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Dead or Broken
- 1click.im - 404 as of 2019-04-18
- 1dl.us - Displays a static image of Element 120 Unobtanium
- 1drv.ms - 404 as of 2018-12-31
- 1link.in - Website dead
- 1url.com - redirects to http://www.weirdlyodd.com/ as of 2019-04-19
- 1y.lt - For Sale as of 2018-12-27
- 2big.at - Redirects to http://www.2big.at/ which is now a shoe shop as of 2019-04-19
- 2su.de - domain for sale as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- 2tag.nl - generated QR codes for the short URLs for use on social media; domain sold sometime between 2016-06-19 and 2016-08-02; old links broken as of 2017-08-21
- 301.to - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- 301url.com - DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN as of 2019-04-18
- 307.to - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- 41z.com - Unrelated website as of 2019-05-29 - 04:40 UTC
- 4ks.net - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- 4ms.me - redirects to twoo.com as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- 4zip.in - For sale as of 21:05, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- 6url.com - HTML redirect, Error 500 ; Windows IIS blank page as of 02:13, 2015-12-26 (EST)
- 7rz.de -- "Under Construction" page as of 02:13, 2015-12-26 (EST)
- 7vd.cn -- Server not responding as of 04:04, 2016-01-01 (EST) ; was Baidu Short URL service. Example: http://7vd.cn/rjtS
- 9en.us - Hijacked as of 2023-05-16. appears to charge for creating short URLs; called a scam on various websites; ad-heavy with obfuscated JavaScript; seems alive as of 2017-08-21 19:30 UTC. Example: http://9en.us/gjde
- a.gd - redirects to eg.gg which is a (somewhat entertaining) parking page as of 02:13, 2015-12-26 (EST)
- a.nF - seems to allow public shortening; has list of recent short URLs, and totals (9279 total); appears alive as 02:12, 2015-12-26 (EST) ; server not responding as of 23:38, 2016-02-26 (EST)
- a2n.eu - For Sale as of 2018-12-28
- aa.cx - Redirects to a non-English VPS site as of 00:58, 2016-06-15 (EDT)
- abcurl.net - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- abra.me - server down as of 21:52, 2015-11-21 (EST)
- ad.ag - White screen as of 2018-12-31
- ad.vu - mirror of adjix.com, application not found; DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- ad4.us - For sale as of 21:05, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- adcraft.co - parking page as of 19:43, 2016-01-09 (EST)
- adcrun.ch - parking page as of 18:06, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- adfro.gs - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- adlock.in - Redirect Garbage as of 2019-01-04
- adnld.com - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- adshor.tk - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- adspl.us - parking page as of 21:05, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- adzip.us - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- aff.sc - Dead as of 2022-05-07 (UTC)
- afx.cc - Just the letters "afx" in a giant, bright green font as of 02:13, 2015-12-26 (EST)
- ah.pe (adhy.pe) - Domain parking page as of 2023-05-16. No login required to create URL's. Creates URL's sequentially. Returns 200 for a existing URL and 302 for a non-existing one. The successful 200 is a redirect to a captcha. Example: http://ah.pe/bpSD
- aka.gr -- "This account has been suspended" as of 03:57, 2016-01-01 (EST) It was a Greek url shortener, written by Konstantinos Botonakis, with sponsored ads. Ex: http://aka.gr/bit
- ar.gy - GitHub holding page as of 01:35, 2016-02-10 (EST)
- arm.in - domain for sale as of 21:44, 2015-11-21 (EST)
- arst.ch - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- articleshrine.com - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- asso.in - seems dead (parking page?) as of 2017-08-21 21:20 UTC
- at.cmt.com - No response as of 2023-05-16. Country Music Television - Appears to be a vanity domain hosted on ow.ly infrastructure.
- at5.us - No response as of 2023-05-16. 302 redirect on success, 404 on error; requires an account for creating short URLs.
- aurls.info - DNS not responding as of 01:26, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- azon.biz - No response as of 2023-05-16. Gives 200 on error. Gives 301 on success. Starts at Single character. Doesn't appear to be accepting new short urls.
- azqq.com - For Sale as of 2019-04-05
- b2l.me - For Sale as of 2018-12-28
- b54.in - Domain parking page as of 2023-05-16. Gives 301 for valid URLs and 307 for invalid URLs. It is possible to enter keywords to create personalized URLs. Seems to be non-sequential. Example: b54.in/9me4
- b65.us - For Sale as of 2019-01-02
- bacn.me
- bcool.bz - ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT as of 2018-12-28
- bdu.me - For sale as of 2018-12-31
- be.vc
- biglnk.com - dead, replaced with unrelated blog
- biturl.in - ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED as of 2018-12-29
- biturl.net - for sale as of 01:01, 2016-06-06 (EDT)
- bizz.cc - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- bloat.me - parking page as of 15:05, 2016-01-02 (EST)
- bombch.us - Site is dead as of 2023-11-19T10:20:23Z (no response from server). Site was still available, and still allowing creation of new URLs, as of 2023-11-10T18:29:13Z. URLs were sequentially generated base64 numbers (using - and _ for non-alphanumeric characters) and had reached 4 characters at the time of the site's death. Example (likely created 2022-11): http://bombch.us/DXm6
- BTC.ms - Domain parking page as of 2023-05-16. No Login required to create links. The links seem to be non-sequential. 7,287,276 links already created. Returns 200 with existing link. Non-existing return 404. Example: http://btc.ms/72i4y1N4udHgK40FF0
- Buk.me - DNS not responding as of 01:26, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- buraga.org - seems to be a social network, not a url shortener as of 01:01, 2016-06-06 (EDT)
- bwtm.co - DNS fails to resolve.
- calyp.co - Server error. 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.
- canurl.com - Website dead
- catchylink.com - Advertising a mutual fund as of 01:31, 2015-12-13 (EST)
- catchyurl.co
- cf.ly (CashFly.com) -- redirects to happydaydeals4you.com as of 02:04, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- chod.sk - Appears non-incremental, not resolving
- cl.lk - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- cli.gs - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST); Appears non-incremental
- cliccami.info - Apache default page as of 15:33, 2016-01-02 (EST)
- clk.my - DNS not responding as of 01:26, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- clop.in -- domain parked as of 21:52, 2015-11-21 (EST)
- coge.la -- just a logo as of 22:00, 2015-11-21 (EST)
- come.to - (wayback of homepage) Related to various .to shorteners. Started in 1997, killed in 2013 after parent company died.
- Crum.pl - DNS not responding as of 01:26, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- cu.tl - Called "Cut Link". Probably owned by the same people as shrink.im, based on the reused graphics / design; does not resolve as of 2019-04-02
- curio.us - ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED as of 2019-01-06
- cut.io - Parked domain as of 2019-05-29 - 04:29 UTC
- da.co - Parked as of 01:35, 2016-02-10 (EST)
- dag.gy - Used to be a bit.ly alias; parking page as of 2018-12-13, 16:55 UTC.
- dai3.net - Offers a URL shorting service, but it doesn't seem to work; unclear if existing links work; as of 01:46, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
- decenturl.com - Redirects to namecheap.com/market as of 2023-05-16. Makes human-readable URLs from page titles; not at all easy to scrape. Requires one-time payment and registration to create URLs as of 01:35, 2016-02-10 (EST)
- dfl.me - For sale as of 03:09, 2016-08-19 (EDT)
- dfl8.me - For sale as of 2018-12-30 previously had an archive of created URLs apparently
- dft.ba - Server gone as of 01:11, 2015-11-17 (EST) ; site had shutdown message (claiming links would continue to work), from 2015-07 through 2015-09. "Don't forget to be awesome - custom shortened name", by DFTBA Records. Examples: http://dft.ba/-aWOr ; http://dft.ba/-bitdo ; http://dft.ba/-urlshortener
- digbig.com - Offline as of 2023-05-16. no longer accepting new users as of 2014-03-01
- digg.com - discontinued - [1]
- do.my - Blank page as of 01:35, 2016-02-10 (EST)
- dollarfalls.info - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- domainonair.com - appears to just offer DNS services as of 01:46, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
- donotlink.it Domain parking page as of 2023-05-16. appears random, ex: https://donotlink.it/Z2KP https://donotlink.it/AKbJ https://donotlink.it/qbpb, valid: 200 OK, invalid: 404 Not Found. "Most donotlink.it URLs are 4-6 characters, only include letters and numbers (and are case sensitive) (e.g. https://donotlink.it/zxwL) or have another URL appended (e.g. https://donotlink.it/http://example.com)" (from page that appears for invalid links)
- dopen.us - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- dri.pr - Undrip.com shortener, dead since 2013, archive
- dropmylinks.com - For Sale as of 2018-12-27
- dwarfurl.com - Numeric, appears incremental: http://dwarfurl.com/08041 ; domain for sale as of 01:35, 2016-02-10 (EST)
- easy.tc - DNS not resolving.
- easyuri.com - Appears hex incremental with last digit random/checksum: http://easyuri.com/1339f , http://easyuri.com/133a3 ; blank page as of 01:35, 2016-02-10 (EST); doesn't respond as of 23:34, 2016-09-18 (EDT)
- eqent.me - Improper redirect to bitly.
- esyURL.com - Russian error page saying the site is temporarily suspended as of 23:34, 2016-09-18 (EDT)
- evrsh.in - evrsh.in’s server IP address could not be found. as of 2019-04-15
- eweri.com - doesn't respond as of 23:34, 2016-09-18 (EDT)
- fa.by - Shut down on Apr 8, 2012 (according to Wayback). Last checked 01:22, 2016-02-17 (EST)
- feedzil.la - Domain parked; server doesn't respond as of 01:22, 2016-02-17 (EST)
- femto.pw - Domain parked as of 2023-05-20. Last alive check was 05/01/2021.
- fff.to - Parking page as of 01:22, 2016-02-17 (EST)
- filoops.info - Domain parked as of 2023-05-20. Last alive check was 29/01/2016.
- fire.to - Server doesn't respond as of 01:22, 2016-02-17 (EST)
- flpbd.it - Flipboard -- Appears down as of 02:45, 2016-05-19 (EDT)
- fly2.ws - Empty page as of 01:22, 2016-02-17 (EST)
- flyt.it - Microsoft Azure Web App 404 page as of 2023-05-20. Last alive check was 03/04/2019.
- fon.gs - server down as of 22:00, 2015-11-21 (EST); DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- freak.to - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- fur.ly - claims to allow you to "Shorten multiple urls into one", died between 2016-08-22 and 2016-09-28.
- fuseurl.com - Account Suspended as of 00:29, 2016-10-06 (EDT)
- fuzzy.to - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- fwd4.me - redirects to a site about traffic cameras as of 22:00, 2015-11-21 (EST)
- fwib.net - parking page as of 01:22, 2016-02-17 (EST)
- g.ro.lt - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- gca.sh - Dead website, broken links as of 2017-08-17 (CEST). According to archive.org: it was working on 2016-04-26, but not on 2016-10-01. Owned by GCash.com, which has a working website at the moment.
- gl.am - Empty as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT)
- go.to - sold its domains on Sedo apparently.
- go2.me - everything 404s
- go2.vg - Parked domain as of 2019-05-29 - 04:41 UTC
- go2cut.com - Website dead
- gob.li - Golbin Ridge Limited. Timed out
- gonext.org - not resolving
- goshrink.com - not resolving as of 02:13, 2016-12-04 (EST)
- gurl.es - Server not responding as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT)
- gx.si
- gyar.eu - Server gone as of 01:07, 2015-11-17 (EST) (examples: http://gyar.eu/c8 ; http:// gyar.eu/agB)
- hao.jp - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- hashonomy.com - Timed out
- hex.io - Gandi parking page as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT)
- hii.fyi - 404 page as of 2023-05-20. Last alive check was 05/04/2019.
- hj.to -- server requests HTTP Basic auth as of 22:05, 2015-11-21 (EST)
- hmm.li -- "dead for some time" and likely unrelated to hmm.ph according to hmmm_ on IRC as of 2017-08-14 20:40 UTC
- hmm.ph -- Domain for sale as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT)
- ho.io - 500 as of 2019-05-29 - 04:27 UTC
- hoot.to - Dead as of 06:08, 2022-10-10 (UTC)
- hop.im -- a personal homepage as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT)
- href.hu
- href.in - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- hsblinks.com - app login page as of 02:13, 2016-12-04 (EST)
- htcdev.net - DNS not resolving.
- htxt.it - redirects to spam as of 02:13, 2016-12-04 (EST)
- Hurl.it - does not seem to be a shortener as of 02:13, 2016-12-04 (EST)
- hurl.me - doesn't resolve as of 02:13, 2016-12-04 (EST)
- hurl.no - Shut down sometime between 2011-03-05 and 2011-05-29 due to an influx of spam. As of 02:24, 2015-12-03 (EST), the domain appears to be owned by someone else.
- hurl.ws - spam blog as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- iawtp.me - DNS not resolving
- icanhaz.com - Contains a "closed as of June 2010" message as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT)
- icymi.me - DNS not resolving
- idek.net DNS not resolving as of 00:04, 2016-10-06 (EDT) ; seemed alive, allowed public shortening as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT) ; idek.net/CDN, idek.net/CND ; alphabet: asdASD123 ; 600 ghits ; 3, some 4 char length; existing: 301 - location ; not existing: http://new.idek.net/SHORTCODE ; new.idek.net broken, can't create new links. seems incremental
- ik.my - Domain for sale as of 01:46, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
- iKr.me - Asian-script spam site as of 02:24, 2015-12-03 (EST)
- ilix.in - domain parked
- imfy.us - requires a recaptcha to get to the linked site, and avast goes nuts. DNS fails to resolve.
- imtiny.com - Redirects to unreleated website as of 2019-05-29 - 04:49 UTC
- infovak.com - redirects to some marketing site as of 01:46, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
- inspr.in - Inspired Beta. Can't find server
- ir.pe - server times out as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- irt.me - DNS not resolving as of 02:24, 2015-12-03 (EST)
- its.my - Just an advert as of 04:07, 2016-01-01 (EST)
- ity.im - Host error as of 2023-05-20, shows adverts, not clear if it still works as of 23:40, 2* 015-12-19 (EST). Last alive check was 19/12/2015.
- itz.bz - domain parked as of 01:46, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
- ix.it - Not resolving
- ix.lt - website about a "Music Without Walls" project (?) as of 02:13, 2016-12-04 (EST)
- j2j.de - empty blog as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- jijr.com - Doesn't appear to be a shortener, now parked as of 04:07, 2016-01-01 (EST)
- jnl.io - No response as of 2023-05-20. Based on the YOURLS software. Returns 301 on success and 302 on error. The 302 error redirects back to the home page.. Last alive check was 16/04/2019.
- joomlagyar.hu/usb - DNS not resolving
- jump.to - dead as of 2013-02-01
- just.as - dead as of 2019-04
- k.vu - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- kaaf.com - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- keTKP.in - DNS not responding as of 01:26, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- kisa.ch - Domain for sale as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT)
- kissa.be - "Kissa.be url shortener service is shutdown"
- kl.am - "kl.am Closes its Shell" (server not available as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT))
- kly.so - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- Kots.Nu - DNS not responding as of 01:26, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- krunchd.com - redirects to a real estate site as of 00:58, 2016-06-15 (EDT)
- krz.ch - redirects to idealizer.ch (SEO company) as of 02:24, 2015-12-03 (EST)
- kuijt.nu - replaced with unrelated site
- kurl.us - Parked.
- l.gg - server not responding as of 01:31, 2015-12-13 (EST)
- l.pr - LinksPreadeR (review from TechCrunch[IA•Wcite•.today•MemWeb]) - DNS not resolving as of 01:09, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- l1nks.org - redirects to Asian porn site as of 01:46, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
- l9k.net - Empty page as of 2023-05-20, seems alive, allows public shortening as of 15:48, 2016-03-13 (EDT). Last alive check was 13/03/2016.
- lien2.com - Domain parked as of 2023-05-20, http://lien2 . com/go/a6cx ; seems-non-incremental, only 583 shortened urls (as of 02:27, 2015-11-29 (EST) ). Last alive check was 29/11/2015.
- lil.ink - Domain parked as of 2023-05-20. Based on the YOURLS software. Returns 301 on success and 302 on error. The 302 error redirects back to the home page.. Last alive check was 16/04/2019.
- liltext.com - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- lin.io - Site dead as of 2023-05-20. uses frame/toolbar (site is alive as of 01:09, 2015-12-07 (EST)). Last alive check was 07/12/2015.
- lingid.eu - Dead as of 2020-03-26 13:15 (EET). It redirected to lingid.ee what allowed to shorten URLs for this domain. The domain is registered, but does not resolve any more. Was hosted and managed by Virtuaal OÜ
- linkbun.ch - Cloudflare Workers placeholder as of 2023-05-20. combines multiple URLs into one short URL, probably requires custom code -- 00:53, 2016-03-14 (EDT). Last alive check was 14/03/2016.
- linkee.com - shut down with a notice on 2014-07-23
- liurl.cn - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- lk.to
- lmo.ee - Dead as of 2020-03-26 13:15 (EET). It redirected to lingid.ee what allowed to shorten URLs for this domain. The domain expired and is now available again. Was hosted and managed by Virtuaal OÜ
- ln-s.net - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- ln-s.ru - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- LNK.by - Cyrillic domain parking page as of 01:09, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- lnk.gd - "This account has been suspended. Either the domain has been overused, or the reseller ran out of resources." as of 17:51, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- lnk.ly - DNS not resolving as of 01:09, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- lnk.ms - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- lnk.nu - parking page as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
- lnkurl.com - Website empty as of 00:53, 2016-03-14 (EDT)
- lru.jp - Just shows a login form as of 00:53, 2016-03-14 (EDT)
- lst.bz - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- lt.tl - Domain parked as of 2023-05-20. site is up, says "Service will be back soon..." as of 01:31, 2015-12-09 (EST). Last alive check was 09/12/2015.
- lu.mu - Appears to no longer be a URL shortening service 2018-12-31
- lurl.no - Server doesn't respond as of 00:53, 2016-03-14 (EDT)
- m112.hu - Link creation (and website) appears to be broken as of 22:28, 2016-05-28 (EDT)
- macte.ch - 403 as of 2023-05-20. seems alive, allows public shortening as of 00:53, 2016-03-14 (EDT). Last alive check was 14/03/2016.
- mangk.us - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- marv.ly - DNS fails to resolve.
- mash.to - Cannot connect ; Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- mcaf.ee - Site down as of 2023-05-20. Last alive check was 29/04/2016.
- me.lt - Connection refused.
- me2.hu - DNS error as of 22:28, 2016-05-28 (EDT)
- memurl.com - Pronounceable. Broken.
- mens.hm - Not responding (timeout)
- micURL.com - parking page as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
- miklos.dk - Doesn't appear guessable: http://miklos.dk/!z7bA6a - "Vi arbejder på sagen..."
- min2.me - now a CDN called bit2me (?) as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
- mindless.co
- minilien.com - Doesn't appear guessable: http://minilien.com/?9nyvwnA0gh - Website dead
- minilink.org - parking page as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
- minim.in - Times out
- miniurl.com - Just an ad page as of 00:53, 2016-03-14 (EDT)
- miniurl.hu - Times out as of 22:28, 2016-05-28 (EDT)
- minurl.org - Presently in ERROR 404
- minyurl.net - Parked domain as of 2019-05-29 - 04:25 UTC
- mke.me - Service Temporarily Unavailable as of 00:58, 2016-06-15 (EDT)
- mmmm.ee - Dead as of 2020-03-26 13:15 (EET). It redirected to lingid.ee what allowed to shorten URLs for this domain. The domain is registered, but does not resolve. Was hosted and managed by Virtuaal OÜ
- ms.me - Parked.
- msplinks.com - Used by Myspace[2]
- mtw.tl - everything 403s
- muhlink.com - Not resolving
- multiurl.com - Redirected to zapped.to as of 2023-05-20. Claims to let you share multiple URLs at once. Last alive check was 13/07/2016.
- my7b.com - Server IP address could not be found as of 2019-05-29 - 04:47 UTC
- myloc.me - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- MySp.in - parking page as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
- mytinyurl.com - redirects to an unrelated image
- mytinyurl.net - Redirects to unrelated website as of 2019-05-29 - 04:49 UTC
- MyURL.in - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- myurl.us - cpanel frontend
- myurlz.com - Parked domain as of 2019-05-29 - 04:26 UTC
- myv.bz - Not resolving
- nao.usem.xyz - completely dead as of 2021-03-30, last seen alive in 2017 May, then went up for sale, now empty
- nazr.in - DNS not responding as of 2020-11-01; seen alive as recently as 2020-04-16
- nblo.gs - Dead as of 2022-05-07 (UTC) with the message "Error: Page not found" and "The requested URL was not found on this server." on the main page.
- nbx.ch - Domain parked as of 2023-05-20 private shortener; appears up as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST). Last alive check was 09/12/2015.
- ndurl.com - redirects to site offering "Minecraft for Free" as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
- news.me - no obvious way to create URLs from the home page as of 20:08, 2015-11-07 (EST); domain doesn't resolve as of 04:52, 2016-04-06 (UTC)
- nm.ly - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- nn.nf - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- not.my - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- nsyed.com - Just contains a short equation as of 02:00, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
- nutshellurl.com - 403/404 as of 2023-05-20. Appears incremental. 301s to a redirector script, which then 301s you to the destination. Seems alive as of 14:59, 2016-03-20 (EDT). Last alive check was 20/03/2016.
- nxy.in - Just displays "HNY 2016!" as of 15:00, 2016-03-20 (EDT)
- nyturl.com - NY Times (bonus points for being longer than nyt.com, which they own). Taken by squatters
- o-x.fr - Non-loading adverts as of 01:11, 2016-04-03 (EDT)
- oc1.us - parking page as of 17:51, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- om.ly - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- omani.ac - redirects to a journalism website as of 2021-03-30, last seen alive in 2018 May
- omf.gd - DNS not responding as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST) ; Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- omoikane.net - ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT as of 2019-01-02
- onvzi.com - DNS fails to resolve.
- ooqx.com - domain for sale as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- ooze.us - domain for sale as of 02:00, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
- orz.se - domain registrar as of 01:11, 2016-04-03 (EDT)
- otf.me - Empty WordPress site
- ozn.st - Site down as of 2023-05-20. Claims to be for personal use only. Last alive check was 13/07/2016.
- p.pw - 404 as of 2023-05-20. sells interstitial ads before showing the full URL; likely to be harder to scrape (as of 20:08, 2015-11-07 (EST)). Last alive check was 07/11/2015.
- p2p.gop - Site down as of 2023-05-20. Link shortener used by some Republican politicians. Example: http://p2p.gop/4l2p http://p2p.gop redirects to tinyurl.com. Short codes appear to be random and not in tinyurl space. Valid: * 302 Found (and redirects to intended link target, not a tinyurl intermediary link) Invalid: 200 OK. Last alive check was 28/01/2021.
- para.pt - parking page as of 01:31, 2015-12-13 (EST)
- Pendek.in - parking page as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
- Pic.gd - appears to be an image sharing site as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
- Piko.me - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- ping.fm - Fails to resolve.
- PiURL.com - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- pli.gs - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- pln.so - Not working.
- Plo.cc - parking page as of 01:53, 2015-12-09 (EST)
- plzretwt.me - Fails to resolve.
- pnut.co - see nutshellurl.com
Ex: http://pnut.co/3a (returns 200 on a HEAD request; will need to use GET requests)-- Connection times out (nutshellurl.com still working, see Alive) as of 03:45, 2016-06-10 (EDT) - po.st - Domain parked as of 2023-05-20 "social sharing platform"; no obvious way to create URLs from the home page (as of 20:08, 2015-11-07 (EST)). Last alive check was 07/11/2015.
- pops.ci - pops.ci/Q0dFvW ; all 6 Character ; uppercase, lowercase & digits ; ~2500 Results(according to google) ; existing: 301, Location: ; not existing: 404, 302(redirs to popsci main page); DNS doesn't resolve as of 00:27, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- pp.gg - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- pqn.pw - http://www.pqn.pw/en - www.pqn.pw’s server IP address could not be found as of 2019-04-15
- prsm.tc - Site down as of 2023-05-20. getprismatic.com ; ex: http://prsm.tc/GB2HP2 -> http://getprismatic.com/story/1428656915049?share=MzY4MjEx.MTQyODY1NjkxNTA0OQ.gH9aD6dy4y7zDFgIYQcLrW9KaeE -> (via some convoluted mess) http://scvincent.com/2015/04/10/when-reviews-really-matter/ ; non-redirects still get redirected to http://getprismatic.com/404 -- getprismatic.com no longer resolves, prsm.tc resolves but returns 503 with "Back-end server is at capacity" reason as of 03:31, 2016-06-10 (EDT). Last alive check was 10/06/2016.
- pt2.me - default server page as of 02:09, 2015-12-09 (EST)
- Puke.It - parking page as of 02:09, 2015-12-09 (EST)
- pulsene.ws - Expired. Parked by GoDaddy.
- qlnk.net - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- qps.ru - Dead as of 2022-05-07 (UTC)
- qte.me - rediects to mcdev.com which times out as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- qu.tc - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- qurlyq.com - Javascript redirect. Appears sequential: http://qurlyq.com/5nf. Domain parked.
- qux.in - Parking page as of 01:04, 2015-12-10 (EST)
- r.im - page is blank (but contains title) as of 01:04, 2015-12-10 (EST)
- rb6.me - redirects to "coming soon" page as of 17:51, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- RDE.me - GoDaddy parking page as of 01:04, 2015-12-10 (EST)
- re.ad - Fails to resolve.
- readthis.ca - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- reallytinyurl.com - A non-English blog of some kind as of 15:00, 2016-03-20 (EDT)
- redir.ec - 403 Forbidden as of 17:51, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- redirx.com - Lowercase alpha only, appears sequential or guessable - Ex: http://redirx.com/?wyok. Website still online but does not resolve existing URLs nor does it allow creating new ones (responds with the message: blame the spammers)
- reducelnk.com - redirects to a web directory as of 03:08, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- rehttp.com - Redirects to unrelated website after a long time waiting as of 2019-05-29 - 04:46 UTC
- retwt.me - Server fails to respond as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- rickroll.it - page with just ads as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- riz.gd - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- RT.nu - parking page as of 01:11, 2016-04-03 (EDT)
- RubyURL.com - DNS not responding as of 02:24, 2015-12-12 (EST) ; Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- rurl.org - Service Temporarily Unavailable as of 00:58, 2016-06-15 (EDT)
- rww.tw - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- s.me - Domain parked.
- s3nt.com - Probably sequential. http://s3nt.com/aa goes somewhere different from /ab . Domain parked.
- s4c.in - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- s7y.us - empty page as of 2021-03-30, last seen alive in 2016 April
- Sai.ly - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- sameurl.com - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- say.ly - redirects to unrelated site
- scriptzon.com - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- scrnch.me - DNS not responding as of 01:15, 2016-01-29 (EST)
- sdai.ly - Allows custom shorturl -- DNS does not resolve as of 03:45, 2016-06-10 (EDT)
- sdut.us - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- see.sc - Fails to resolve.
- sfu.ca - server times out as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- Short.ie - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- short.im - domain parked, last seen alive 2018-12-03.
- short.nr - DNS not responding as of 01:31, 2015-12-13 (EST)
- short.to - Domain is parked - Probably sequential/loweralpha: http://short.to/msmp ; DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- Short.Url - DNS not responding as of 01:26, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- shortlinks.co.uk - Working again. Maybe not. ; DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- shortme.info - "Origin DNS error" from Cloudflare as of 2019-05-29 - 04:43 UTC
- shortxlink.com - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- shout.to - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- show.my - Likely dead (Folder listing) (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- shr.tn - 403 from CloudFlare as of 02:00, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
- shrinkify.com - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- shrinklink.co.uk - Doesn't appear sequential: http://www.shrinklink.co.uk/45bmx , www.shrinklink.co.uk/npk6xp . Domain parked.
- shrinkr.com - formerly did link shortening has now been bought by another company that does something else (2018-12-27)
- shrinkurl.us --
Still resolves, but does not allow creating new URLs ("The URL you entered was not valid or did not exist.")- Connection refused as of 03:45, 2016-06-10 (EDT) - shrt.st - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- shrt.ws - personal homepage as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- shrtb.us - Parked domain as of 2019-05-29 - 04:34 UTC
- shrten.com - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- Shrtn.com - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- shrtn.us - myshorturls.appspot.com. 404, does not resolve
- Shw.me - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- simurl.com - Doesn't appear guessable - Ex: http://simurl.com/panpes. Website is blank; does not resolve URLs ("This SimURL is now inactive") ; parking page as of 17:51, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- siteo.us - returns "521 Origin Down" as of 17:51, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- sitereview.me - page with no visible content as of 02:00, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
- sk.gy - under construction as of 02:00, 2016-07-14 (EDT)
- sl.ly - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- slki.ru - Not a shortener, not sure if it integrates one. (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- smallr.com - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- smallurl.in - Parked domain as of 2019-05-29 - 04:27 UTC
- smf.is - DNS not resolving.
- smfu.in - Currently not working, site exists. (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- smsh.me - Dead: Cannot connect to database. (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- snipie.com - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- snipurl.com - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- snpurl.biz - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- sns.mx - SNS Analytics, domain parked
- snurl.com - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- socialcampaign.com - Times out as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- song.ly - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- spedr.com - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- sq.com - Now redirects to Singapore Airlines.
- srnk.net - redirects to tiny-url.info as of 02:37, 2016-05-14 (EDT)
- srs.li - Not a shortener (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- starturl.com - Suspended as of 2019-05-29 - 04:42 UTC
- su.pr - StumbleUpon Died presumably when StumbleUpon did. Not responsive as of 2019-04-12
- surl.hu – Last contact on 2014-07-16, nearly 2M sURLs gone. Domain taken but idle now ; DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- SwU.me - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- swyze.com - swyze.com’s server IP address could not be found. 2019-04-15
- tcp3.com - Unrelated website as of 2019-05-29 - 04:39 UTC
- tei.ai - Content replaced as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2022-07-18. Another mystery spammy URL shortener with no clear indicator of how to create new ones and multiple hoops to jump through to get to the final url
- tgi.link - Content replaced as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2019-04-16. Based on the YOURLS software. Returns 301 on success and 302 on error. The 302 error redirects back to the home page.
- tgr.me - Dead (403) (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- theminiurl.com - DNS not responding as of 15:48, 2016-05-15 (EDT)
- TimesURL.at - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- tin.bz - Redirects to unrelated website as of 2019-05-29 - 04:34 UTC
- tini.us - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- tiniuri.com - Account suspended as of 00:58, 2016-06-15 (EDT)
- tiny.ly - was alive as of 2016-01-01, timing out as of 2020-06-15 14:00 UTC, probably died in late February 2016 per Wayback Machine
- tinylord.com - tinylord.com’s server IP address could not be found. 2019-04-15
- TinyPl.us - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- tinyuri.ca - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- tllg.net - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- tm.to - Twtmore has "flown away"
- tmsurl.com ‐ Server IP address could not be found as of 2019-05-29 - 04:31 UTC
- tnij.org - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- to.gg - Global Giving, everything 503s
- to.je - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- to.vg - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- totesz.hu/x - Does not resolve as of 02:53, 2016-08-19 (EDT)
- tpal.us - Server IP address could not be found as of 2019-05-29 - 04:37 UTC
- tpl.ee - Site unreachable as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2020-03-26. LSTU Hosted and used by Jtagcat. LSTU instances by default list all shortened URLs at /stats and give you a json file of all URLs at /cookie. Logging in as admin allows you to delete any shortened URLs.
- tpm.ly - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- traceurl.com - DNS fails to resolve.
- trumpink.lt - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- trunc.it - Content replaced as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2015-12-12. closed, but still resolving existing URLs as of 17:43, 2015-12-12 (EST); http://trunc.it/pssga ; returns 301 for existing and non-existing shortcodes
- tsort.us - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- turl.no - Database error: "Incorrect DB config, or could not connect to DB" (2019-04-16 20:39 UTC)
- tw6.us - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- tweet.me - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- tweetburner.com / twurl.nl - Appears incremental, everything 404s
- tweez.me - redirects to vurl.com (which 404s) as of 04:04, 2016-01-01 (EST) ; was described as a "Free Premium URL Shortening Service"
- Twip.us - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- twitpwr.com - Domain parked.
- twitt.hu
- twitterurl.net - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- twitterurl.org - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- twitthis.com - Content replaced as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2015-11-07. requires a Twitter account to create shortURLs (as of 20:08, 2015-11-07 (EST))
- twiturl.de - Site unreachable as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2016-04-12. Custom URLs only?, goes via two redirects, Valid: 302 (Location ends with '&loc=LINK', LINK is the original URL), Invalid: 302 (Location ends with '&loc=http://www.twiturl.de'), ex.:http://twiturl.de/gudet (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- twixar.com - "Estamos fora do ar por algum tempo, mas estamos trabalhando para voltar a oferecer o serviço para encurtar URLs longa em breve!"
- twthpr.co - DNS not resolving.
- twtr.us - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- twurl.cc - Dead (21:46, 2016-04-12 (EDT))
- twurl.nl - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- tzd.me - Content replaced as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2016-10-31. Has an export function built for easy import: http://api.tzd.me/export.php?meta returns a JSON object with meta-information, and http://api.tzd.me/export.php?page=0 will export the list in BEACON format, with headers to indicate pagination status.
- u.bb - No DNS as of 01:15, 2016-01-29 (EST)
- u.fail - replaced with something else, other aliases: forum.fail (SERVFAIL, DNSSEC fail?), share.fail (domain on marketplace), social.fo (firefox errors with SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP), checked on 2023-09-02
- u.mavrev.com - Stopped accepting new urls. Now times out. Shows a shared webhosting notice as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- u.nu - "The shortest URLs. period." Website dead since at least 2010-10-01 (http://web.archive.org/web/20100104023208/http://u.nu/) ; Now it is "an East-West informed pan-cultural wellness community based in NYC" as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- u76.org - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- ub0.cc - redirects to software site http://www.shareitforpca.com/ as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- uiop.me - just lists an email address as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- ulu.lu - Gandi domain parking page as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- unfaker.it - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- updating.me - not a URL shortening service as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- ur.ly - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- urizy.com - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- url-press.com - Suspended by web host.
- URL.AG - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- url.co.uk - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- url.com - Redirects to a lyric search site as of 21:06, 2016-11-21 (EST)
- url360.me - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- url4.eu - Site for sale as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- url9.com - Sequential, alphanumeric. Leading 0s are significant. "The site is working correctly."
- urlborg.com - 404 Not Found.
- urlBorg.com - 404s as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- URLCorta.es - For sale as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- urlcover.com - Domain parked.
- urlenco.de - server times out as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- urlG.info - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- urlhawk.com - Domain parked as of 21:06, 2016-11-21 (EST)
- urli.nl - Forbidden HTTP code as of 21:06, 2016-11-21 (EST)
- urloo.com - domain for sale as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- urlot.com - DNS not responding as of 21:06, 2016-11-21 (EST)
- urls.im - redirects to a marketer's home page as of 21:06, 2016-11-21 (EST)
- urlshort.me - Redirects to unrelated website as of 2019-05-29 - 04:22 UTC
- urlshorteningservicefortwitter.com - random non-English baseball cap spam blog as of 21:06, 2016-11-21 (EST)
- urlsinn.com - DNS not resolving.
- urlsmash.com - DNS not resolving.
- urltea.com - Dreamhost's coming soon page.
- urlu.ms - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- urlvi.be - Domain parked.
- urlx.ie - Redirects to software site as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- urlx.org - Owner has agreed to share his database
- URLZ.at - Redirects to a clothing store as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- urlzen.com - For sale as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- usav.us - Parked domain as of 2019-05-29 - 04:46 UTC
- use.my - DNS not responding as of 02:37, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- usite.hu/link.php - Content replaced as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2016-08-18. Numeric incremental, public database - [0-9]{1,5}, starts at 1 (see http://usite.hu/link.php?k=16000 for full list of links) ex: http://usite.hu/x/18084 http://usite.hu/x/18085 valid requests return 302 Redirect to target link, invalid requests return 302 to /link.php (GET/HEAD)
- uxp.in -
still resolves URLs, but site just shows blank page. Domain parked. - vaime.org - Server IP address could not be found as of 2019-05-29 - 04:44 UTC
- vb.ly - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST) (but see above)
- vi.ly - DNS not responding as of 01:36, 2015-12-07 (EST)
- vibemag.co - Vibe Magazine. Times out
- viralurl.com - (alias vur.me, viralurl.biz, vurl.bz, virl.ws ) connection refused as of 02:53, 2016-08-19 (EDT)
- virl.co - "Have fun with interesting lists" as of 02:44, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- vk-cc.com - Domain parked as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2017-06-25. (not the same as vk.cc) Russian url shortener for any url, not only from VK. You can shorten without registration. Valid: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", does not return Location. Invalid: "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found". As of 2017-06-25 the homepage says the total number of shorten links are 12144.(Does this include password protected, or only the public ones?) Example: https://vk-cc.com/1txW I shortened 6 URLs, resulted with 4 to 6 characters, 0-1A-Za-z, with similar/same characters next to each other (XX, 0O), able to start with numbers. Also able to create custom short urls (with the field with the A - placeholder="Свой адрес короткой ссылки" with maxlength="50" (!)) Potencial issue: on the default, not registered shortening setting it has a 5-second contdown (intermediate page) and a clickable link after the countdown. Solvable by view-source:https://vk-cc.com/1txW, link on the 151th line (always at the same place with the default settings). TODO: explore short url options (timer, password, multiple urls...) creation with registration.
- vkvi.net - Content replaced as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2019-04-16. Based on the YOURLS software. Returns 301 on success and 302 on error. The 302 error redirects back to the home page.
- vl.am - Server not responding as of 16:36, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- vm.lc - Just the words "Short is cool..." as of 02:44, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- voizle.com - redirects to lovesharma as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT)
- vsb.li / links.visibli.com/links/ - The latter uses truncated md5 hex string. See sharedby.co.
- VTC.es - For sale as of 02:44, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- vtny.org - Homepage loads, but all shortcodes give 404 as of 2021-04-02. Built with YOURLS; announcement blog post
- w3t.org - 403 Forbidden; construction page as of 02:44, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- w55.de - Just the domain name on the page as of 02:44, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- wa.la - For sale as of 02:44, 2016-04-29 (EDT)
- wipi.es - DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- wl.tl - DNS not resolving.
- wlink.us - Domain parked.
- wt.org - Seems to be unrelated personal homepage as of 22:21, 2016-09-18 (EDT)
- wwy.me - Server not responding as of 04:04, 2016-01-01 (EST)
- x.se - Cannot resolve, but www.x.se works.
- xaddr.com - Domain parked.
- XeeURL.com - server not responding as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT) ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED as of 2024-01-26
- xil.in - Under construction.
- XiY.net - Attempts to resolve existing shortlinks return "Account Suspended". Does not appear to allow creation of new shortlinks. Seems to have issued 4 characters using [a-zA-Z0-9?] - http://xiy . net/9Hw3 http://xiy . net/?vfk (as of 17:39, 2016-05-15 (EDT))
- xr.com - Doesn't resolve as of 02:37, 2016-05-14 (EDT)
- xrl.in - Domain for sale as of 02:37, 2016-05-14 (EDT)
- xrt.me - Spam blog as of 02:37, 2016-05-14 (EDT)
- xurl.jp - Server not responding as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT)
- xxsURL.de - Domain parked as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2016-04-14.
- xym.kr - Gibberish (?) Korean text blog.
- y.ahoo.it - Yahoo
- ya.com - Error message in Spanish as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT)
- ye.pe - Running an empty instance of OwnCloud as of 02:50, 2016-05-14 (EDT)
- yep.it - Domain parked as of 2023-06-23. Last alive check was 2016-06-14. allows custom shortcodes; validates provided URL; example: http://yep.it/bgnhpu ; seems non-incremental, only lowercase letters; appears to make the whole database available via: http://yep.it/stat.php?page=5719 (as of 20:08, 2015-11-07 (EST)); claims 36,383 URLs as of 00:58, 2016-06-15 (EDT)
- yi.tl - Server not responding as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT)
- yiyd.com - Directory listing for a spam site as of 02:50, 2016-05-14 (EDT)
- yweb.com - Suspicious iframe with long url and fake loading gif image.
- z.pe - ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED as of 2018-12-27
- z0p.de - Domain for sale as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT)
- zi.mu - Server not responding as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT) ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED as of 2024-01-26
- zi.pe - 404s as of 01:29, 2016-06-21 (EDT). Domain for sale as of 2024-01-06
- zip.li - parking page as of 17:51, 2015-12-12 (EST)
- zip.sm - was a redirect to joturl.com. Now times out
- ZipMyURL.com - Server not responding as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT)
- zud.me - Allows creation of new shortlinks, but throws 404 when resolving. May be fixed at some point. Currently issuing 3 character shortlink (lowercase a-z so far), appears sequential. http://zud.me/xxd http://zud.me/xxe No custom shortlinks. Returns 404 error when resolving a shortlink (as of 01:39, 2016-05-15 (EDT)). ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED as of 2024-01-26
- zz.gd - Was shut down due to spam sometime around 2010. Existing URLs do not seem to resolve as of 02:50, 2016-05-14 (EDT) (Now redirects to http://fokex.com/)
- zzang.kr - domain for sale as of 12:32, 2016-09-05 (EDT)
- ъеъ.рф - Dead as of 2019-04-18
- 跳.jp - Dead on 2021-02-14 (JST)
External list
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LD-D8mBBYdqS37oJ86VSb-fQwgM1R5tYGA3hjn6vQiE/edit#gid=0 This list is freely commentable (if you need write access PM luckcolor on archiveteam ircs) and it's managed by luckcolors. It lists dead shortners with archived data which we can use to make a browsable archive. Last updated 2016-06-20.
- adjix.com -
Still resolves URLs, but site does not work: "The requested application was not found on this server."- Is static host on AWS service.[1] - beam.to - Discontinued Domain is for sale.
- feedly.com/e/ - realized that URL shorteners were bad [2]. Non-cooperative.
- icanhaz.com -- shut down sometime around 2010-06; IA dump that should be un-darked.
- linkbucks.com - Discontinued as of 2023-05-20. Claims to be the "Social Advertising Network", appears to offer keyword highlighting, iframe and link-redirect advertising. Requires an account to create links, needs more investigation.. Last alive check was 28/05/2016.
- lks.uk.to -- no DNS as of 03:01, 2015-12-15 (EST) ; has a dump on IA in 301Works; need to ping them about un-darking it.
- metamark.net / xrl.us - no longer allowing new urls to be shortened, existing urls still work (Ex. http://xrl.us/bfabog). Uploaded a database dump to Internet archive.
- p.tl -- Used by Pixiv to link to illustrations using their ID number. Discontinued on 9/29/2017.[3]
- pnt.me - Doesn't appear guessable, too big a space to bruteforce: http://pnt.me/FzAblc (DNS not responding as of 16:15, 2015-12-12 (EST)) IA dump that should be un-darked.
- s.tt - shortener of http://repost.us[IA•Wcite•.today•MemWeb]. There is a dump on IA: https://archive.org/details/stt-7-18-14 -- but it is still restricted, contrary to 301works rules ("a closing company will agree to allow 301Works to publish the mappings", as stated here). Someone should ping IA about this.
- urlbrief.com - supposedly co-operated with 301Works.org -- but the collection is empty, and DNS doesn't respond as of 02:44, 2015-12-15 (EST). Someone should ping IA and ask them to un-dark the collection, if there is anything, per the 301works rules.
- va.mu - server is down as of 23:04, 2015-12-15 (EST); 16 items on IA that should be un-darked.
- x.vu - as of 2021-03-30, still works for now. Statement readable on e.g. x.vu/ vR8ptx - "X.vu URL Shortener has discontinued its service...forcing us to shutdown our X.vu URL shortenening service on September 15th 2017. We have launched an effort to keep existing X.vu links alive -without any guarantees."
- Zapt.In - 404's as of 23:10, 2015-12-15 (EST) ; https://archive.org/details/ZaptinShortedUrlsIn20113110 should be un-darked; appears to be under control of IA as of 2016-05-30, 18:31 CEST