The WARC Ecosystem

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Everything about the WARC format and the tools that support it.

WARC is a file format for accurately storing Web traffic.



Name License Language Testing Documentation Author count Description
wget v1.14+ GPL v3+ C Has a test suite but does not test any warc functionality Man pages, website, blog posts all over the net 2+ according to the changelog A non-interactive network downloader. wget also generates duplicate record ids in warc files.

More information about flags can be found on the Wget with WARC output page.

InternetArchive's warc python library GPL v2 Python 2 looks to have a test suite - README with examples online at 3 commiters on github library to work with WARC files
WarcMiddleware ISC Python Not enough tests README + Scrapy docs 1 author Mirrors websites and saves the results to a WARC file
WarcProxy ISC Python NO TEST SUITE README 1 author a simple HTTP proxy that saves all HTTP traffic to a file
WarcMITMProxy ISC Python NO TEST SUITE README 1 author HTTPS proxy that saves traffic to a WARC file
warc-tools MIT License Python 2.6 NO TEST SUITE README 4 commiters warc validator, dump, search, index, convert arc to warc

The previous versions can be found at and

WARC viewer no license information Python NO TEST SUITE README 1 author WARC viewer for browsing the contents of a WARC file.
Megawarc no license information Python NO TEST SUITE README 1 author Merge many small warcs into a large one

Checks if WARC files can be un-gzipped before adding them to the megawarc. Does not check anything else.

warc to zip no license information Python NO TEST SUITE README 1 author An HTTP-based warc-to-zip converter
warcat GPL v3 Python 3 yes README 1 author warcat concat, extract, list, pass, split, verify warc files

Install: pip-3 install warcat
Run: python3 -m warcat verify mysite.warc.gz 
Archive Team megawarc factory no license information Bash shell scripting NO TEST SUITE README 1 author Generates 50gb warc files from existing warc files

Uploads to

CDX Writer AGPL v3 Python Has a test suite README 1 author Create CDX index files from WARC files.
Heritrix Apache v2.0 Java Has a test suite javadoc, website many authors Heritrix is the Internet Archive's open-source, extensible, web-scale, archival-quality web crawler project.
Heritrix-Cassandra LGPL v2.1 ? ? ? ? A library for writing Heritrix 3 output directly to Cassandra as records.
DeDuplicator (Heritrix add-on) LGPL v2.1 Java Very few tests Getting Started page. 1 author The DeDuplicator is an add-on module (plug-in) for the web crawler Heritrix. It offers a means to reduce the amount of duplicate data collected in a series of snapshot crawls.
python-heritrix ? ? ? ? ? A simple wrapper around the Heritrix 3.x API. Developed in April 2012 against Heritrix 3.1.0 at GWU Libraries in Washington, DC, USA.
WARCreate (Chrome/Chromium extension) MIT JavaScript ??? none 1 author WARCreate is a Google Chrome extension that allows a user to create a WARC file from any browseable webpage. code repo
Java Web Archive Toolkit Apache 2.0 Java Partial Test Suite (check coverage profile) Online 1 author jwattools arc2warc, cdx, compress, decompress, extract, interval, pathindex, test, unpack

code repo

Web Archiving Integration Layer (WAIL) MIT Python ??? Online 1 author Web Archiving Integration Layer (WAIL) is a graphical user interface (GUI) atop multiple web archiving tools intended to be used as an easy way for anyone to preserve and replay web pages.

Tools included and accessible through the GUI are Heritrix 3.2.0 and OpenWayback 2.4.0.

code repo

pylibwarc ISC License Python ? ? 1 author CDX support

Another independent WARC library for Python.

Wpull GPL v3 Python 3 many unit tests (Travis CI registered), simple experimental fuzzer a quick start README, brief usage overview, good docstrings coverage 1 core author Wget-compatible web downloader.

Beta quality. Lua/Python scripting. PhantomJS (experimental). Used by ArchiveBot.

grab-site MIT Python 3 no README 1 core author wpull launcher with the dashboard and ignore patterns from ArchiveBot
pywb GPL v3 Python 2 yes README and wiki 1 core author A full-fledged Python reimplementation of Wayback Machine web archive replay capabilities. Also provides a live rewriting proxy.
ArchiveSpark MIT License Scala ? ? 2 authors Apache Spark framework that facilitates access to Web Archives
Webrecorder Player Apache License 2.0 JavaScript ? ? ? Desktop app for viewing high-fidelity web archives (WARC, HAR and ARC) on a local machine, no internet connection required. Particularly useful for social media, dynamic content. Supports OSX, Windows and Linux (experimental). Related to
warcio Apache 2.0 Python 2.7+/3.4+ yes README 14 contributors WARC writer library
warcprox GPL v2+ Python 3.4+ yes README 1 core author, 14 contributors MITM proxy for capturing to WARC. See also brozzler, a crawler based on headless Chromium and warcprox.
Name License Language Testing Documentation Author count Description


The WARC format

A .warc file is usually a group of one or more WARC records. The first record usually describes the records to follow.

Compression is optional. If used, each record is compressed via gzip. A gzip file supports multiple "members"; compressed warcs end in .warc.gz. According to the guidelines, WARC files should top out at 1 gb.

WARC record

  • header
  • content block
  • two newlines

WARC record header

The beginning of a WARC record, consisting of one first line declaring the record to be in the WARC format with a given version number, followed by lines of named fields up to a blank line. The WARC record header format largely follows the tradition of HTTP/1.1 [RFC2616] and [RFC2822] headers, with one major exception, allowing UTF-8 [RFC3629].

Example of a 'request' record header:

 WARC-Type: request
 Content-Type: application/http;msgtype=request
 WARC-Date: 2013-04-02T16:12:40Z
 WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:08d9edb9-0ab8-4352-ba56-6cbbd590f34f>
 WARC-Warcinfo-ID: <urn:uuid:2b6ad3f1-efab-4e37-8faa-fc8ad112692f>
 Content-Length: 150

WARC named fields

  • A set of elements consisting of a name, a colon, and a value, with long values continued on indented lines.
  • Named fields may appear in any order.
  • Field values may contain any UTF-8 character.
  • The 'encoded-word' mechanism of [RFC2047] may also be used when writing WARC fields and shall also be understood by WARC reading software.

Defined field names

required, can be one of 'warcinfo', 'response', 'resource', 'request', 'metadata', 'revisit', 'conversion', or 'continuation'
required, unique ID, as a URI
mime type
repeatable, WARC-Record-IDs associated with this one
optional, hash of the whole record
optional, hash of the just the payload
where the record was gotten from
previous WARC-Record-ID this relates to
the URL asked for
why only part of the content was gotten
WARC-Record-ID of the associated high-level metadata record
warcinfo only, the expected name of the file containing this record
revisit only, the way revisiting was handled, as a URI
a independently verified mime type of the payload (i.e. not just what it claims to be)
continuation only
continuation only

WARC content block

Part (zero or more octets) of a WARC record that follows the header and that forms the main body of a WARC record.

ArchiveBot job output

The ArchiveBot produces three types of files:

The log of the job, listing all the files requested and downloaded, as well as any errors.
Some brief metadata about the job.
-0000.warc.gz, -0001.warc.gz, ...
The actual requests and responses, in full.

CDX File Format

Example of generating a list of URLs in a MegaWARC:

curl -sL '' \
| gunzip -c | cut -f3 -d' '

Example of getting a list of all the URLs in the Wayback Machine with a given prefix:

curl ',timestamp,original&collapse=urlkey&matchType=prefix&url='