
From Archiveteam
Revision as of 08:17, 23 October 2024 by Bzc6p (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox project | title = mindenkilapja.hu | URL = {{url|1=https://mindenkilapja.hu}} | project_status = {{offline}} | archiving_status = {{lost}} }} '''mindenkilapja.hu''' was a Hungarian website building and hosting service that seems to have operated between [http://web.archive.org/web/20060104043029/http://mindenkilapja.hu/ 2006] and [http://web.archive.org/web/20180814091319/mindenkilapja.hu 2018]/[http://web.archive.org/web/20230402060957/http://mindenkilapja.hu...")
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URL https://mindenkilapja.hu[IAWcite.todayMemWeb]
Status Offline
Archiving status Lost
Archiving type Unknown
IRC channel #archiveteam-bs (on hackint)

mindenkilapja.hu was a Hungarian website building and hosting service that seems to have operated between 2006 and 2018/2023.

Recent history

There seem to have been multiple iterations of the service.

The n-1-th notable one operated until August 2018 , when the service either discontinued, or at least went under a significant change.

With no significant intermittent period that would suggest a loss-and-catch of the domain, a new main page, with no actual directory of web pages, and no information about the operator, replaced the previous homepage, with the smell of being a parked domain with dummy ad arcticles, although suggesting the possibility of registration and website creation, but it hasn't been tested.

This latter service also disappeared, with no prior notice, sometime after 2023-04-02.

Since at least 2024-08-02, a single main page says that "we're up to something... we'll soon be back", but the logo is different from the previous one, so it's most likely just a parked domain.

     Hungarian websites     
Red entries indicate websites which don't have an article on this wiki yet. Striked-through entries indicate websites that have already been shut down.
Archives & Digital Libraries mek.oszk.hu  · epa.oszk.hu  · dka.oszk.hu  · webarchivum.oszk.hu  · NAVA  · Fortepan  · fentrol.hu
Blogging Blog.hu  · Blogter  · Freeblog  · Blogger.hu  · reblog.hu  · xfree.hu  · cafeblog.hu
Social networks iWiW  · myVIP  · hotdog.hu  · Baratikor.com  · network.hu  · Mommo  · privi.hu
Webhosting Extra  · tar.hu  · ATW  · Ingyenweb  · Freeweb  · Ultraweb  · x3.hu  · ini.hu  · ininet.hu  · G-Portál  · uCoz  · eOldal  · ewk  · 5mp.eu  · mindenkilapja  · Webnode
Forums, message boards* Index  · SG  · Nők Lapja Cafe  · Hoxa
Video hosting Indavideó  · Videa  · videoplayer.hu  · xfree.hu  · videok.hu
Image hosting Kepfeltoltes.hu  · Fotoalbum.hu  · Indafotó  · Kephost.com  · pics.coldline.hu  · kep.tar.hu  · noob.hu  · PSharing (a.k.a. ivPicture)  · Kephost.hu  · kepfeltoltes.eu  · kephost.net  · kepkuldes.com  · xfree.hu  · GTF Képhost  · fotozz.hu  · Kepkezelo.com  · keptarad.hu  · darkweb.hu  · fos.hu
Questions and Answers gyakorikerdesek.hu  · tudjatok.hu
File sharing data.hu  · toldacuccot.hu  · hellshare.hu  · addat.hu  · fileposta.hu
Document sharing doksi.hu  · Docplayer
Fun Demotiváló  · keptelenseg.hu  · csubakka.hu  · funpic.hu  · nemkutya.com  · legalja.hu  · szanalmas.hu  · trollfesz.cc  · gumicsizma.hu
Trash napiszar.com  · napiszar.hu  · netszar.com  · napiszar.org
Other .hu domains seed  · News+C  · moly.hu  · gyertyalang.hu  · Volán websites  · Szuperinfó

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