Now redirects to http://fokex.com/)
  • zzang.kr - domain for sale as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT)
  • ъеъ.рф - Dead as of 2019-04-18
  • 跳.jp - Dead on 2021-02-14 (JST)

External list


  • adjix.com - Still resolves URLs, but site does not work: "The requested application was not found on this server." - Is static host on AWS service.[1]
  • beam.to - Discontinued Domain is for sale.
  • feedly.com/e/ - realized that URL shorteners were bad [2]. Non-cooperative.
  • icanhaz.com -- shut down sometime around 2010-06; IA dump that should be un-darked.
  • linkbucks.com - Discontinued as of 2023-05-20. Claims to be the "Social Advertising Network", appears to offer keyword highlighting, iframe and link-redirect advertising. Requires an account to create links, needs more investigation.. Last alive check was 28/05/2016.
  • lks.uk.to -- no DNS as of 03:01, 2015-12-15 (EST) ; has a dump on IA in 301Works; need to ping them about un-darking it.
  • metamark.net / xrl.us - no longer allowing new urls to be shortened, existing urls still work (Ex. http://xrl.us/bfabog). Uploaded a database dump to Internet archive.
  • p.tl -- Used by Pixiv to link to illustrations using their ID number. Discontinued on 9/29/2017.[3]
  • pnt.me - Doesn't appear guessable, too big a space to bruteforce: http://pnt.me/FzAblc (DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)) IA dump that should be un-darked.
  • s.tt - shortener of http://repost.us[IAWcite.todayMemWeb]. There is a dump on IA: https://archive.org/details/stt-7-18-14 -- but it is still restricted, contrary to 301works rules ("a closing company will agree to allow 301Works to publish the mappings", as stated here). Someone should ping IA about this.
  • urlbrief.com - supposedly co-operated with 301Works.org -- but the collection is empty, and DNS doesn't respond as of 02:44, 2015-12-15 (EST). Someone should ping IA and ask them to un-dark the collection, if there is anything, per the 301works rules.
  • va.mu - server is down as of 23:04, 2015-12-15 (EST); 16 items on IA that should be un-darked.
  • x.vu - as of 2021-03-30, still works for now. Statement readable on e.g. x.vu/ vR8ptx - "X.vu URL Shortener has discontinued its service...forcing us to shutdown our X.vu URL shortenening service on September 15th 2017. We have launched an effort to keep existing X.vu links alive -without any guarantees."
  • Zapt.In - 404's as of 23:10, 2015-12-15 (EST) ; https://archive.org/details/ZaptinShortedUrlsIn20113110 should be un-darked; appears to be under control of IA as of 2016-05-30, 18:31 CEST