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{{Infobox project
{{Infobox project
| title = ex.ua
| title = ex.ua
| image =  
| image = 2016-12-09_ex.ua.png
| description = ''Upload and share your files anonymously.''  
| description = ''Upload and share your files anonymously.''  
| URL = [http://ex.ua/ ex.ua]
| URL = [http://ex.ua/ ex.ua]
| project_status = {{upcoming}}
| project_status = {{Offline}}
| source =
| archiving_status = {{lost}}
| tracker =
| archiving_status = {{not started}}
| irc =
ex.ua was the 11th largest website in Ukraine. It allowed you to create user accounts then store files of almost any size under that account.
ex.ua was the 11th largest website in Ukraine. It allowed you to create user accounts then store files of almost any size under that account.

== Critical info ==
The notice on the front page of the website appeared on {{datetime|2016-11-18}}. Public access was disabled on {{datetime|2016-12-01}}, but the API has not been turned of yet. The website shut down on {{datetime|2016-12-31}}. <ref>http://www.ex.ua/</ref>

'''ex.ua was like what.cd, except the data is not floating around DHT with the potential to be re-found one day.'''
On {{datetime|2016-12-13}}, archiving efforts have been aborted, due to the site amounting to little more than petabytes' worth of "megapiracy"

== Announcement ==

The site was shut down on the 18th of November, and is currently in a "user data takeout" phase. Public access was officially made impossible on the 1st of December.
The notice in Russian is taken from the front page and can be read on the left. The English translation by Google Translate is found on the right.

'''However, the API has not been turned off.''' It may be wise to keep this quiet?
|'''Уважаемые пользователи EX.UA.'''

<pre>$ wget ex.ua/filelist/71339549.xspf
Решение портала о прекращении деятельности всколыхнуло интернет сообщество и подняло волну обсуждений. На почту ресурса поступает огромное количество вопросов. Еще больше их было задано в блогах, чатах и публикациях. Часть всякого рода домыслов было озвучено "доброжелателями". Кто следил за "эфиром", отметили особое внимание к данной теме некоторых карманных СМИ. Игнорировать эти вопросы некорректно по отношению к сообществу EX.UA. Поэтому мы дадим ответы на самые задаваемые вопросы.
--2016-12-08 15:47:23--  http://ex.ua/filelist/71339549.xspf
Resolving ex.ua (ex.ua)...
Connecting to ex.ua (ex.ua)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 4587 (4.5K) [application/xspf+xml]
Saving to: '71339549.xspf'

71339549.xspf                  100%[======================================================>]  4.48K  --.-KB/s    in 0s     
'''Возобновит ли ресурс работу в связи с вето законопроекта 3081д?'''
Предположим, что решение ветирования законопроекта основано на здравом анализе неоднозначного закона. Ресурс никогда не имел целью влиять на позицию Президента. Единственным критерием принятия решений о закрытии ресурса всегда были интересы пользователей. Однако, сама проблема никуда не делась. Неадекватное лобби, публичные заявления и пресс-конференции продолжают нагнетать истерию вокруг вопроса защиты авторских прав. Защищая собственный бизнес, люди склонны игнорировать перемены вокруг, технический прогресс и существующую действительность. Ресурс всегда был готов к конструктивному диалогу с правообладателями. В этом вопросе ничего не изменилось. Как и не изменилось нынешнее решение о прекращении работы.

2016-12-08 15:47:26 (141 MB/s) - '71339549.xspf' saved [4587/4587]
'''Правда ли, что ресурс начнет работу под другим доменом или на другой территории?'''
EX.UA и до этого не был замечен в нарушении своих обещаний, нет планов ничего менять и сейчас. Публично сделанное объявление остается в силе.

$ cat 71339549.xspf
'''Будет ли доступен популярная опция: EX-файлы (анонимный обмен файлами)?'''
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Да. Над новым решением ведется работа. Это будет отдельная платформа со множеством дополнительных функций и улучшенными возможностями производительности.
<playlist version="1" xmlns="http://xspf.org/ns/0/">
<title>A State Of Trance 2011 (Unmixed) [FLAC]</title>
        <title>01 - Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy - So Caught Up (Original Mix).flac</title>
        <title>01. Anhken - Always Look Back (Original Mix).flac</title>
...many more XML nodes...

$ wget http://www.ex.ua/get/65282356
'''Будет ли дополнительное время для переноса личных архивов с EX.UA?'''
--2016-12-08 15:47:46--  http://www.ex.ua/get/65282356
Да. В связи с многочисленными обращениями пользователей такая возможность сохранится до 31.12.16. Данный доступ будет возможно только в личные архивы пользователей. Публичный доступ к ресурсу будет ограничен с 01.12.16.
Resolving www.ex.ua (www.ex.ua)...
Connecting to www.ex.ua (www.ex.ua)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved
Location: http://fs35.www.ex.ua/get/9d8dfe85ddb7dbf55366349b67d32186/65282356/01%20-%20Max%20Graham%20feat.%20Neev%20Kennedy%20-%20So%20Caught%20Up%20(Original%20Mix).flac [following]
--2016-12-08 15:47:47--  http://fs35.www.ex.ua/get/9d8dfe85ddb7dbf55366349b67d32186/65282356/01%20-%20Max%20Graham%20feat.%20Neev%20Kennedy%20-%20So%20Caught%20Up%20(Original%20Mix).flac
Resolving fs35.www.ex.ua (fs35.www.ex.ua)...
Connecting to fs35.www.ex.ua (fs35.www.ex.ua)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 60879619 (58M) [audio/x-flac]
Saving to: '65282356'

65282356                                2%[=>                                                                    ]  1.69M  377KB/s    eta 2m 33s ^C
'''Будет ли доступна почта на домене EX.UA.?'''
Почта на домене EX.UA будет доступна до 31.12.16. Начиная с 01.01.17, почта будет доступна на новом домене.

Technical considerations:
'''Где пользователям теперь хранить свои файлы?'''
Просьбы и интерес пользователей услышаны. Рассматривается возможность запуска закрытого файлового хранилища. О новом проекте и его названии будет объявлено 21.12.16.

# The ID number I used in the first wget request came from a bookmark I made months ago. '''You need to bruteforce the ID.'''
'''Что будет с самым дорогим доменом UANET? (Цитата взята из интернета)'''
После 31 декабря 2016 сервисы на этом домене EX.UA предоставляться не будут ни в Белизе, ни в Ростовской области.

# Note that the XML format says <trackList> and <track> for all folder types, not just music. You can s/xspf/txt/ with the file extension, but the XSPF format gives you the folder title - quite critical.
Что-бы закончить любые спекуляции вокруг Ex.ua о возможном "заграничном" будущем ресурса уведомляем : самый дорогой домен UANET продается. Цена домена EX.UA - 1 млн. долларов США. 100% вырученных средств будут потрачены на срочные и неотложные детские операции . Мы надеемся, что пользователи EX.UA поддержат это решение. За контролем целевого использования денег от реализации домена будет следить известная международная аудиторская компания. В случае отсутствия спроса на заявленную стоимость домен EX.UA останется в памяти и легендах украинского Интернета.)

# The /get/..... URLs *always* give you a 301 Moved, but (I can't reproduce this right now) IIRC it can also send you to something *other* than the file URL if the file has actually been silently deleted (quite common with 5GB+ files I found). I think it sends you to a /view/ link in that case. Crawlers would need to handle this.
Всем пользователям Ex.ua спасибо за любовь и поддержку.
|'''Dear users EX.UA.'''

The decision to terminate the activities of the portal stirred the Internet community and has raised a wave of discussion. In resource-mail comes a lot of questions. Once more they were asked to blogs, chat rooms, and publications. Part of every kind of speculation was voiced "well-wishers". Those who followed the "ether", noted special attention to the subject of some media pocket. Ignore these questions correctly in relation to the community EX.UA. Therefore, we will give answers to the most asked questions.

== Some good news ==
'''Whether the resource to resume work due to the veto of the bill 3081d?'''
Assume that the veto of the bill solution is based on sound analysis of the controversial law. Resource never was intended to influence the position of the President. The only criterion for decision on closing the resource decisions have always been the interests of users. However, the problem itself has not disappeared. Inadequate lobby, public statements and press conferences continue to whip up hysteria around the issue of copyright protection. Protecting your own business, people tend to ignore the changes around, technical progress and the current reality. The resource was always ready for a constructive dialogue with rights holders. In this regard, nothing has changed. As not to change the current decision to stop working.

'''The Wayback Machine's user agent was allowed past the redirect, and has indexed quite a lot of the site!!'''
'''Is it true that the resource will begin work under a different domain or to another area?'''
EX.UA and before that was not seen in the violation of their promises, there are no plans to change anything now. Publicly made the announcement remains valid.

So the what.cd-like indexing and organization has been preserved to an unknown extent.
'''EX-files (anonymous file sharing): a popular option be made available?'''
Yes. Above the new solution is working. This will be a separate platform with many additional features and improved performance capabilities.

If someone wants to archive up a full copy of IA's dump (maybe some users may be able to do this in a way that stresses IA less?) that would be a great resource to have.
'''Will the extra time to transfer the personal archives EX.UA?'''
Yes. Due to numerous requests of users the opportunity to continue to 31/12/16. This access will be possible only in the users' personal files. Public access to the resource will be limited to 01/12/16.

'''It is available on EX.UA. mail domain?'''
Mail to EX.UA domain will be available until 31/12/16. Starting with 1.1.17, the mail will be available in the new domain.

== "Give me some incentive to help." ==
'''Where users now store your files?'''
Requests and interest heard members. The possibility of launching a closed file storage. About the new project and its name will be announced on 21/12/16.

'''This technique will work really well if you do it ASAP before search engine caches get purged.'''
'''What will happen to the most expensive domain UANET? (Quote taken from the Internet)'''
After December 31, 2016 the services on this domain EX.UA provided will neither Belize nor in the Rostov region.

Prefix <code>site:ex.ua</code> to search engine queries of your choice. '''Clicking the links will not work''' (public access has been turned down) '''but you'll likely be able to retrieve the files of your choice using the method shown above.''' :D
Something to end any speculation about the possible Ex.ua "overseas" inform future resource: the most expensive domain name sold UANET. Domain Price EX.UA - 1 million US dollars.. 100% of the proceeds will be spent on emergency and urgent children's surgery. We hope that users EX.UA support this decision. For the control of the target the use of money from the sale of the domain will follow well-known international auditing company. In the absence of demand for the declared value EX.UA domain will remain in the memory and legend of the Ukrainian Internet.)

This is to give you a taste of what the site provided - please do note that search engines were only ever able to index a few % of it.
All users Ex.ua thank you for your love and support.
== Archiving ==
The XSPF files are still available from the website. These files contain URLs that 301 redirect to the actual file for download.
The XSPF URLs are formatted like ex.ua/filelist/[0-9]+.xspf. URLs inside the XSPF file are formatted like ex.ua/get/[0-9]+, which give a 301 redirect to the file for download. The Wayback Machine was allowed access to the file past the 301 redirect on /get/ URL and has archived quite some files from the website.
If a file has been deleted, the /get/ URL will redirect to a /view/ URL.
The Wayback machine has archived an unknown percentage of the user accounts and file lists.
=== Discovery ===
On a search engine, search with 'site:ex.ua'. This will yield many results for files. The links of these results might not be accessible, but the files can still be downloaded using the above method.
Note that the results will get be removed because they are not working anymore.
=== Warrior project ===
A Warrior project is being written for this website. All XSPF files and /get/ URLs without the file they redirect to will be archived. Only on request the file the /get/ URL redirects to will be archived, due to the total size of the data. Only /get/ URLs suggested to us will be archived through the warrior project.
The XSPF and /get/ URLs will be brute-forced.
== Still-working ==

(Unfortunately the site search feature has been turned off.)
For some reason <code>http://www.ex.ua/user/''username''</code> URLs still work, and return a list of a user's friends. This needs to be dumped so a friend graph can be recreated.

It has also been found that <code>http://www.ex.ua/user_say?login=''username''</code> will retrieve a list of things a user talked about - namely, the files they shared. This is the only known way to associate a given folder with the user who created that folder, and is thus a high priority.

== Other tidbits ==

This is nicely concise and will take 3-5 mins to read. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EX.UA
== Links ==

Here's info about the Nov 18 shutdown (the comments at the end are insightful): https://torrentfreak.com/major-cyberlocker-ex-ua-to-shut-down-amid-police-crackdown-161118/
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EX.UA
* Shutdown information: https://torrentfreak.com/major-cyberlocker-ex-ua-to-shut-down-amid-police-crackdown-161118/

My (i336_'s) experiences: in 2010 the site went Ukraine-only (see Wikipedia article), but the developers quietly left in some easter eggs to allow users willing to do a bit of digging to continue to access the site. I learned this by accident when I clicked Translate on a search results page one day and found I'd bypassed the usual redirect-to-/ the site normally did. It was the user agent - Translate used Googlebot. The rest was history.
== References ==
<references />

(Edits/updates/layout improvements welcome)
{{Navigation box}}

Latest revision as of 20:20, 11 December 2023

Upload and share your files anonymously.
Upload and share your files anonymously.
URL ex.ua
Status Offline
Archiving status Lost
Archiving type Unknown
IRC channel #archiveteam-bs (on hackint)

ex.ua was the 11th largest website in Ukraine. It allowed you to create user accounts then store files of almost any size under that account.

The notice on the front page of the website appeared on 2016-11-18. Public access was disabled on 2016-12-01, but the API has not been turned of yet. The website shut down on 2016-12-31. [1]

On 2016-12-13, archiving efforts have been aborted, due to the site amounting to little more than petabytes' worth of "megapiracy"


The notice in Russian is taken from the front page and can be read on the left. The English translation by Google Translate is found on the right.

Russian English
Уважаемые пользователи EX.UA.

Решение портала о прекращении деятельности всколыхнуло интернет сообщество и подняло волну обсуждений. На почту ресурса поступает огромное количество вопросов. Еще больше их было задано в блогах, чатах и публикациях. Часть всякого рода домыслов было озвучено "доброжелателями". Кто следил за "эфиром", отметили особое внимание к данной теме некоторых карманных СМИ. Игнорировать эти вопросы некорректно по отношению к сообществу EX.UA. Поэтому мы дадим ответы на самые задаваемые вопросы.

Возобновит ли ресурс работу в связи с вето законопроекта 3081д? Предположим, что решение ветирования законопроекта основано на здравом анализе неоднозначного закона. Ресурс никогда не имел целью влиять на позицию Президента. Единственным критерием принятия решений о закрытии ресурса всегда были интересы пользователей. Однако, сама проблема никуда не делась. Неадекватное лобби, публичные заявления и пресс-конференции продолжают нагнетать истерию вокруг вопроса защиты авторских прав. Защищая собственный бизнес, люди склонны игнорировать перемены вокруг, технический прогресс и существующую действительность. Ресурс всегда был готов к конструктивному диалогу с правообладателями. В этом вопросе ничего не изменилось. Как и не изменилось нынешнее решение о прекращении работы.

Правда ли, что ресурс начнет работу под другим доменом или на другой территории? EX.UA и до этого не был замечен в нарушении своих обещаний, нет планов ничего менять и сейчас. Публично сделанное объявление остается в силе.

Будет ли доступен популярная опция: EX-файлы (анонимный обмен файлами)? Да. Над новым решением ведется работа. Это будет отдельная платформа со множеством дополнительных функций и улучшенными возможностями производительности.

Будет ли дополнительное время для переноса личных архивов с EX.UA? Да. В связи с многочисленными обращениями пользователей такая возможность сохранится до 31.12.16. Данный доступ будет возможно только в личные архивы пользователей. Публичный доступ к ресурсу будет ограничен с 01.12.16.

Будет ли доступна почта на домене EX.UA.? Почта на домене EX.UA будет доступна до 31.12.16. Начиная с 01.01.17, почта будет доступна на новом домене.

Где пользователям теперь хранить свои файлы? Просьбы и интерес пользователей услышаны. Рассматривается возможность запуска закрытого файлового хранилища. О новом проекте и его названии будет объявлено 21.12.16.

Что будет с самым дорогим доменом UANET? (Цитата взята из интернета) После 31 декабря 2016 сервисы на этом домене EX.UA предоставляться не будут ни в Белизе, ни в Ростовской области.

Что-бы закончить любые спекуляции вокруг Ex.ua о возможном "заграничном" будущем ресурса уведомляем : самый дорогой домен UANET продается. Цена домена EX.UA - 1 млн. долларов США. 100% вырученных средств будут потрачены на срочные и неотложные детские операции . Мы надеемся, что пользователи EX.UA поддержат это решение. За контролем целевого использования денег от реализации домена будет следить известная международная аудиторская компания. В случае отсутствия спроса на заявленную стоимость домен EX.UA останется в памяти и легендах украинского Интернета.)

Всем пользователям Ex.ua спасибо за любовь и поддержку.

Dear users EX.UA.

The decision to terminate the activities of the portal stirred the Internet community and has raised a wave of discussion. In resource-mail comes a lot of questions. Once more they were asked to blogs, chat rooms, and publications. Part of every kind of speculation was voiced "well-wishers". Those who followed the "ether", noted special attention to the subject of some media pocket. Ignore these questions correctly in relation to the community EX.UA. Therefore, we will give answers to the most asked questions.

Whether the resource to resume work due to the veto of the bill 3081d? Assume that the veto of the bill solution is based on sound analysis of the controversial law. Resource never was intended to influence the position of the President. The only criterion for decision on closing the resource decisions have always been the interests of users. However, the problem itself has not disappeared. Inadequate lobby, public statements and press conferences continue to whip up hysteria around the issue of copyright protection. Protecting your own business, people tend to ignore the changes around, technical progress and the current reality. The resource was always ready for a constructive dialogue with rights holders. In this regard, nothing has changed. As not to change the current decision to stop working.

Is it true that the resource will begin work under a different domain or to another area? EX.UA and before that was not seen in the violation of their promises, there are no plans to change anything now. Publicly made the announcement remains valid.

EX-files (anonymous file sharing): a popular option be made available? Yes. Above the new solution is working. This will be a separate platform with many additional features and improved performance capabilities.

Will the extra time to transfer the personal archives EX.UA? Yes. Due to numerous requests of users the opportunity to continue to 31/12/16. This access will be possible only in the users' personal files. Public access to the resource will be limited to 01/12/16.

It is available on EX.UA. mail domain? Mail to EX.UA domain will be available until 31/12/16. Starting with 1.1.17, the mail will be available in the new domain.

Where users now store your files? Requests and interest heard members. The possibility of launching a closed file storage. About the new project and its name will be announced on 21/12/16.

What will happen to the most expensive domain UANET? (Quote taken from the Internet) After December 31, 2016 the services on this domain EX.UA provided will neither Belize nor in the Rostov region.

Something to end any speculation about the possible Ex.ua "overseas" inform future resource: the most expensive domain name sold UANET. Domain Price EX.UA - 1 million US dollars.. 100% of the proceeds will be spent on emergency and urgent children's surgery. We hope that users EX.UA support this decision. For the control of the target the use of money from the sale of the domain will follow well-known international auditing company. In the absence of demand for the declared value EX.UA domain will remain in the memory and legend of the Ukrainian Internet.)

All users Ex.ua thank you for your love and support.


The XSPF files are still available from the website. These files contain URLs that 301 redirect to the actual file for download.

The XSPF URLs are formatted like ex.ua/filelist/[0-9]+.xspf. URLs inside the XSPF file are formatted like ex.ua/get/[0-9]+, which give a 301 redirect to the file for download. The Wayback Machine was allowed access to the file past the 301 redirect on /get/ URL and has archived quite some files from the website.

If a file has been deleted, the /get/ URL will redirect to a /view/ URL.

The Wayback machine has archived an unknown percentage of the user accounts and file lists.


On a search engine, search with 'site:ex.ua'. This will yield many results for files. The links of these results might not be accessible, but the files can still be downloaded using the above method.

Note that the results will get be removed because they are not working anymore.

Warrior project

A Warrior project is being written for this website. All XSPF files and /get/ URLs without the file they redirect to will be archived. Only on request the file the /get/ URL redirects to will be archived, due to the total size of the data. Only /get/ URLs suggested to us will be archived through the warrior project.

The XSPF and /get/ URLs will be brute-forced.


For some reason http://www.ex.ua/user/username URLs still work, and return a list of a user's friends. This needs to be dumped so a friend graph can be recreated.

It has also been found that http://www.ex.ua/user_say?login=username will retrieve a list of things a user talked about - namely, the files they shared. This is the only known way to associate a given folder with the user who created that folder, and is thus a high priority.

